
228 lines
7.4 KiB

// ignore_for_file: unused_element
import 'package:piped_api/src/model/stream_item.dart';
import 'package:built_collection/built_collection.dart';
import 'package:piped_api/src/model/channel_item.dart';
import 'package:piped_api/src/model/playlist_item.dart';
import 'package:built_value/built_value.dart';
import 'package:built_value/serializer.dart';
import 'package:one_of/one_of.dart';
part 'content_item.g.dart';
/// ContentItem
/// Properties:
/// * [type] - The type of the content item.
/// * [duration] - The duration of the video in seconds.
/// * [thumbnail] - The thumbnail of the playlist.
/// * [title] - The title of the video.
/// * [uploaded] - The date in unix epoch the video was uploaded.
/// * [uploadedDate] - The relative date the video was uploaded on.
/// * [uploaderAvatar] - The avatar of the channel of the video.
/// * [uploaderName] - The name of the channel of the video.
/// * [uploaderUrl] - The relative URL of the channel of the video.
/// * [uploaderVerified] - Whether or not the channel has a verified badge.
/// * [url] - The relative URL of the playlist.
/// * [views] - The number of views the video has.
/// * [isShort] - Whether or not the video is a short video.
/// * [shortDescription] - The short description of the video.
/// * [description] - The description of the channel.
/// * [name] - The name of the playlist.
/// * [subscribers] - The number of subscribers the channel has.
/// * [verified] - Whether the channel is verified.
/// * [videos] - The number of videos in the playlist.
abstract class ContentItem implements Built<ContentItem, ContentItemBuilder> {
/// The type of the content item.
@BuiltValueField(wireName: r'type')
ContentItemTypeEnum get type;
// enum typeEnum { stream, channel, playlist, };
/// One Of [ChannelItem], [PlaylistItem], [StreamItem]
OneOf get oneOf;
static const String discriminatorFieldName = r'type';
static const Map<String, Type> discriminatorMapping = {
r'channel': ChannelItem,
r'playlist': PlaylistItem,
r'stream': StreamItem,
factory ContentItem([void updates(ContentItemBuilder b)]) = _$ContentItem;
@BuiltValueHook(initializeBuilder: true)
static void _defaults(ContentItemBuilder b) => b;
@BuiltValueSerializer(custom: true)
static Serializer<ContentItem> get serializer => _$ContentItemSerializer();
extension ContentItemDiscriminatorExt on ContentItem {
String? get discriminatorValue {
if (this is ChannelItem) {
return r'channel';
if (this is PlaylistItem) {
return r'playlist';
if (this is StreamItem) {
return r'stream';
return null;
extension ContentItemBuilderDiscriminatorExt on ContentItemBuilder {
String? get discriminatorValue {
if (this is ChannelItemBuilder) {
return r'channel';
if (this is PlaylistItemBuilder) {
return r'playlist';
if (this is StreamItemBuilder) {
return r'stream';
return null;
class _$ContentItemSerializer implements PrimitiveSerializer<ContentItem> {
final Iterable<Type> types = const [ContentItem, _$ContentItem];
final String wireName = r'ContentItem';
Iterable<Object?> _serializeProperties(
Serializers serializers,
ContentItem object, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
}) sync* {
yield r'type';
yield serializers.serialize(
specifiedType: const FullType(ContentItemTypeEnum),
Object serialize(
Serializers serializers,
ContentItem object, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
}) {
final oneOf = object.oneOf;
final result = _serializeProperties(serializers, object, specifiedType: specifiedType).toList();
result.addAll(serializers.serialize(oneOf.value, specifiedType: FullType(oneOf.valueType)) as Iterable<Object?>);
return result;
void _deserializeProperties(
Serializers serializers,
Object serialized, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
required List<Object?> serializedList,
required ContentItemBuilder result,
required List<Object?> unhandled,
}) {
for (var i = 0; i < serializedList.length; i += 2) {
final key = serializedList[i] as String;
final value = serializedList[i + 1];
switch (key) {
case r'type':
final valueDes = serializers.deserialize(
specifiedType: const FullType(ContentItemTypeEnum),
) as ContentItemTypeEnum;
result.type = valueDes;
ContentItem deserialize(
Serializers serializers,
Object serialized, {
FullType specifiedType = FullType.unspecified,
}) {
final result = ContentItemBuilder();
Object? oneOfDataSrc;
final serializedList = (serialized as Iterable<Object?>).toList();
final discIndex = serializedList.indexOf(ContentItem.discriminatorFieldName) + 1;
final discValue = serializers.deserialize(serializedList[discIndex], specifiedType: FullType(String)) as String;
final unhandled = <Object?>[];
specifiedType: specifiedType,
serializedList: serializedList,
unhandled: unhandled,
result: result
oneOfDataSrc = unhandled;
final oneOfTypes = [ChannelItem, PlaylistItem, StreamItem, ];
Object oneOfResult;
Type oneOfType;
switch (discValue) {
case r'channel':
oneOfResult = serializers.deserialize(
specifiedType: FullType(ChannelItem),
) as ChannelItem;
oneOfType = ChannelItem;
case r'playlist':
oneOfResult = serializers.deserialize(
specifiedType: FullType(PlaylistItem),
) as PlaylistItem;
oneOfType = PlaylistItem;
case r'stream':
oneOfResult = serializers.deserialize(
specifiedType: FullType(StreamItem),
) as StreamItem;
oneOfType = StreamItem;
throw UnsupportedError("Couldn't deserialize oneOf for the discriminator value: ${discValue}");
result.oneOf = OneOfDynamic(typeIndex: oneOfTypes.indexOf(oneOfType), types: oneOfTypes, value: oneOfResult);
return result.build();
class ContentItemTypeEnum extends EnumClass {
/// The type of the content item.
@BuiltValueEnumConst(wireName: r'stream')
static const ContentItemTypeEnum stream = _$contentItemTypeEnum_stream;
/// The type of the content item.
@BuiltValueEnumConst(wireName: r'channel')
static const ContentItemTypeEnum channel = _$contentItemTypeEnum_channel;
/// The type of the content item.
@BuiltValueEnumConst(wireName: r'playlist')
static const ContentItemTypeEnum playlist = _$contentItemTypeEnum_playlist;
static Serializer<ContentItemTypeEnum> get serializer => _$contentItemTypeEnumSerializer;
const ContentItemTypeEnum._(String name): super(name);
static BuiltSet<ContentItemTypeEnum> get values => _$contentItemTypeEnumValues;
static ContentItemTypeEnum valueOf(String name) => _$contentItemTypeEnumValueOf(name);