// ==UserScript== // @name Admin Flag Notifier // @namespace https://github.com/Glorfindel83/ // @description Refreshes the flag dashboard automatically and sends desktop notifications when there are new flags. // @author Glorfindel // @version 0.1 // @match *://*.stackexchange.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.stackoverflow.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.superuser.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.serverfault.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.askubuntu.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.stackapps.com/admin/dashboard* // @match *://*.mathoverflow.net/admin/dashboard* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; if (Notification.permission !== 'granted') { Notification.requestPermission(); } // Determine site name var host = window.location.host; var sitename = host.split('.')[0]; // Determine current amount of flags var currentTitle = $('title').text(); var currentFlags = parseInt(currentTitle); console.log("Current: " + currentFlags); setInterval(function () { var url = 'https://' + host + '/admin/dashboard?filtered=false'; console.log("Calling: " + url); $.get(url, function (data) { var updatedTitle = $('').html(data).find('title').text(); var updatedFlags = parseInt(updatedTitle); console.log("Update: " + updatedFlags); // TODO: check on flag IDs instead if (updatedFlags < currentFlags) { console.log("Less flags."); // presumably, some flags have been handled and the page needs to be reloaded window.location.reload(); } else if (updatedFlags > currentFlags) { console.log("More flags."); // new flags, create a notification. Remember the current number, so that we don't send a notification twice for the same flag currentFlags = updatedFlags; if (Notification.permission === 'granted') { var notification = new Notification('New flags (total: ' + updatedFlags + ')', { icon: 'https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/' + sitename + '/img/apple-touch-icon.png', requireInteraction: true // on macOS, this only has effect when you set the notification types of your browser to 'Alert' instead of 'Banner'. }); console.log("Notification created."); notification.onclick = function() { console.log("Notification clicked."); window.focus(); // reload only here, otherwise the notification will be dismissed window.location.reload(); }; } } }); }, 60000); }) ();