#!/bin/bash CURLOPTS=(-i -s -S -o /dev/null -f -w "%{http_code}\tTime:\t%{time_starttransfer}\t%{url_effective}\n") HOST= # Healthcheck Test curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/healthcheck || exit 1 # Version Test curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/version || exit 1 # Trending Page curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/trending?region=US || exit 1 # Channel Pages curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/channel/UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q || exit 1 curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/c/inanutshell || exit 1 curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/user/Kurzgesagt || exit 1 # Channel Nextpage CHANNEL_NEXTPAGE=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/channel/UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q | jq -r .nextpage) curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/nextpage/channel/UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$CHANNEL_NEXTPAGE" || exit 1 # Playlist curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/playlists/PLQSoWXSpjA3-egtFq45DcUydZ885W7MTT || exit 1 # Playlist Nextpage PLAYLIST_NEXTPAGE=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/playlists/PLQSoWXSpjA3-egtFq45DcUydZ885W7MTT | jq -r .nextpage) curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/nextpage/playlists/UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$PLAYLIST_NEXTPAGE" || exit 1 # Clips curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/clips/Ugkx71jS31nwsms_Cc65oi7yXF1mILflhhrO || exit 1 # Streams curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/streams/BtN-goy9VOY || exit 1 # Comments curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/comments/BtN-goy9VOY || exit 1 # Comments Nextpage COMMENTS_NEXTPAGE=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/comments/BtN-goy9VOY | jq -r .nextpage) curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/nextpage/comments/BtN-goy9VOY -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$COMMENTS_NEXTPAGE" || exit 1 # Comments Repliespage COMMENTS_REPLIESPAGE=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/comments/BtN-goy9VOY | jq -r .comments[0].repliesPage) curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/nextpage/comments/BtN-goy9VOY -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$COMMENTS_REPLIESPAGE" || exit 1 # Comments Replies Nextpage COMMENTS_REPLIES_NEXTPAGE=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/nextpage/comments/BtN-goy9VOY -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$COMMENTS_REPLIESPAGE" | jq -r .nextpage) curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/nextpage/comments/BtN-goy9VOY -G --data-urlencode "nextpage=$COMMENTS_REPLIES_NEXTPAGE" || exit 1 USER=admin PASS=$(openssl rand -base64 12) AUTH_REQ=$(jq -n --compact-output --arg username "$USER" --arg password "$PASS" '{"username": $username, "password": $password}') # Register Account curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/register -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $AUTH_REQ || exit 1 # Login Account curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/login -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $AUTH_REQ || exit 1 AUTH_TOKEN=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/login -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d $AUTH_REQ | jq -r .token) if [[ -z "$AUTH_TOKEN" || $AUTH_TOKEN == "null" ]]; then echo "Failed to get auth token" exit 1 fi # Check Subscription Status curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/subscribed -G --data-urlencode "channelId=UCsXVk37bltHxD1rDPwtNM8Q" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" || exit 1 # Subscribe to a Channel curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/subscribe -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg channelId "UCfdNM3NAhaBOXCafH7krzrA" '{"channelId": $channelId}') || exit 1 # Unsubscribe from the Channel curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/unsubscribe -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg channelId "UCfdNM3NAhaBOXCafH7krzrA" '{"channelId": $channelId}') || exit 1 # Resubscribe to the Channel curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/subscribe -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg channelId "UCfdNM3NAhaBOXCafH7krzrA" '{"channelId": $channelId}') || exit 1 # Wait 2s to allow the subscription request to be processed sleep 2 # Check Feed curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/feed -G --data-urlencode "authToken=$AUTH_TOKEN" || exit 1 PLAYLIST_NAME=$(openssl rand -hex 6) # Create a Playlist curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/user/playlists/create -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg name "$PLAYLIST_NAME" '{"name": $name}') || exit 1 # See created playlists curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/user/playlists -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" || exit 1 # Get Playlist ID PLAYLIST_ID=$(curl -s -o - -f $HOST/user/playlists -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" | jq -r ".[0].id") || exit 1 # Playlist Test curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/playlists/$PLAYLIST_ID || exit 1 # Add to Playlist Test curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/user/playlists/add -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg videoId "BtN-goy9VOY" --arg playlistId $PLAYLIST_ID '{"videoId": $videoId, "playlistId": $playlistId}') || exit 1 # Remove from Playlist Test curl ${CURLOPTS[@]} $HOST/user/playlists/remove -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: $AUTH_TOKEN" -d $(jq -n --compact-output --arg index "0" --arg playlistId $PLAYLIST_ID '{"index": $index, "playlistId": $playlistId}') || exit 1