**You will need to uninstall any and all existing Discord or CutTheCord applications from your phone before installing one, or else installation will fail.**
- Get apktool (due to [a bug](https://github.com/iBotPeaches/Apktool/issues/1909) present on v2.3.4, I recommend using [this build](https://elixi.re/i/cq4r2zxg.jar))
- If you want Mutant Standard emoji patches, get 72x72 copies of latest version of mutant standard emojis with codepoints. I have a zip [here](https://mutant.lavatech.top/72x72.zip).
- Get a Discord apk (*cough* [apkmirror](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/discord-inc/discord-chat-for-gamers/), [aptoide API](https://ws75.aptoide.com/api/7/app/getMeta?package_name=com.discord)).
- Get all the necessary patches for that version. Necessary patches are not available for all versions and are only required to get some versions to pack together correctly.
- Get optional patches you want for your version. If the patch you want isn't available for your version, you'll have to port them yourself.
- If you want mutant (or other emoji patches), edit `patches/mutant/emojireplace.py` to point to extracted discord folder (`extracted_discord_path`), and apply emoji patches (`python3 emojireplace.py`)
You can use `patchport` to easily attempt to port patches.
It's not really intelligent and doesn't do much more than just checking if an existing patch can be applied to a given version (it also replaces relevant variables required for porting various patches), but it saves a lot of time if used carefully.
Example command: `python3 patchport.py 839 8.3.9g /home/ave/Downloads/dic/com.discord-841 /home/ave/Projects/cutthecord/`