use std::io::Write; use crate::interpreter::Interpreter; struct Repl { interpreter: Interpreter, history: Vec, } impl Repl { pub fn new(interpreter: Interpreter) -> Self { Self { interpreter, history: Vec::new(), } } pub fn run(mut self) { loop { print!("\n> "); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); let mut input = String::new(); match std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input) { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => { error!("Failed to read input: {}", e); std::process::exit(1); } } input = input.trim().to_string(); // Remove trailing newline self.history.push(input.clone()); // Save input to history if input.starts_with("!") { self.run_repl_cmd(input); } else { match { Ok(_) => { info!("Successfully ran brainfuck source code from REPL"); } Err((e, _)) => { error!("Failed to run brainfuck source code from REPL: {}", e); } } } } } fn run_repl_cmd(&mut self, input: String) { let mut cmd = input.split_whitespace(); match { Some(repl_cmd) => { match repl_cmd { "fuck" => { println!("Bye bye :D"); std::process::exit(0); } "array" | "a" => { println!("Current array: {:?}", self.interpreter.cells); } "array_size" | "as" => { println!("Current array size: {}", self.interpreter.array_size); } "pointer" | "p" => { println!("Current pointer: {}", self.interpreter.pointer); } "history" | "h" => { println!("History:"); for (i, cmd) in self.history.iter().enumerate() { println!("{}: {}", i, cmd); } } "save" | "s" => { let file_name = .unwrap_or("brainfuck_repl_history.bfr"); println!("Saving history to file: {file_name}"); match std::fs::write(file_name, self.history.join("\n")) { Ok(_) => { info!("Successfully saved history to file: {file_name}"); } Err(e) => { error!("Failed to save history to file: {}", e); } } } "load" | "l" => { let file_name = .unwrap_or("brainfuck_repl_history.bfr"); println!("Loading history from file: {file_name}"); match std::fs::read_to_string(file_name) { Ok(history) => { info!("Successfully loaded history from file: {file_name}"); self.history = history.split("\n") .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect(); // Run all commands in history for cmd in self.history.iter() { match { Ok(_) => { info!("Successfully ran brainfuck source code from REPL"); } Err((e, _)) => { error!("Failed to run brainfuck source code from REPL: {}", e); } } } } Err(e) => { error!("Failed to load history from file: {}", e); } } } "reset" | "r" => { println!("Resetting REPL"); self.interpreter.reset(); } "help" => { println!("!array, !a: print the current array"); println!("!array_size, !as: print the current array size"); println!("!pointer, !p: print the current pointer value"); println!("!history, !h: print the history of the commands"); println!("!save, !s: save the history to a file"); println!("!load, !l: load the history from a file"); println!("!reset, !r: reset the interpreter"); println!("!help: show this fu*king help message"); println!("!fuck: exit the REPL mode"); } _ => println!("Unknown command: {}, type !help to show the help", input) } }, None => {} } } } pub fn start(interpreter: Interpreter) { info!("Entering REPL mode"); println!("Welcome to the brainfuck REPL mode! :)"); println!("Brainfuck interpreter v {}\nBy {}", clap::crate_version!(), clap::crate_authors!()); println!("Enter your brainfuck code and press enter to run it."); println!("Enter !fuck to exit :D"); println!("Enter !help fuck to get more help"); Repl::new(interpreter) .run(); }