forked from ReScrap/ScrapHacks
Daniel Seiller
- Started implementing new parser for chunked data - Started documenting data formats - Started dissector for network protocol - Added AI-Graph renderer (converts .pth files to python data you can import into Blender) - Added Script to convert savefile to JSON - Added (old) parser for chunked data format - Added basic parser for LFVF data section (Vertex Data) - Added script to analyze and filter read trace generated with frida script - Added various Frida scripts
68 lines
2.1 KiB
68 lines
2.1 KiB
import msgpack as mp
import sys
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import struct
import binascii
import string
import re
from binascii import hexlify
def gen():
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as fh:
size = os.stat(sys.argv[1]).st_size
progbar = tqdm(total=size, unit="bytes", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024)
pos = 0
for entry in mp.Unpacker(fh, raw=True):
progbar.update(fh.tell() - pos)
pos = fh.tell()
for k in entry.copy():
k_s = str(k, "utf8")
if k_s not in ["data", "stack", "timestamp"]:
entry[k] = str(entry.pop(k), "utf8")
entry[k_s] = entry.pop(k)
entry["stack"] = "|".join(
["{:08X}".format(int(str(v, "utf8"), 16)) for v in entry["stack"][::-1]]
yield entry
def strdump(data):
printable_chars = set(bytes(string.printable, "ascii")) - set(b"\n\r\t\x0b\x0c")
return "".join(chr(c) if c in printable_chars else "." for c in data)
def tohex(data):
return str(hexlify(data), "utf8").upper()
# best=sorted(tqdm(gen(),ascii=True),key=lambda v:len(v['data']),reverse=True)
# def score(entry):
# return len(entry['data'])
# def analyze(entry):
# data=entry['data']
# entry['infos'] = {
# 'len':len(data),
# }
# for bo in "><":
# for t in "hHiIlLqQefd":
# fmt="{}{}".format(bo,t)
# if len(data)%struct.calcsize(fmt)==0:
# entry['infos'][fmt]=[v[0] for v in struct.iter_unpack(fmt,data)]
# return entry
filters=[re.compile(s) for s in sys.argv[2:]]
with open("all.log", "w") as of:
for entry in gen():
fm=[(f.match(entry['filename']) is not None) for f in filters]
if filters and not any(fm):
entry["data_len"] = len(entry["data"])
entry["str"] = strdump(entry["data"])
entry["data"] = tohex(entry["data"])
"{timestamp} {block_id} {filename} {data_len:08X} {data} {str}".format(**entry), file=of