# piped_api.model.VideoInfo ## Load the model package ```dart import 'package:piped_api/api.dart'; ``` ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **audioStreams** | [**BuiltList<Stream>**](Stream.md) | | [optional] **videoStreams** | [**BuiltList<Stream>**](Stream.md) | | [optional] **description** | **String** | The video's description. | [optional] **dislikes** | **int** | The number of dislikes the video has. | [optional] **duration** | **int** | The video's duration in seconds. | [optional] **hls** | **String** | The stream of the video in a HLS manifest. | [optional] **lbryId** | **String** | The LBRY ID of the video. | [optional] **likes** | **int** | The number of likes the video has. | [optional] **livestream** | **bool** | Whether the video is a livestream. | [optional] **proxyUrl** | **String** | The base URL of the backend instance's proxy. | [optional] **subtitles** | [**BuiltList<Subtitle>**](Subtitle.md) | | [optional] **dash** | **String** | The URL of the DASH manifest. | [optional] **thumbnailUrl** | **String** | The URL of the video's thumbnail. | [optional] **title** | **String** | The video's title. | [optional] **uploadDate** | **String** | The date the video was uploaded. | [optional] **uploader** | **String** | The video's uploader. | [optional] **uploaderAvatar** | **String** | The URL of the video's uploader's avatar. | [optional] **uploaderUrl** | **String** | The relative URL of the video's uploader. | [optional] **uploaderVerified** | **bool** | Whether the video's uploader is verified. | [optional] **views** | **int** | The number of views the video has. | [optional] **relatedStreams** | [**BuiltList<StreamItem>**](StreamItem.md) | | [optional] [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)