To use this theme you will need to have Hugo installed. If you don't already have Hugo installed please follow the official [installation guide](
### Check Hugo Version
This theme uses [Hugo Pipes]( to compile SCSS and minify assets. Please make sure you have the `Hugo Extended` version installed. If you are not using the extended version this theme will not not compile.
hugo version
### Create a new Hugo site
hugo new site mynewsite
This will create a fresh Hugo site in the folder `mynewsite`.
### Install theme
Copy or git clone this theme into the sites themes folder `mynewsite/themes`
Extract the downloaded .zip inside the `themes` folder. Rename the extracted folder from `hugo-whisper-theme-master` -> `hugo-whisper-theme`. You should end up with the following folder structure `mynewsite/themes/hugo-whisper-theme`
After you copy the `config.toml` into the root folder of your Hugo site you will need to update the `baseURL`, `themesDir` and `theme` values in `mynewsite/config.toml`