source "$HOME/.config/shell/" source "$HOME/.config/shell/" source "$HOME/.config/shell/" USE_POWERLINE="true" setopt correct # Auto corect mistakes setopt nobeep # No beep setopt dvorak # Use the Dvorak keyboard instead of the standard qwerty keyboard setopt correctall # Try to correct the spelling of all arguments in a line. setopt aliases # Expand aliases # Enable colors and change prompt: autoload -U colors && colors PS1="%B%{$fg[red]%}[%{$fg[yellow]%}%n%{$fg[green]%}@%{$fg[blue]%}%M %{$fg[magenta]%}%~%{$fg[red]%}]%{$reset_color%}$%b " # PROMPT="%B%{$fg[cyan]%}%(4~|%-1~/.../%2~|%~)%u%b >%{$fg[cyan]%}>%B%(?.% " # History in cache directory: HISTSIZE=1000000000 SAVEHIST=1000000000 HISTFILE=~/.shell_history # Basic auto/tab complete: autoload -U compinit zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zmodload zsh/complist compinit _comp_options+=(globdots) # Include hidden files. # Speed up completions zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact '*(N)' zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache ## Plugins section: # Enable fish style features source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh # Use syntax highlighting source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh # Use history substring search source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-history-substring-search/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh # Offer to install missing package if command is not found if [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/functions/command-not-found.zsh ]]; then source /usr/share/zsh/functions/command-not-found.zsh export PKGFILE_PROMPT_INSTALL_MISSING=1 fi # Key bindings section # vi mode bindkey -v export KEYTIMEOUT=1 # Use vim keys in tab complete menu: bindkey -M menuselect 'h' vi-backward-char bindkey -M menuselect 'k' vi-up-line-or-history bindkey -M menuselect 'l' vi-forward-char bindkey -M menuselect 'j' vi-down-line-or-history bindkey -v '^?' backward-delete-char # Change cursor shape for different vi modes. function zle-keymap-select { if [[ ${KEYMAP} == vicmd ]] || [[ $1 = 'block' ]]; then echo -ne '\e[1 q' elif [[ ${KEYMAP} == main ]] || [[ ${KEYMAP} == viins ]] || [[ ${KEYMAP} = '' ]] || [[ $1 = 'beam' ]]; then echo -ne '\e[5 q' fi } zle -N zle-keymap-select zle-line-init() { zle -K viins # initiate `vi insert` as keymap (can be removed if `bindkey -V` has been set elsewhere) echo -ne "\e[5 q" } zle -N zle-line-init echo -ne '\e[5 q' # Use beam shape cursor on startup. preexec() { echo -ne '\e[5 q' ;} # Use beam shape cursor for each new prompt. # Use lf to switch directories and bind it to ctrl-o lfcd () { tmp="$(mktemp)" lf -last-dir-path="$tmp" "$@" if [ -f "$tmp" ]; then dir="$(cat "$tmp")" rm -f "$tmp" [ -d "$dir" ] && [ "$dir" != "$(pwd)" ] && cd "$dir" fi } bindkey -s '^o' 'lfcd\n' # Edit line in vim with ctrl-e: autoload edit-command-line; zle -N edit-command-line bindkey '^e' edit-command-line # bind UP and DOWN arrow keys to history substring search zmodload zsh/terminfo bindkey "$terminfo[kcuu1]" history-substring-search-up bindkey "$terminfo[kcud1]" history-substring-search-down bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down # Auto open tmux session # if command -v tmux &> /dev/null && [ -n "$PS1" ] && [[ ! "$TERM" =~ screen ]] && [[ ! "$TERM" =~ tmux ]] && [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then # exec tmux # fi # Fix cava not showing bars LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Auto run echo "Don't worry I'm here for you <3" # eval "$(starship init zsh)" eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config ~/.config/ohmyposh/1_shell.omp.json)"