### EXPORT ### set fish_greeting # Supresses fish's intro message set TERM "xterm-256color" # Sets the terminal type set EDITOR "nvim" # $EDITOR use nvim in terminal set VISUAL "neovide" # $VISUAL use neovide in GUI mode source $HOME/.config/fish/completions/* source $HOME/.config/fish/functions/functions.fish # Loads the functions file source $HOME/.config/shell/aliases.sh # Loads the aliases file source $HOME/.config/nnn/config.sh export GTK_IM_MODULE="fcitx" export QT_IM_MODULE="fcitx" export SDL_IM_MODULE="fcitx" export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx" ### SET MANPAGER ### Uncomment only one of these! ### "bat" as manpager set -x MANPAGER "sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'" ### "vim" as manpager # set -x MANPAGER '/bin/bash -c "vim -MRn -c \"set buftype=nofile showtabline=0 ft=man ts=8 nomod nolist norelativenumber nonu noma\" -c \"normal L\" -c \"nmap q :qa\"