# aarty: A simple CLI tool to convert the images to ASCII art with rust 🦀
![money mouth face colored scale 2](./srceenshots/money_mouth_face_colored_scale_2.png)
![money mouth face normal scale 2](./srceenshots/money_mouth_face_normal_scale_2.png)
More screenshots
![crab colored scale 1](./srceenshots/crap_colored_scale_1.png)
[Original image](./images/crab.png)
![crap colored scale](./srceenshots/crap_colored_scale_2.png)
[Original image](./images/crab.png)
![nerd face colored scale](./srceenshots/nerd_face_colored_scale_2.png)
[Original image](./images/nerd_face.png)
![nerd face normal scale](./srceenshots/nerd_face_normal_scale_2.png)
[Original image](./images/nerd_face.png)
[Original image](./images/anime_2.jpg)
![anime colored scale 3](./srceenshots/anime_colored_scale_3.gif)
[Original image](./images/anime.jpg)
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~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
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~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~
~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~
## Install
- from crates.io
crago install aarty
- From aur:
yay -S aarty
## Options and arguments
aarty --help
A simple CLI tool to convert the images to ASCII art
Usage: aarty [OPTIONS]
The image to convert to ASCII art
-m, --mode
The art mode to use
[default: normal-ascii]
Possible values:
- normal-ascii: Normal ASCII art
- colored: Colored ASCII art, the colors are based on the terminal colors
[default: stdout]
Possible values:
- file: Save the ascii art to a file
- stdout: Print the ascii art to the terminal
-c, --characters
The character to use for drawing the image (lighter to darker) You can user one character if you uses the color mode
[default: " .,-~!;:=*&%$@#"]
-s, --scale
The output scale (1 is the original size)
[default: 4]
-b, --background
The background color to use
-o, --output