
103 lines
3.6 KiB

// slint::include_modules!();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
use slint_ui::*;
extern crate testfrontend;
use std::rc::Rc;
/// Returns the current time formated as a string
fn current_time() -> slint::SharedString {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
return chrono::Local::now().format("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y").to_string().into();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
return "".into();
// use crate::slint_ui::TodoItem;
// use crate::slint_ui::MainWindow;
fn main() {
// fn main() -> Result<(), slint::PlatformError> {
// This provides better error messages in debug mode.
// It's disabled in release mode so it doesn't bloat up the file size.
#[cfg(all(debug_assertions, target_arch = "wasm32"))]
let main_window = MainWindow::new().unwrap();
TodoItem { checked: true, title: "Implement the .slint file".into() },
TodoItem { checked: true, title: "Do the Rust part".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Make the C++ code".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Write some JavaScript code".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Test the application".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Ship to customer".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "???".into() },
TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Profit".into() },
// let todo_model = Rc::new(slint::VecModel::<TodoItem>::from(vec![
// TodoItem { checked: true, title: "Implement the .slint file".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: true, title: "Do the Rust part".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Make the C++ code".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Write some JavaScript code".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Test the application".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Ship to customer".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "???".into() },
// TodoItem { checked: false, title: "Profit".into() },
// ]));
// let ui = AppWindow::new()?;
let todo_model = todo_model.clone();
move |text| todo_model.push(TodoItem { checked: false, title: text })
main_window.on_quit(move || {
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
let weak_window = main_window.as_weak();
// main_window.on_popup_confirmed(move || {
// let window = weak_window.unwrap();
// window.hide().unwrap();
// });
let weak_window = main_window.as_weak();
let todo_model = todo_model.clone();
// main_window.window().on_close_requested(move || {
// let window = weak_window.unwrap();
// // if todo_model.iter().any(|t| !t.checked) {
// // // window.invoke_show_confirm_popup();
// // slint::CloseRequestResponse::KeepWindowShown
// // } else {
// // slint::CloseRequestResponse::HideWindow
// // }
// });
// let ui_handle = main_window.as_weak();
// main_window.on_request_increase_value(move || {
// let ui = ui_handle.unwrap();
// ui.set_counter(main_window.get_counter() + 1);
// });
mod slint_ui {
pub use testfrontend::*;
// pub use ui_settings_profile_server_window::*;
// pub use ui_settings_profile_window::*;