2023-04-17 10:54:12 +02:00
alacritty Set shell to zsh 🐚🐚 2022-05-12 06:17:45 +02:00
bspwm Create bspwm config 2022-11-02 10:07:43 +02:00
cava [update] Use the dracula theam for cava 2023-04-17 08:31:43 +02:00
cmus [clean] Remove the cmus garpage 2023-04-15 08:02:05 +02:00
cmus-rpc Create the cmus-rpc configs :D 2023-01-20 22:29:35 +02:00
cmus-rps-rs Create the cmus-rps-rs configs :P 2023-01-20 22:30:38 +02:00
copyq [add/new] Add the copyq configs 2023-04-17 08:57:57 +02:00
doom Improve the doom configs :) 2023-03-04 12:02:11 +02:00
dunst [update] use the dracula theme with dunst 2023-04-17 09:16:42 +02:00
fish [update] Udate the fish shell config 2023-04-15 07:56:47 +02:00
htop Add htop config 2022-04-20 18:26:50 +02:00
i3 remove the mod+q key binding 2022-03-26 22:27:29 +02:00
kitty [update] Use the dracula theme with kitty 2023-04-17 09:30:56 +02:00
neofetch Update neofetch config 😆 2022-08-09 12:05:54 +02:00
nnn Create nnn config 2023-03-03 21:35:17 +02:00
nvim/lua/custom Fix neovim configs 🥰 2022-07-17 15:20:40 +02:00
ohmyposh Create the oh-my-posh theme 2023-04-15 03:26:18 +02:00
picom [update] Changa the dwm oppacity to 80% 2023-04-17 10:47:25 +02:00
polybar Create polybar config :p 2022-11-02 10:09:32 +02:00
qt5ct [add/new] Add the qt5 configs 2023-04-17 09:57:02 +02:00
qtile update yoo 🥰 2022-08-05 21:41:34 +02:00
rofi add more 2022-02-20 18:28:50 +02:00
scripts Add stickykeys script 😍 2022-07-12 06:16:59 +02:00
shell [update] Add ~/.local/bin to the path 2023-04-17 10:54:12 +02:00
sxhkd Create sxhkd config :D 2022-11-02 10:08:35 +02:00
zellij Create a basic configs to zellij :P 2023-01-07 01:11:20 +02:00