
112 lines
3.3 KiB

import { Button, VerticalBox, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListView, HorizontalBox, LineEdit } from "std-widgets.slint";
import { DemoPalette, Page } from "common.slint";
import { HomePage, TodoItem } from "./homepage.slint";
import { DevicesPage } from "welcome.slint";
// export struct TodoItem {
// title: string,
// checked: bool,
// }
component AppNavigation inherits Rectangle {
in-out property <bool> active;
callback activate;
GridLayout {
padding: 0px;
TouchArea {
clicked => { root.activate(); }
export component MainWindow inherits Window {
callback quit();
preferred-width: 400px;
preferred-height: 600px;
title: @tr("Serial");
out property<int> active-page: 0;
// out property<string> active-page: home;
callback todo-added(string);
in property <[TodoItem]> todo-model: [
{ title: "Implement the .slint file", checked: true },
{ title: "Do the Rust part", checked: false },
{ title: "Make the C++ code", checked: false },
{ title: "Write some JavaScript code", checked: false },
{ title: "Test the application", checked: false },
{ title: "Ship to customer", checked: false },
{ title: "???", checked: false },
{ title: "Profit", checked: false },
HorizontalLayout {
padding: 10px;
// padding-left: 67px;
// alignment: center;
main-view := Rectangle {
// height: 100%;
// border-radius: 30px;
// background:;
Rectangle {
clip: true;
x: main-view.border-radius / 2;
y: main-view.border-radius / 2;
width: main-view.width - main-view.border-radius;
height: main-view.height - main-view.border-radius;
home-page := DevicesPage {
y: == 0 ? 0 : < 0 ? - self.height - 1px : parent.height + 1px;
animate y { duration: 125ms; easing: ease; }
HomePage {
y: == 1 ? 0 : < 1 ? - self.height - 1px : parent.height + 1px;
animate y { duration: 125ms; easing: ease; }
navigation := Rectangle {
width: 57px;
x: 10px;
function icon-y(index: int) -> length {
return 200px // top padding
+ index * 72px;
for page-icon[idx] in [
// @image-url("images/ink.svg"),
] : AppNavigation {
y: navigation.icon-y(idx);
x: 16px;
height: 35px;
width: 30px;
icon := Image {
// colorize: ( == idx) ? : DemoPalette.inactive-page-icon-color;
// animate colorize {
// duration: 125ms;
// }
source: page-icon;
image-fit: contain;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
activate => { = idx;