diff --git a/patches/README.md b/patches/README.md
index 44e5d94..7a2422d 100644
--- a/patches/README.md
+++ b/patches/README.md
@@ -47,11 +47,9 @@ Video demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMRPsAgqtWQ
 - disable-mobileindicator: This is the patch inspired me to start working on CutTheCord. It makes your device act like a desktop client, and disables the "mobile indicator" on discord. However, this breaks notifications.
 - experiments: Enables some dev-only things, like developer options tab or a secret staff-only, half-assed AMOLED-optimized theme called "pure evil". The developer options tab does not work.
+- hideunusableemojis: Only shows the emojis the user can actually use (mostly hides custom emojis from other guilds when you don't have Nitro).
 - hqavatars: Uses 256x256 variants of avatars instead of 128x128.
 - **litecord**: Changes the server the app connects to, and specifically tries to connect to a Litecord server. [Litecord is a FOSS re-implementation of Discord's backend.](https://wildcard.elixi.re/i/l3lxhd3a.png)
 - **mutant**: Replaces official twemoji emojis with [mutant standard emojis](https://mutant.tech/), and injects custom mutantstd emojis to the app. Second patch I ever developed!
 ![Emoji drawer with mutant standard emojis](https://wildcard.elixi.re/t/ssnmlwgnc.png)
diff --git a/patches/hideunusableemojis/1213.patch b/patches/hideunusableemojis/1213.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb60fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/hideunusableemojis/1213.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Only in com.discord: build
+Only in com.discord: dist
+diff --color -crB com.discord-base/smali/com/discord/widgets/chat/input/emoji/EmojiPickerViewModel$Companion.smali com.discord/smali/com/discord/widgets/chat/input/emoji/EmojiPickerViewModel$Companion.smali
+*** com.discord-base/smali/com/discord/widgets/chat/input/emoji/EmojiPickerViewModel$Companion.smali	2020-07-30 01:52:32.303011366 +0300
+--- com.discord/smali/com/discord/widgets/chat/input/emoji/EmojiPickerViewModel$Companion.smali	2020-07-31 15:28:48.386493702 +0300
+*** 154,159 ****
+--- 154,165 ----
+      if-eqz v4, :cond_2
++     invoke-interface {v1}, Lcom/discord/models/domain/emoji/Emoji;->isUsable()Z
++     move-result v4
++     if-eqz v4, :cond_2
+      .line 5
+      new-instance v2, Lcom/discord/widgets/chat/input/emoji/WidgetEmojiAdapter$EmojiItem;
diff --git a/patches/hideunusableemojis/README.md b/patches/hideunusableemojis/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aff0538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/hideunusableemojis/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+## DisTok CutTheCord: Hide Unusable Emojis Patch
+This patch only shows the emojis the user can actually use (mostly hides custom emojis from other guilds when you don't have Nitro).
+#### Thanks
+Big thanks to [@BlueMods](https://gitdab.com/BlueMods) for sending in this patch.
+#### Available and tested on:
+- 34.0