# Hugo Whisper Theme Whisper is a minimal documentation theme built for Hugo. The design and functionality is intentionally minimal. [Live Demo](https://hugo-whisper.netlify.com/) | [Zerostatic Themes](https://www.zerostatic.io/theme/hugo-whisper/) ![Hugo Whisper Theme screenshot](https://github.com/JugglerX/hugo-whisper-theme/blob/master/images/screenshot-with-border.png) ## Theme features ### Content Types - Docs (Markdown) - Homepage ### Content Management - This theme generates documentation from markdown files located in `content/docs` - The "Home" page is not documentation, it can be used to introduce your project etc. ### Features - Beautiful and clean typography for all semantic HTML elements ### SCSS - SCSS (Hugo Pipelines) - Responsive design - Bootstrap 4 grid and media queries only ### Speed - 100/100 Google Lighthouse speed score - 21KB without images ⚡ - Vanilla JS only ### Menu - Responsive mobile menu managed in `config.toml` ### Content - Documentation examples included, using all markdown syntax # Installation To use this theme you will need to have Hugo installed. If you don't already have Hugo installed please follow the official [installation guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) ### Check Hugo Version This theme uses [Hugo Pipes](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/scss-sass/) to compile SCSS and minify assets. Please make sure you have the `Hugo Extended` version installed. If you are not using the extended version this theme will not not compile. ``` hugo version ``` ### Create a new Hugo site ``` hugo new site mynewsite ``` This will create a fresh Hugo site in the folder `mynewsite`. ### Install theme Copy or git clone this theme into the sites themes folder `mynewsite/themes` #### Install with Git ``` cd mynewsite git clone https://github.com/jugglerx/hugo-whisper-theme.git themes/hugo-whisper-theme ``` #### Install from .zip file You can download the .zip file located here https://github.com/JugglerX/hugo-whisper-theme/archive/master.zip. Extract the downloaded .zip inside the `themes` folder. Rename the extracted folder from `hugo-whisper-theme-master` -> `hugo-whisper-theme`. You should end up with the following folder structure `mynewsite/themes/hugo-whisper-theme` ### Add example content Copy the entire contents of the `mynewsite/themes/hugo-whisper-theme/exampleSite/` folder to root folder of your Hugo site, ie `mynewsite/` To copy the files using terminal, make sure you are still in the projects root, ie the `mynewsite` folder. ``` cp -a themes/hugo-whisper-theme/exampleSite/. . ``` ### Update config.toml After you copy the `config.toml` into the root folder of your Hugo site you will need to update the `baseURL`, `themesDir` and `theme` values in `mynewsite/config.toml` ``` baseURL = "/" themesDir = "themes" theme = "hugo-whisper-theme" ``` ### Run Hugo After installing the theme for the first time, generate the Hugo site. You run this command from the root folder of your Hugo site ie `mynewsite/` ``` hugo ``` For local development run Hugo's built-in local server. ``` hugo server ``` Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313) in the address bar of your browser.