use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::Rc; use makepad_widgets::makepad_derive_widget::*; use makepad_widgets::makepad_draw::*; use makepad_widgets::widget::*; use crate::shared::popup_menu::*; live_design! { import makepad_draw::shader::std::*; import makepad_widgets::theme_desktop_dark::*; import crate::shared::popup_menu::*; DropDown = {{WechatDropDown}} { width: Fit, height: Fit, margin: {left: 1.0, right: 1.0, top: 1.0, bottom: 1.0}, align: {x: 0., y: 0.}, padding: {left: 5.0, top: 5.0, right: 4.0, bottom: 5.0} draw_bg: { fn pixel(self) -> vec4 { let sdf = Sdf2d::viewport(self.pos * self.rect_size); return sdf.result } } draw_icon: { instance hover: 0.0 instance pressed: 0.0 fn get_color(self) -> vec4 { return mix( mix( #9, #c, self.hover ), #9, self.pressed ) } } icon_walk: { width: 20., height: Fit} popup_menu: { } popup_shift: vec2(-6.0,4.0) selected_item: -1 animator: { hover = { default: off, off = { from: {all: Forward {duration: 0.1}} apply: { draw_icon: {pressed: 0.0, hover: 0.0} } } on = { from: { all: Forward {duration: 0.1} pressed: Forward {duration: 0.01} } apply: { draw_icon: {pressed: 0.0, hover: [{time: 0.0, value: 1.0}],} } } pressed = { from: {all: Forward {duration: 0.2}} apply: { draw_icon: {pressed: [{time: 0.0, value: 1.0}], hover: 1.0,} } } } } } } #[derive(Live)] pub struct WechatDropDown { #[animator] animator: Animator, #[walk] walk: Walk, #[layout] layout: Layout, #[live] draw_bg: DrawQuad, #[live] draw_icon: DrawIcon, #[live] icon_walk: Walk, #[live] bind: String, #[live] bind_enum: String, #[live] popup_menu: Option, #[live] labels: Vec, #[live] values: Vec, #[live] icons: Vec, #[live] popup_shift: DVec2, #[rust] is_open: bool, #[live] selected_item: usize, } impl LiveHook for WechatDropDown { fn before_live_design(cx: &mut Cx) { register_widget!(cx, WechatDropDown) } fn after_apply(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, from: ApplyFrom, _index: usize, _nodes: &[LiveNode]) { if self.popup_menu.is_none() || !from.is_from_doc() { return; } let global =; let mut map =; // when live styling clean up old style references map.retain(|k, _| cx.live_registry.borrow().generation_valid(*k)); let list_box = self.popup_menu.unwrap(); map.get_or_insert(cx, list_box, |cx| { PopupMenu::new_from_ptr(cx, Some(list_box)) }); } } #[derive(Clone, WidgetAction, Debug)] pub enum WechatDropDownAction { Select(usize, LiveValue), None, } #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct PopupMenuGlobal { map: Rc>>, } impl WechatDropDown { pub fn toggle_open(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) { if self.is_open { self.set_closed(cx); } else { self.set_open(cx); } } pub fn set_open(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) { self.is_open = true; self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); let global =; let mut map =; let lb = map.get_mut(&self.popup_menu.unwrap()).unwrap(); let node_id = LiveId(self.selected_item as u64).into(); lb.init_select_item(node_id); cx.sweep_lock(self.draw_bg.area()); } pub fn set_closed(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) { self.is_open = false; self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); cx.sweep_unlock(self.draw_bg.area()); } pub fn handle_event_with( &mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &Event, dispatch_action: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Cx, WechatDropDownAction), ) { self.animator_handle_event(cx, event); if self.is_open && self.popup_menu.is_some() { let global =; let mut map =; let menu = map.get_mut(&self.popup_menu.unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut close = false; menu.handle_event_with( cx, event, self.draw_bg.area(), &mut |cx, action| if let PopupMenuAction::WasSelected(node_id) = action { self.selected_item = node_id.0 .0 as usize; dispatch_action( cx, WechatDropDownAction::Select( self.selected_item, self.values .get(self.selected_item) .cloned() .unwrap_or(LiveValue::None), ), ); self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); close = true; }, ); if close { self.set_closed(cx); } // check if we touch outside of the popup menu if let Event::MouseDown(e) = event { if !menu.menu_contains_pos(cx, e.abs) { self.set_closed(cx); self.animator_play(cx, id!(; } } } // TODO: close on clicking outside of the popup menu match event.hits_with_sweep_area(cx, self.draw_bg.area(), self.draw_bg.area()) { Hit::KeyFocusLost(_) => { self.set_closed(cx); self.animator_play(cx, id!(; self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); } Hit::KeyDown(ke) => match ke.key_code { KeyCode::ArrowUp => { if self.selected_item > 0 { self.selected_item -= 1; dispatch_action( cx, WechatDropDownAction::Select( self.selected_item, self.values[self.selected_item].clone(), ), ); self.set_closed(cx); self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); } } KeyCode::ArrowDown => { if !self.values.is_empty() && self.selected_item < self.values.len() - 1 { self.selected_item += 1; dispatch_action( cx, WechatDropDownAction::Select( self.selected_item, self.values[self.selected_item].clone(), ), ); self.set_closed(cx); self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); } } _ => (), }, Hit::FingerDown(_fe) => { cx.set_key_focus(self.draw_bg.area()); self.toggle_open(cx); self.animator_play(cx, id!(hover.pressed)); } Hit::FingerHoverIn(_) => { cx.set_cursor(MouseCursor::Hand); self.animator_play(cx, id!(hover.on)); } Hit::FingerHoverOut(_) => { self.animator_play(cx, id!(; } Hit::FingerUp(fe) => { if fe.is_over { if fe.device.has_hovers() { self.animator_play(cx, id!(hover.on)); } } else { self.animator_play(cx, id!(; } } _ => (), }; } pub fn draw_walk(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx2d, walk: Walk) { // cx.clear_sweep_lock(self.draw_bg.area()); self.draw_bg.begin(cx, walk, self.layout); //let start_pos = cx.turtle().rect().pos; self.draw_icon.draw_walk(cx, self.icon_walk); self.draw_bg.end(cx); cx.add_nav_stop(self.draw_bg.area(), NavRole::DropDown, Margin::default()); if self.is_open && self.popup_menu.is_some() { // cx.set_sweep_lock(self.draw_bg.area()); let global =; let mut map =; let popup_menu = map.get_mut(&self.popup_menu.unwrap()).unwrap(); popup_menu.begin(cx); for (i, item) in self.labels.iter().enumerate() { let node_id = LiveId(i as u64).into(); popup_menu.draw_item(cx, node_id, item, self.icons[i].clone()); } popup_menu.end(cx, self.draw_bg.area()); } } } // It is named WechatDropDown because DropDown is already a widget in makepad_widgets impl Widget for WechatDropDown { fn widget_to_data( &self, _cx: &mut Cx, actions: &WidgetActions, nodes: &mut LiveNodeVec, path: &[LiveId], ) -> bool { match actions.single_action(self.widget_uid()) { WechatDropDownAction::Select(_, value) => { nodes.write_field_value(path, value.clone()); true } _ => false, } } fn data_to_widget(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx, nodes: &[LiveNode], path: &[LiveId]) { if let Some(value) = nodes.read_field_value(path) { if let Some(index) = self.values.iter().position(|v| v == value) { if self.selected_item != index { self.selected_item = index; self.redraw(cx); } } else { // error!("Value not in values list {:?}", value); } } } fn redraw(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx) { self.draw_bg.redraw(cx); } fn handle_widget_event_with( &mut self, cx: &mut Cx, event: &Event, dispatch_action: &mut dyn FnMut(&mut Cx, WidgetActionItem), ) { let uid = self.widget_uid(); self.handle_event_with(cx, event, &mut |cx, action| { dispatch_action(cx, WidgetActionItem::new(action.into(), uid)) }); } fn walk(&mut self, _cx: &mut Cx) -> Walk { self.walk } fn draw_walk_widget(&mut self, cx: &mut Cx2d, walk: Walk) -> WidgetDraw { self.draw_walk(cx, walk); WidgetDraw::done() } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, WidgetRef)] pub struct WechatDropDownRef(WidgetRef); impl WechatDropDownRef { pub fn item_clicked(&mut self, item_id: &[LiveId], actions: &WidgetActions) -> bool { if let Some(item) = actions.find_single_action(self.widget_uid()) { if let WechatDropDownAction::Select(_id, value) = item.action() { return LiveValue::Bool(true) == value.enum_eq(item_id) } } return false } }