#!/bin/sh set -e if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]] ; then echo "Please run as root" ; exit 1 ; fi echo "Setting up Noto Emoji font..." # 1 - install noto-fonts-emoji package pacman -S noto-fonts-emoji --needed # pacman -S powerline-fonts --needed echo "Recommended system font: inconsolata regular (ttf-inconsolata or powerline-fonts)" # 2 - add font config to /etc/fonts/conf.d/01-notosans.conf echo " sans-serif Noto Sans Noto Color Emoji Noto Emoji DejaVu Sans serif Noto Serif Noto Color Emoji Noto Emoji DejaVu Serif monospace Noto Mono Noto Color Emoji Noto Emoji DejaVu Sans Mono " > /etc/fonts/local.conf # 3 - update font cache via fc-cache fc-cache echo "Noto Emoji Font installed! You may need to restart applications like chrome. If chrome displays no symbols or no letters, your default font contains emojis." echo "consider inconsolata regular"