
1557 lines
164 KiB
Raw Blame History

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FastGetYSector = 1 ### Fast GetYSector (0/1)
SharedTexuresPath = 2D/Textures/Shared/ ### Default path for shared textures ($name.bmp)
SM3_CheckTime = 1 ### Check filetime of SM3 files (0/1)
SM3_UseScenes = 1 ### Read/Write SM3 files (0/1/2)
CM3_DeleteM3D = 0 ### Delete M3D file after CM3 creation (0/1)
CM3_CheckTime = 1 ### Check filetime of CM3 files (0/1)
CM3_UseScenes = 1 ### Read/Write CM3 files (0/1/2)
ShowNodesTree = 0 ### Show nodes tree at model M3D loading time (0/1)
OptimizeNodes = 7 ### 0=none, 1=delete unused nodes, 2=colapse to bip nodes, 4=AniMask, 7=all
UseWSM = 0 ### Use ObjTMAfterWSM (0/1)
R_UsePortals = 0 ### Use portals (0/1)
R_ShowPortals = 0 ### Show portals (0/1/2/3)
R_SpriteSector = 1 ### Use sector visibility for sprites
R_ShowPreIllumVtx = 0 ### Show preilluminated vertex objects (0|1|2)
R_SkipModelFX = 0 ### Disable model effects (0/1)
R_TranspZBias = 200.000000 ### Transp. sort z-bias (def. 200.0)
R_ShowTranspBox = 0 ### Show transparent nodes (0/1)
R_MeshCache = 1 ### Use mesh cache for non-transparent nodes (0/1, 10=info)
R_SkinNodeSpace = 1 ### Calculate skinning in node space (pos)
R_ParticlesZBias = 1 ### Particle ZBias (0/1)
R_ParticlesAlphaDist = 1 ### Particle Alpha Dist Attenuation
R_ParticlesLock = 0 ### Particle Lock mode (1=always discard)
R_ParticlesDraw = 1 ### Render Particle Primitives
R_ParticlesOne = 0 ### Render only first particle on the Vertex Buffer
R_MaxSparkSize = 20.000000 ### Max spark size
R_MinSparkDist = 1.000000 ### Min spark distance to camera
R_ShowEVA = 0 ### Show vertex anim. (0/1)
R_UseEVA = 1 ### Use vertex anim. (0/1)
R_ShowSkin = 0 ### Show skinning (0/1)
R_UseSkin = 1 ### Use skinning (0/1)
NodeFXSpringDebug = 0 ### NodeFX Spring override (0/1)
NodeFXSpringShow = 0 ### NodeFX Spring debug info
NodeFXSpringMSec = 50 ### NodeFX Spring calc. period (msec)
NodeFXSpringMidP = 0.500000 ### NodeFX Spring mid-point
NodeFXSpringRotX = 0.000000 ### NodeFX Spring rotation x (deg)
NodeFXSpringRot = 0.500000 ### NodeFX Spring rotation coef.
NodeFXSpringSprng = 0.300000 ### NodeFX Spring coef 1 (spring coef)
NodeFXSpringDamp1 = 0.000000 ### NodeFX Spring damp 1 (spring damp)
NodeFXSpringDamp2 = 0.600000 ### NodeFX Spring damp 2 (global damp)
NodeFXWheelShow = 0 ### NodeFX Wheel debug info
NodeFXWheelSlide = 1.000000 ### NodeFX Wheel sliding factor
NodeFXWheelRadius = 1.000000 ### NodeFX Wheel radius multiplier
R_AnimNodo_Count = 273 ### AnimNodo counter
OptAnimPosMax = 2000.000000 ### AnimPos compression max dist
OptAnimFovErr = 0.010000 ### AnimFOV optimization epsilon (deg)
OptAnimRotErr = 0.030000 ### AnimRot optimization epsilon (deg)
OptAnimPosErr = 0.010000 ### AnimPos optimization epsilon
OptimizeAnims = 1 ### 0=none, 1=Compact anims
VideoScaleBlue = 1.000000 ### Video blue color scale (def. 1.0)
VideoScaleGreen = 1.000000 ### Video green color scale (def. 1.0)
VideoScaleRed = 1.000000 ### Video red color scale (def. 1.0)
VideoScaleRGB = 1.000000 ### Video color scale (def. 1.0)
VideoGammaRGB = 1.000000 ### Video color gamma (def. 1.0)
R_LensFlare = 1 ### Render LensFlare (0/1)
R_VideoLockShow = 0 ### Video frame lock show quad
R_VideoLockBuf = 1 ### Video frame lock buffers (1/2/3)
R_VideoLockMode = 2 ### Video frame lock mode (0/1/2/3)
R_Trails = 1 ### Render Trails (0/1)
BuildMST = 1 ### Build and load MultiSprite MST files (0/1)
R_ShowFlaresInfo = 0 ### Show flares debug info (0/1)
R_SkipFlares = 1 ### Disable flares rendering (0/1)
LightmapGlowMult = 1.000000 ###
LightmapDebugTex = 0 ###
LightmapPackMode = 2 ###
LightmapLimitUV = 1 ###
LightmapDxtPadding = 0 ###
ShowInfoOnSectorError = 0 ### show debug info on sector errors (0/1)
TXF_Helper = 0 ### TXF helper (exits before write .EMI file) (0/1)
TXF_CheckFiles = 0 ### check .TXF files (0/1)
RadiosityMinDist = 0.600000 ### Min. distance between patches coef
RadiosityPortals = 0 ### Use portals for radiosity (0/1)
RadSkipBySectors = 0 ### Use sectors for radiosity (0/1)
LightmapLinealAtten = 1 ### Use lineal attenuation for lightmap lights (0/1)
MapRenderMap = ### Render only the specified materials (ie: wall*)
MapRenderMat = ### Render only the specified materials (ie: wall*)
MapSortByShader = 0 ### Sort by mat&shader (0/1)
MapDrawBySector = 1 ### Draw map by sector (0/1)
MapDrawSector = -2 ### Draw only the specified sector (def. -2)
RenderSectors = 1 ### Render sectors (0/1)
RenderMap = 1 ### Render map (0/1)
R_ForceLMap = -1 ### Force primary/secondary lightmap (def. -1)
PlayVideoFX = 0 ### Video playback image fx (1=MirrorY,2=MirrorX)
MovieFramerate = 30 ### Movie FPS for avi recording
MovieJpegQuality = 95 ### JPEG quality for movies (0..100)
MovieCacheSize = 256 ### File buffer size for movies (Megabytes)
MovieUseMemory = 0 ### Movie uses RAM instead of HD (0/1)
R_Tex_Count = 103 ### Texture counter
TexturePool = 0 ### 0=pool_default, 1=pool_managed
SaveDXT5 = 1 ### Save DXT5 textures (0/1)
BumpDDS = 0 ### Allow compression of bump textures (0/1)
CachedTex = 20 ### Max. cached textures
MipmapColor = 0 ### Colorize each mipmap level (0/1)
MipmapFade = 0 ### Fadeout each mipmap level (0/1)
SharpenMore = 0 ### Extra sharpen for each mipmap level (0/1)
TextureLOD = 0 ### Most detailed mipmap level used (0=disable)
DUDVMipmap = 1 ### Allow mipmapping for DUDV textures (0/1)
BumpMipmap = 0 ### Allow mipmapping for bump textures (0/1)
BuildDDS = 0 ### Build DDS Textures (0/1)
R_ParticlesCount = 540 ### Particles Count
R_ParticleSector = 1 ### Use sector visibility
R_ParticleFlags = -1 ### Particle flags
R_ParticleScale = 1.000000 ### Particle scale
R_ParticleRate = 0 ### Particle rate
R_ParticleLife = 1.000000 ### Particle life
R_ParticleVelScale = 1.000000 ### Particle velocity scale 1
R_Particles = 1 ### Transform & Show Particles (0/1)
SpriteScaleWidth = 1.000000 ###
R_FogAbsDist = 0 ### Fog range is in world coords (0/1)
R_FogDensity = 0.000000 ### Force fog density (def. 0)
R_FogColor = -1 ### Force fog color (def. -1)
R_FogEnable = 1 ### Allow/disable fog (def. 1)
R_PortalBand = 0 ### Portal clipping viewport margin
R_PortalClip = 1 ### Use portal viewport for clipping (0/1)
R_PortalEnd = 1 ### Use end sectors (0/1)
R_PortalExt = 1 ### Use sector visibility extension (0/1/2)
R_PortalPos = 1 ### Use sector position cache (0/1)
R_PortalNorm = 1 ### Use portal plane normal (0/1)
R_PortalDist = 20.000000 ### Portal min. distance factor
ShowWorldDummies = ### Show the specified world dummies (ie: DM_*)
WorldPreIllum = 2 ### World static illum. (0=skip,1=normal,2=selfillum)
SkyTubeTest = 20000000.000000 ### Sky tube test far plane
SkyRotation = 0.000000 ### Sky rotation in degrees (Y-axis)
SkyPosScale = 1.000000 ### Sky position scale
SkyZBuffer = 0 ### Sky requires ZBuffer
SkyInit = 1 ### Sky initialization
RenderSky = 1 ### Transform and render sky nodes
RenderWorld = 1 ### Transform and render world nodes
R_StencilViewDisp = 0.000000 ###
R_StencilRefModels = 2 ###
R_StencilRefWorld = 2 ###
R_StencilRefClear = 1 ###
R_StencilDraw = 1 ### Draw Stencil Shadows
R_StencilLDir = 2000.000000 ### Dir light shadow distance
R_StencilFisq = 0 ### Use fast inverse sqrt (0/1)
R_StencilBBox = 1 ### Discard by approx. object bbox (0/1)
R_StencilMult = 1.000000 ### Stencil shadows distance mult
R_StencilTog = 0 ### Toggle stencil shadows
R_StencilSelf = 1 ### Self-proyected stencil shadows (0/1)
R_ShowStencil = 0 ### Show stencil shadows (0/1/2/3/4)
R_StencilShadows = 1 ### Enable stencil shadows (req. reset3d) (-1/0/1)
AnalizeQuads = 0 ### Analize problems in quads.
ShowMapQDist = 0.000000 ### Show map collision quads distance
ShowMapQuads = 0 ### Show map collision quads (0/1)
ShowMapSolid = 0 ### Show map collision solid mode (0/1/2)
MapTriCacheRecalc = 0 ### Always recalc planes
MapCollisionBalance = 12.000000 ### Faces per quad balance
R_SortInvert = 0 ### Invert models sorting (0/1)
R_SortShow = 0 ### Show sorting info (0/1/2)
R_SortModels = 1 ### Sort models by distance
R_SphereVisMult = 1.250000 ### Multiplier for models visibility sphere radius
R_DistMStencil = 2500.000000 ### Model Stencil distance when not visible
R_DistMLOD1 = 3.000000 ### Model LOD 1 distance coef.
R_DrawMLODMin = 0 ### Set most detailed LOD to draw (1..n)
R_DrawMLODPart = 1 ### Draw model LOD particles (0/1)
R_DrawMLODMask = 0 ### Draw model LOD Mask
R_UseMLOD = 1 ### Use model LODs
R_LightLimit = 4 ### Max. enabled lights per model (0..6)
R_AnimInterpMult = 1.000000 ### Multiplier of interpolation between animations
R_SkipAnimInterp = 0 ### Disable interpolation between animations (0/1)
R_SkipUpdateVis = 0 ### Skip model visibility test (0/1)
R_ModelFastIsVis = 1 ### Use FastIsVisible for model visibility pre-test (0/1/2)
R_ModelPortalVis = 1 ### Use portals for model visibility test (0/1)
R_ShowModelSector = 0 ### Show model sector (0/1/2)
R_ShowModelLights = 0 ### Show model lights (0/1/2)
R_ShowModelPos = 0 ### Show model position (0/1/2)
R_ShowModelBox = 0 ### Show model bounding box (0/1/2/3)
R_LastDevice = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 [nvldumd.dll] ### Render Last Device name
R_GlowFlickBRot = 0.000000 ### GlowFlick bump rot
R_GlowFlickBump = 0.001500 ### GlowFlick bump scale
R_GlowFlickRot = 0.100000 ### GlowFlick rot
R_GlowFlickTile = 6.000000 ### GlowFlick tiling
R_GlowFlickMod = 0.980000 ### GlowFlick mod coef
R_CloudEmi = 1.000000 ### Cloud emissive factor
R_CloudA = 0.300000 ### Cloud alpha factor
R_CloudB = 1.000000 ### Cloud blue factor
R_CloudG = 1.000000 ### Cloud green factor
R_CloudR = 1.000000 ### Cloud red factor
R_CloudScale2 = 3.000000 ### Cloud scale 2
R_CloudScale1 = 7.000000 ### Cloud scale 1
R_CloudVel2y = 0.003000 ### Cloud vy2
R_CloudVel2x = 0.020000 ### Cloud vx2
R_CloudVel1y = 0.015000 ### Cloud vy1
R_CloudVel1x = 0.005000 ### Cloud vx1
R_AlphaFog = 1 ### Allow fog with alpha blending (0/1/2)
R_DecalZBias = 10 ### Z-Bias for decals (0..16)
R_CullMode = 0 ### Triangle culling mode (0=normal, 1=force two-sided)
R_MaterialLog = 0 ### Log material usage (0/1)
R_ShowSphereVis = 0 ### Show sphere visibility tests (0/1/2)
R_UseDefMaterial = 0 ### Use default white material (0/1)
R_UseDefTexture = 1 ### Use default white texture (0/1/2)
R_MipFilter = 1 ### MipMap filter (0=point,1=linear)
R_TexFilter = 2 ### Texture filter (0=point,1=linear,2=anisotropic)
R_Anisotropy = 8 ### Max. anisotropic texture filter level
R_MipmapBias = 0.000000 ### Mipmapping bias (def. 0.0)
R_EnvBumpScale = 1.000000 ### Environment bump mapping scale
R_EnvBumpBias = 1 ### Adjust bias for DXT1 bump textures (0/1)
R_EnvMapOffset = 0.500000 ### Environment map offset
R_EnvMapScale = 0.250000 ### Environment map scale
R_EnvMapViewDep = 2 ### View-dependent Environment map (0/1/2)
R_VBIBTriLimit = -1 ### RenderVBIB triangle limit (def. -1)
R_PShaderCount = 159 ### Count of pixel shader changes (readonly)
R_PSMask = 0 ### Pixel shader mask (def. 0)
R_PShaders = 1 ### Use pixel shaders (0/1)
R_GlowMap = 1 ### Use GlowMap (0/1)
R_EnvBump = 1 ### Use EnvBump (0/1)
R_EnvMap = 1 ### Use EnvMap (0/1)
R_EnvBlend = 0 ### MaskEnvMap blend mode (0=Add,1=Blend)
R_NodoR_Count = 1876 ### NodoR counter
R_Nodo3D_Count = 339 ### Node3D counter
R_NodeSlerp2 = 1 ### Slerp2 mode for nodes (0/1/2)
R_SkipNodeFX = 0 ### Disable node effects (0/1)
R_SkipAnimVis = 0 ### Disable node visibility anim (0/1)
R_SkipAnim = 0 ### Disable node animation (0/1)
R_SkipTrans2 = 1 ### Disable stencil node transform (0/1)
R_SkipTrans = 0 ### Disable node transform (0/1)
R_SkipNodes = 0 ### Disable node rendering (0/1)
R_ShowLBoxName = ### Show nodes hierarchy and bbox (filter)
R_ShowLBoxMax = 0 ### Show nodes hierarchy and bbox (max. node)
R_ShowLBoxMin = 0 ### Show nodes hierarchy and bbox (min. node)
R_ShowLocalBox = 0 ### Show nodes hierarchy and bbox (0/1)
R_LightMultName = ### Use lightmult only in specified lights (ie: Omni02*)
R_SpotlightMult = 1.000000 ### Vertex lighting multiplier (def. 1.0)
R_SpotlightClamp = 0.000000 ### Vertex lighting clamp (def. 0.0)
R_SpotlightAtten = 15.000000 ### Vertex lighting atten. factor (def. 5.0)
R_SpotlightAdjust = 1 ### use spotlight specific atten/clamp/mult
MonitorAmbient = 0 ### Ambient light for EnableMonitorLights (def. 0)
R_LightMult2 = 1.000000 ### Vertex lighting multiplier in atten2 mode (def. 1.0)
R_LightAtten2 = 0 ### Use alternate attenuation mode (0/1)
R_LightSector = 1 ### Use light sector (0/1)
R_LightEnaD3D = 1 ### Use light enable cache (0/1)
R_LightTrace = 0 ### Use model to light raytracing (0/1)
R_LightDefer = 1 ### Use deferred light activation (0/1)
R_LightTarget = 1 ### Use target nodes (0/1)
R_SpotlightAng = 1 ### Discard spotlights by falloff angle (0/1)
R_LightSortI = 1.000000 ### Light sorting intensity weight (def. 1.0)
R_LightSort = 12 ### Max. sorted lights (0..16)
R_LightAmbient = 0.000000 ### Vertex lighting ambient amount (def. 0.0)
R_LightDesat = 0.000000 ### Vertex lighting desaturation (def. 0.0)
R_LightGamma = 1.000000 ### Vertex lighting gamma (def. 1.0)
R_LightMult = 1.000000 ### Vertex lighting multiplier (def. 1.0)
R_LightAtten = 5.000000 ### Vertex lighting atten. factor (def. 5.0)
R_ShowLights = 0 ### Show lights (0/1)
EngineDebugLevel = 10 ### Extra engine debug info (0/1/2)
LoadTextures = 1 ### Load textures (except Sprite2D ones) (0/1)
MatEmissive = 0.000000 ### Extra amount of emissive lighting
DDS_CheckMark = 0 ### Check that used textures are not marked (0/1)
DDS_MarkSource = 0 ### Mark original texture (0/1)
DDS_UseTextures = 1 ### Read DDS Textures (0/1)
S_StreamBufferSize = 200 ### Buffer size for streaming (ms)
S_VoiceoverFadeout = 2.000000 ### Voiceover fadeout speed
S_VoiceoverFadein = 4.000000 ### Voiceover fadein speed
S_VoiceoverVolume = 0.600000 ### Voiceover relative volume
VSync = 0 ### Fullscreen Vertical Sync (0/1)
ShowTSCMode = 1 ### Show TSC info (0=instant,1=by seconds)
AutoScreenShot = 0 ### Auto ScreenShot (0/1)
R_ForceFPS = 0.000000 ### FPS force (def. 0.0)
R_LimitFPS = 0.000000 ### FPS limit (def. 0.0)
R_ShowInfo = 0 ### Show rendering info (0..3)
R_SplitScreenUpdate = 0 ### Split Screen Update Target
R_SplitScreenCamera = 0 ### Split Screen Camera Index
R_SplitScreen = 0 ### Split Screen
R_CreditsAlpha = 0 ### Credits render target alpha
R_CreditsPhase = 0 ### Credits render target phase
R_CreditsClear = 1 ### Credits render target clear
R_CreditsY = 0 ### Position Y of Credits render target
R_CreditsX = 0 ### Position X of Credits render target
R_CreditsSizeY = 256 ### Size Y of Credits render target (pow2)
R_CreditsSizeX = 512 ### Size X of Credits render target (pow2)
R_CreditsRTarget = 0 ### Init Credits render target (0/1)
R_SceneBlurOffset = 1.500000 ### Scene Blur Offset in Texels
R_SceneBlurValue = 0.000000 ### Scene Blur Value
R_SceneBlurRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene Blur render target (0/1)
R_SceneRadialBlurOffset = 5.000000 ### Scene Radial Blur Offset
R_SceneRadialBlurValue = 0.000000 ### Scene Radial Blur Value
R_SceneRadialBlurRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene Radial Blur render target (0/1)
R_SceneMotionBlurSize = 0.500000 ### Scene Motion Blur Target Size (Scene Size Proportional)
R_SceneMotionBlurOffset = 1.000000 ### Scene Motion Blur Offset in Texels
R_SceneMotionBlurOff = 0.000000 ### Scene Motion Blur OffScreen
R_SceneMotionBlurValue = 0.000000 ### Scene Motion Blur Value
R_SceneMotionBlurRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene Motion Blur render target (0/1)
R_SceneBloomBlurSize = 0.400000 ### Scene Bloom Blur Target Size (Scene Size Proportional)
R_SceneBloomBlurOffset = 0.750000 ### Scene Bloom Blur Offset in Texels
R_SceneBloomBlurPasses = 2 ### Scene Bloom Blur Passes
R_SceneBloomRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene Bloom render target (0/1)
R_SceneDuDvCheckPixels = 6553 ### Scene DuDv Check Caps Maximun different Pixels
R_SceneDuDvForced = 0 ### Scene DuDv Target Forced (0/1)
R_SceneDuDvScale = 0.150000 ### Scene DuDv Target Scale
R_SceneDuDvFilter = 1 ### Scene DuDv Target Filter (0=point, 1=linear)
R_SceneDuDvRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene DuDv render target (0/1)
R_SceneCheckPixels = 512 ### Scene RenderTarget Caps Maximun different Pixels
R_SceneForceLinNonPow2 = -1 ### Force Linear NonPow2 Render Target (-1/0/1)
R_SceneForceLinPow2 = -1 ### Force Linear Pow2 Render Target (-1/0/1)
R_SceneRTargetSwap = 1 ### Scene render target Swapping (0/1)
R_SceneRTarget = 1 ### Init Scene render target (0/1)
R_NewsPanelWire = 0 ### Show the NewsPanel in wireframe mode (0/1)
R_NewsPanelSize = 128 ### Size of NewsPanel render target (pow2)
R_NewsPanelRTarget = 1 ### Init NewsPanel render target (0/1)
ShowSceneCamera = 0 ### Show cutscene camera name and frame number
CameraDefViewAspect = 1.333333 ### Default logical viewport aspect ratio
PhysicalAspectRatio = 1.333333 ### Physical aspect ratio
ShowProgressBar = 1 ### Show loading progress bar (0/1)
ProgressBar = 1000 ### Progress bar reference value (def. 1000)
SplashScreenFade = 400 ### Splash screens fade time
ShowSplashScreen = 1 ### Show loading screen (0/1)
PlayVideo = ### Video played at init.
TimerFreqMult = 1 ### Timer frequency multiplier (def. 1, disable QPF=0)
FullScreen = 0 ### 0 = Windowed mode, 1 = Fullscreen mode
VideoWidth = 1920 ### Screen width
VideoHeight = 1080 ### Screen height
VideoBPP = 32 ### Bits per pixel
CollisionEpsilon = 1.000000 ### Collision epsilon
ModelAmbient = 0 ### Extra ambient light for models (def. 0)
RenderUseVB = 1 ### Use Vertex Buffers (0/1)
RenderModels = 1 ### Render models (0/1)
ShowMapCollision = 0 ### Show map collision planes (0/1)
RenderLightmap = 1 ### Render lightmap mode (0/1/2)
ShowMapWireFrame = 0 ### Show map wireframe mode (0/1/2)
ViewerModel = ### Model used in viewer mode
ViewerAnim = ### Model animation used in viewer mode
ViewerModelOffsetY = 0.000000 ### Viewer model offset (Y axis)
ViewerFOV = 0.000000 ### Viewer camera fov (0.0 = original fov)
ViewerClipFar = 800000.000000 ### Viewer camera far clip plane
ViewerClipNear = 5.000000 ### Viewer camera near clip plane
ViewerCameraInv = 1 ### Viewer camera rotation: 0 = normal, 1 = inverted
ViewerCameraTgt = 0 ### Viewer camera mode: 0 = free, 1 = target
ViewerCameraVel = 1.000000 ### Viewer camera velocity (m/s)
ViewerCameraAnim = 0 ### Viewer camera anim (0/1)
ComputeMapTextSaving = 0 ### if 1 writes the map text saving info
c_sboxmult = 20.000000 ### WorldSphereCollision box mult
c_sboxshow = 0 ### WorldSphereCollision box info
c_sbox = 1 ### WorldSphereCollision box cache enable
c_sld2 = 10 ### WorldSphereCollisionSlide2D max. iter.
c_sldi = 10 ### WorldSphereCollisionSlide max. iter.
c_scts = 0 ### WorldSphereCollisionCheck use: 0=slide, 1=test
c_schk = 1 ### Detect WorldSphereCollisionCheck cases
c_caps = 1 ### Detect vertical WorldSphereCollisionTest cases
c_hold = 0 ### Freeze WorldSphereCollisionTest calls
c_iter = 0 ###
R_ForcePreRenderTransform = 0 ### Force PreRender Transforms
R_GetModelVertex = 1 ### Model GetVertex Active
R_CoefMLODMenuElement = 11700.000000 ### MenuElement LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODOutElement = 80000.000000 ### OutElement LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODCharacters = 1500.000000 ### Characters LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODTraffic = 12000.000000 ### Traffic LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODEngines = 8000.000000 ### Engines LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODPilots = 4500.000000 ### Pilots LOD coef.
R_CoefMLODShips = 8000.000000 ### Ships LOD coef.
InactiveBackgroundApp = 1 ### 1=application inactive in background
ReRunAtExitParams = ### empty string is not rerun. else... the parameters.
isDemo = 0 ### Retail version
isDolby = 0 ### true if Dolby 5.1 is supported
isXbox = 0 ### true if console case
XboxFileCacheSize = 0 ### if value > 0 uses a file cache of size 'value' Kbs.
isXboxDebug = 0 ### true if can be acessed the debug info.
LoadMsgString = ### Message that is show while loading
iLoadMsgString = 0 ### Loading Message Counter
JoinServerOnStartup = 0 ### if 1 automaticaly joins in a server.
DefaultMaxPlayersOnServer = 128 ### Max number of clients conected to a server.
DefaultServerAddress = ### Default conection address.
DefaultServerPort = 28086 ### Default conection port.
MakeDedicated = 0 ###
AfterDrawCallback = <Callback function> ### This function will be called after draw and reseted.
DrawNextFrame = 1 ### If the next frame will be drawed....
ForceReload = 0 ### if set to 1, the nex level will be fully reloaded.
DisableSkipSlot = 0 ### Don't skip slots in low framerates (0/1)
Viewer = 0 ### 0(default) : Normal game, 1 : Init Viewer
iMap = Levels/Menu ### The first map that will be loaded
ModPathName = ### Modification path name.
ModFileName = ### Modification file name.
SplitScreen = 0 ### Is split Screen
ShowCredits = 0 ### Show credits on main menu?
IsSecondMission = 0 ### Is active any secondary mission?
IsMapOutDoor = 0 ### Is map outdoor?
Max_Rad_Obj = 10000.000000 ### Min radius of the obj scale
GridScaleY = 20000.000000 ### Y Scale of the entity grid cell
GridScaleX = 20000.000000 ### X Scale of the entity grid cell
GridScaleZ = 20000.000000 ### Z Scale of the entity grid cell
XBRumblePadPad = 1.000000 ### [0..1] rumble power of pad.
XBInvertLRVehicle = 0 ### if true, invert the L&R buttons (vehicle)
XBVehicleAsFPS = 0 ### if true, controlled as FPS (vehicle)
XBVDigitalAsAnalog = 0 ### if true, the cross is digital (vehicle)
XBInvertVehicleYPad = 1 ### Invert Y Axis in pad (vehicle)
XBInvertLRChar = 0 ### if true, invert the L&R buttons (character)
XBCameraAutoPad = 0 ### if true, the camera automaticaly turns (character)
XBCDigitalAsAnalog = 0 ### if true, the cross is digital (character)
XBInvertCharYPad = 0 ### Invert Y Axis in pad (character)
XBNumControllers = 0 ### number of plugged controllers
XboxCanSave = 1 ### Can save games.
NumProfiles = 3 ### Maximun number of profiles.
XboxSaveName6 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName5 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName4 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName3 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName2 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName1 = ### Save game isues.
XboxSaveName0 = ### Save game isues.
XboxProfileName = ### the current save game profile name. If '' no savegame file.
XboxSavePath = ### the current save game directory. If '' no savegame file.
GameSkill = 1 ### Game Skill. (0 = Easy,1 = Normal,2 = Hard).
ServerType = FlagHunt ### Type of server game.
ServerMapList = ['FZ', 'OM'] ### List of maps to play the game.
Fraglimit = 20 ### Number of frags to win a match...
ChatEvent = <Callback function> ### ChatEvent(id) only for racer input modes. The chat key has been pressed.
QChatEvent1 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent1(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
QChatEvent2 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent2(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
QChatEvent3 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent3(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
QChatEvent4 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent4(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
QChatEvent5 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent5(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
QChatEvent6 = <Callback function> ### QChatEvent6(id) only for racer input modes. The quick chat message has been pressed.
MainMissionEvent = <Callback function> ### MainMissionEvent(id) <Mission menu> event when input is not in ´menu´ mode.
EscapeEvent = <Callback function> ### EscapeEvent(id) <MainMenu> event when input is not in ´menu´ mode.
TopLimit = 9000.000000 ### The hi map limit, after the atmosphere
AtmosphereLimit = 6726.000000 ### The atmosphere end
Gravity = 4900.000000 ### Global Gravity
PriorityWeapon = Laser, Vulcan, Devastator, Tesla, ATPC, Swarm, Inferno ### The Seventh Weapon
O_Show = 0 ### Show Object Pool debug info on screen
ElementModelPath = Models/Elements/ ### Path for the element list
FXVehicleAcceleratorFile = Models/GFX/VehicleAccelerator.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle Accelerator Effect
ShipExplosionMaxDist = 250000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Ship Explosion Effect
FXShipExplosionFile = Models/GFX/ShipExplosion.M3D ### Default Model for Ship Explosion
FXSmokeDebrisFile = Models/GFX/SmokeDebris.M3D ### Default Model for Smoke Debris Effect
FXFiredDebrisFile = Models/GFX/FiredDebris.M3D ### Default Model for Fired Debris Effect
FXFiredEntitySmokeStep = 1000.000000 ### Fired Entity Smoke Effect Step
FXVehicleDamageSmokeStep = 350.000000 ### Vehicle Damage Smoke Effect Step
FXSceneTheEndBFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/TheEndB.M3D ### Default Model for TheEndB Scene Effects
FXSceneEnterMatrixFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/EnterMatrix.M3D ### Default Model for EnterMatrix Scene Effects
FXSceneHumanCDFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/HumanCD.M3D ### Default Model for HumanCD Scene Effects
FXSceneBeatPickusFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/BeatPickus.M3D ### Default Model for BeatPickus Scene Effects
FXSceneYakuzziFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/Yakuzzi.M3D ### Default Model for Yakuzzi Scene Effects
FXSceneBillArrives_AFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/BillArrives_A.M3D ### Default Model for Bill Arrives A Scene Effects
FXSceneBishopsFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/Bishops.M3D ### Default Model for Bishops Scene Effects
FXSceneDecontaminationFile = Models/GFX/Scenes/Decontamination.M3D ### Default Model for Decontamination Scene Effects
FXItemBlinkFile = Models/GFX/ItemBlink.M3D ### Item Blink FX Model File
FXItemTakeFile = Models/GFX/ItemTake.M3D ### Default Model for Item Take Effect
FXItemFadeFile = Models/GFX/ItemFade.M3D ### Default Model for Item Fade In/Out Effect
FXShipEditBuildFile = Models/GFX/Sputnik/ShipEditBuild.M3D ### Default Model for ShipEdit Build Effects
FXElementsMentalControllerDamageFXMaxDist = 5000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Elements Mental Controller Damage Effect
FXElementsMentalControllerDamageSoundVol = 1.000000 ### MentalController Damage Lighting sound volume
FXElementsMentalControllerDamageSound = FXChispas ### MentalController Damage Lighting sound name
FXElementsMentalControllerMaxDist = 5000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Elements Mental Controller Effect
FXABFakeLimitQuakeTime = 0.100000 ###
FXABFakeLimitQuakeFactor = 0.015000 ###
FXABFakeLimitSegmentStep = 0.038000 ###
FXABFakeLimitSegmentSize = 15000.000000 ###
FXABFakeLimitRingRotSpeed = 2.000000 ###
FXABFakeLimitDistLighting = 20000.000000 ###
FXABFakeLimitRadius = 96000.000000 ###
FXElementsFireDropSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Element FireDrop sound attenuation end
FXElementsFireDropSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Element FireDrop sound attenuation ini
FXElementsFireDropSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Element FireDrop Sound volume
FXElementsFireDropSound = FXElementsFireDropSound ### Element FireDrop Sound name
FXElementsFireDropRateAtt = 1.250000 ### Rate Attenuation Factor by Distance at Elements Fire Drop Effect
FXElementsFireDropMaxDist = 200000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Elements Fire Drop Effect
FXCharacterPoliceGearConversionFile = Models/GFX/Gear/Conversion.M3D ### Default Model for Gear Conversion Effects
FXFunctionarySpecialActionFile = Models/GFX/Functionary/SpecialAction.M3D ### Default Model for Functionary Special Action Effects
CharacterConversionSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Character Conversion Sound Volume
CharacterConversionSound = CharacterConversionSound ### Character Conversion Sound Name
FXCharacterConversionFile = Models/GFX/CharacterConversion.M3D ### Default Model for Character Conversion Effect
FXCharacterSputnikFile = Models/GFX/Sputnik/Sputnik.M3D ### Default Model for Sputnik Effects
CharacterDeathSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Character Death Sound volume
CharacterDeathSound = CharacterDeath ### Character Death Sound name
FXCharacterDeathMinDist = 1500.000000 ### Minimun Distance to Camera for Show Character Death Effect
FXCharacterDeathFile = Models/GFX/CharacterDeath.M3D ### Default Model for Character Death Effect
FXCharacterConversorFile = Models/GFX/CharacterConversor.M3D ### Default Model for Character Conversor Effect
FXCharacterTeleportFile = Models/GFX/CharacterTeleport.M3D ### Default Model for Character Teleport Effect
CharacterTeleportSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Character Teleport sound volume
CharacterTeleportDownSound = CharacterTeleport ### Character Teleport Down sound name
CharacterTeleportUpSound = CharacterTeleport ### Character Teleport Up sound name
FXCharacterBlaBliBlaFile = Models/GFX/CharacterBlaBliBla.M3D ### Default Model for BlaBliBla Characters Effect
FXCharacterDazedFile = Models/GFX/CharacterDazed.M3D ### Default Model for Dazed Characters Effect
FXMoneyTransferFile = Models/GFX/MoneyTransfer.M3D ### Default Model for Money Transfer Effects
ShowDummy = ### Show dummys in map.
GridUseTopLimit = 0 ### 1 if the grid will be limited by the toplimit gvar (usually used in outdoors)
OnPurchase = <Callback function> ###
S_PlayMute = ### Mute all sounds but those specified here
S_PitchScale = 1.000000 ### Pitch scale (def. 1.0)
S_PriorityMode = 1 ### Priority mode (0=time,1=vol,2=time&vol)
S_SkipUpdates = 0 ### Disable sound updates (0/1)
S_SkipPlay = 0 ### Disable sound playing (0/1)
S_Show = 0 ### Show sound debug info on screen (0/1/2)
SoundInit = 1 ### Initialize sound system
SoundChannels = 24 ### Sound channels (max. 32)
SoundUseHardware = 1 ### 0 = Software only, 1 = Use hardware if available
SoundSwapChannels = 0 ### 0 = Normal, 1 = Swap left/right channels
SoundFrequency = 44100 ### Frequency (11025/22050/44100)
SoundBits = 16 ### Bits (8/16)
SoundStereo = 1 ### 0 = Mono, 1 = Stereo
VoiceMainVolume = 0.000000 ### Voice main volume (0..1)
MusicMainVolume = 0.000000 ### Music main volume (0..1)
SoundMainVolume = 0.000000 ### Sound main volume (0..1)
StreamPath = Sounds/Stream/ ### Stream default path
VoicePath = Sounds/Voices/ ### Voice default path
SoundShowSetMode = 0 ### Sound show SetMode info
SoundPanningFactor = 12.000000 ### Sound panning factor (dB)
SoundDistAttenuation = 0.500000 ### Sound distance attenuation factor
SoundDopplerLevel = 1.000000 ### Sound doppler effect level
SoundAutoplayVolume = -60.000000 ### Sound autoplay volume (dB)
WarnVoiceVolume = 1.000000 ### Voice maximal volume of police messages.
MaxPoliceWarnDist = 3000.000000 ### Distance of warnning police messages.
MinVoiceVolumeChat = 0.200000 ### voice minimal volume of thrd person speacher.
ForceNoActionMusic = 0 ### Deactivates the action music.
useDynamicMusic = 1 ### Uses dynamic music when set to true.
isActionIndoor = 0 ### True if the indoormap uses DinaMusic.
isActionMusic = 0 ### Modify this value to start/end the action!
MusicTimeChange = 15.000000 ### minimun time of musicplay after the fade.
ActionMusicTimeFade = 5.000000 ### Time to fade off the action musics.
OutActionMusicVolume = 0.780000 ### Volume of Action Music path for outdoors.
iOutActionMusic = 11 ### Num of Action Music path for outdoors.
OutActionMusic = Music/Outdoor%d.ogg ### Action Music path for outdoors.
OutRelaxMusicVolume = 1.000000 ### Volume of Relax Music path for outdoors.
iOutRelaxMusic = 4 ### Num of Relax Music path for outdoors.
OutRelaxMusic = Music/Track%d.ogg ### Relax Music path for outdoors.
VoicePlayDelay = 0.500000 ### Delay to play an specific voice.
PythonExecute = print 'No PythonExecute' ### This will run a pyhon command.
LastMasterCommandSent = ###
ServerDataRateLimit = 409600000 ### Rate Limit in bytes per second
MasterCommandFunc = <Callback function> ### MasterCommandFunc(string) (master server sends data)
HeartbeatTime = 30.000000 ### Heartbeat to the master server.
MasterServerAddress = ### Master server address for internet.
MasterServerPort = 5000 ### Master server port for internet. (0 = No master)
OnNetBrowseCallback = <Callback function> ### Called every time that server is found in a browsing operation.
OnChatString = <Callback function> ### OnChatString(UsrId,UsrString) UsrId is the number id ('net'UsrId)
OnUsrString = <Callback function> ### OnUsrString(UsrId,UsrString) UsrId is the number id ('net'UsrId)
ClientConectionStatus = ### String with conection information
ServerMinSendDelay = 5 ### Mininimal delay between packets (in seconds).
OnClientModify = <Callback function> ### OnClientModify(entityname,ModelName,MaxLife,UsrName,PilotName,Motor0,Motor1,Motor2,Motor3,WeaponBay,tgtype) player ship modified
OnClientJoin = <Callback function> ### OnClientJoin(entityname,ModelName,MaxLife,UsrName,PilotName,Motor0,Motor1,Motor2,Motor3,WeaponBay,tgtype) player ship created
OnClientExit = <Callback function> ### OnClientExit(entityname,ModelName,UsrName) player ship will be deleted
ServerName = Unnamed Server ### Name of the network server
ServerRemotePassword = ### Password for client remote control(server). If empty, no remote control allowed.
UseServerPassword = 0 ### if the server needs password to join, set to true.
ServerPassword = dtritus ### The server's password.
ForceServerVehicle = 0 ### All the ships will use the server's one
ClientRemotePassword = ### Password for client remote control(client). If empty, no remote control allowed.
ClientPassword = sesame ### The password needed to join to the server's match.
ClientPPS = 20 ### Number of packets per second that will be send/request to the server [1..20]
ClientSetConfig = <Callback function> ### ClientSetConfig(entityname,ModelName,MaxLife,UsrName,PilotName,Motor0,Motor1,Motor2,Motor3,WeaponBay,tgtype) player ship modifed
ClientSetPlayer = <Callback function> ### ClientSetPlayer(EntityName)
ClientAfterCreate = <Callback function> ### ClientAfterCreate(EntityName,ResoruceName)
ClientCreate = <Callback function> ### ClientCreate(EntityName,ResoruceName)
ClientDelRes = <Callback function> ### ClientDelRes(Num,Descriptor)
ClientAddRes = <Callback function> ### ClientAddRes(Num,Descriptor)
NetMaxPlayersInitSend = 4 ### Maximun number of net players send per packet at the startup.
NetTimeOut = 240000 ### # Time out for desconection...
NetMaxResourcesSend = 8 ### Maximun number of net resourses send per packet at the startup.
LogNetData = 0 ### Log client network data for debuging.
BrowserCode = ###
ASEPublic = 1 ### 'The All-Seeing Eye' server public.
WindFxScorerShow = 0 ### Shows Wind FX info
WindFxScorerFwAngle = 45.000000 ### Foward angle Wind FX tests
WindFxScorerFadeFactor = 5.000000 ### Fade in and out for Wind FX
WindFxScorerVertical = 5000.000000 ### Vertical check for Wind FX
WindFxScorerHorizontal = 10000.000000 ### Horizontal check for Wind FX
WindFxScorerSpeedPitch = 5.000000 ### semitones for speed
WindFxScorerSpeedVol = 3.000000 ### Sound Volume allways if speed factor
WindFxScorerSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for Wind FX
WindFxScorerSound = FastFXWind ### Sound name for Wind FX
WeaponChangeFadeTime = 0.100000 ### Time to fade the fade Weapon Change Scorer
WeaponChangeShowTime = 1.000000 ### Time to show the fade Weapon Change Scorer
CurrentWaypointName2 = ### Nombre de la siguiente boya en una carrera (Para el player 2)
CurrentWaypointName = ### Nombre de la siguiente boya en una carrera
FadeOutFinalTime = 5.000000 ### Fade out final time
CounterType = 0 ### Indica si se incrementa, se decrementa o se para el contador (0:decrementa, 1:incrementa, 2:se para)
TimeToFinishCurrentMission = 0.000000 ### Tiempo actual para que acabe la misión (en segundos)
TimeToCancelCurrentMission = 21.000000 ### Tiempo actual para cancelar la misión (en segundos)
TimeSpecialUseTimer = 0.000000 ### Temporizador definido por el usuario para usos varios.
TimeInactiveTimer = 121.000000 ### Tiempo actual para que se cancele la misión por inactividad (en segundos)
TimeWarning = 31.000000 ### Cuando quede esta cantidad de tiempo se avisa al usuario de que se de prisa o se cancelará la apuesta loca (en segundos)
TextTypingSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Set the Text Typing Sound Volume
TextTypingSound = keyboard%d ### Set the Text Typing Sound
EnemyFireSize = 2.000000 ### The enemy fire indicator size
LittlePointingArrowSize = 1.000000 ### The little pointing arrow 0 : no arrow -> 1: normal -> oo
TargetScorerSwitchSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for switching target
TargetScorerSwitchSound = SwitchTarget ### Sound name for switching target
FullTalkTime = 0.000000 ### Time remain to dispear the tex showed...
RemainTalkTime = 0.000000 ### Time remain to dispear the tex showed...
MaxTalkLineSizePix = 300.000000 ### Size at chat window with the text....
TimeToAbortChatText = 0.500000 ### This time must be keeped press the action button to abort the current chat.
FileArrowNextAlpha = 2D/Dialog/NextOption.alpha.tga ### FileArrowNextAlpha bitmap file
EndRegenerationSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for life end Regeneration
EndRegenerationSound = EndRegeneration ### Sound for life end Regeneration
InitRegenerationSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for life initilaize Regeneration
InitRegenerationSound = InitRegeneration ### Sound for life initilaize Regeneration
RegenerationSoundPitchMax = 10.000000 ### Full life pitch for life Regeneration
RegenerationSoundPitchMin = -10.000000 ### 0 life pitch for life Regeneration
RegenerationSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for life Regeneration
RegenerationSound = Regeneration ### Sound loop for life Regeneration
DangerLifeSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for life danger
DangerLifeSound = LifeDanger ### Sound loop for life danger
DangerLifeLevel = 10 ### Percentage of life to show Danger...
WarningLifeLevel = 25 ### Percentage of life to show Warning...
SpecialActionActive = 2 ### the special action status. 0-Disable 1-Blink 2-Enable
GearTargetName = ### Gear target entity name
GearTargetSphereRadius = 3000.000000 ### Gear target sphere radius
GearTargetCrossBlinkTime = 0.100000 ### Gear target cross blink time
ShowConsoleLog = 0 ### 1 to show allways the console
FullScreenConsoleCallback = <Callback function> ### This function is called when imput an string on fullscreen console.
HintAppearsTime = 0.500000 ### Time to show the hint in the menu
XboxSavingMsgStr = XBox_Saving_Msg_ ### the remain 'Saving...' text message in language table.
XboxSavingMsg = 0.000000 ### the remain time to hide de 'Saving...' message.
XboxNoPadMsgP = 0 ### if 1 shows the 'please insert the pad' for player 2.
XboxNoPadMsg = 0 ### if 1 shows the 'please insert the pad'.
XboxNoPadMsgPBig = 0 ### if 1 shows the 'please insert the pad' big (to start game).
CameraCloudBlue = 255 ### Blue falue for the clouds
CameraCloudGreen = 255 ### Green falue for the clouds
CameraCloudRed = 255 ### Red falue for the clouds
CameraCloudAlpha = 0 ### Aplha falue for the clouds
CameraCloudThickness = 500.000000 ### The thickness of the cloud fade for de clouds
CameraCloudPlaneSize = 1000.000000 ### The size of de gradient of the fade for de clouds
CameraCloudDistance = 4000.000000 ### here start the white fade for de clouds
MotionBlurOffVar = 0.000000 ### factor of motion blur fx
MotionBlurEndTime = 0.000000 ### factor of motion blur fx
MotionBlurTime = 0.000000 ### factor of motion blur fx
MotionBlurFactorEnd = 0.000000 ### factor of motion blur fx
MotionBlurFactorBegin = 0.000000 ### factor of motion blur fx
NoiseEndTime = 0.000000 ### factor of noise fx
NoiseTime = 0.000000 ### factor of noise fx
NoiseFactor = 0 ### factor of noise fx
NoiseFactorBegin = 0 ### factor of noise fx
CinemaBlackBandHeight = 60.000000 ### Modifies the cinema format
CameraScene = 0 ### Camera Scene mode active
ScorerMarkerSpeed = 6.000000 ### Scorer Focus Marker Speed
ScorerMarkerColor = 11853055 ### Scorer Focus Marker Color
ScorerMarker = 1 ### Show Scorer Focus Marker
ScorerMarginV = 10 ### Vertical Margin for Scorer
ScorerMarginH = 12 ### Horizontal Margin for Scorer
OnAcceptSoundVol = 0.500000 ### Set the Accept sound Volume
OnAcceptSound = menuclik ### Set the Accept Sound
OnFocusSoundVol = 0.500000 ### Set Volume in the focus of sound
OnFocusSound = menufocus ### Set the Focus Sound
CShow = 0 ### Shows the colission areas
SuperDealAvaliable = 0 ### 1 if superdeal is avaliable
NumEnemiesInRadar = 0 ### Number of enemies in the radar
RadarMMSelect = 1 ### 1 if Show only one main mission target (nearest)
RadarShowAll = 0 ### Show all the vehicles and chars at the radar
NumRadarIcons = 9 ### The number of radar icons
FileNameMap2D = 2D/Black.tga ### 2DMap bitmap file
NewsPanelCloseSpeed = 4.000000 ### Speed of close of scene
NewsPanelOpenSpeed = 3.000000 ### Speed of init of scene
NewsPanelH = 180.000000 ### render the News Logo Size
NewsPanelW = 270.000000 ### render the News Logo Size
NewsPanelY = 20.000000 ### render the News Logo Pos
NewsPanelX = 350.000000 ### render the News Logo Pos.
NewsPanelMove = 18.000000 ### render the News Panel Head movement.
NewsPanelDisplacement = 5.000000 ### render the News Panel Head displacement.
NewsPanelDistance = 70.000000 ### render the News Panel Head distance.
NewsHead = Betty ### Render the News Head
BackNewsBmp = 2D/News/BackNews.bmp ### render the News Background
NewsLogoBmp = 2D/News/LogoNews.bmp ### render the News Logo
NewsPanelAspect = 1.330000 ### News Panel aspect ratio
NewsPanelShowHead = 0 ### render the News Panel Head.
NewsPanelActive = 0 ### render the News Panel in the texture.
ShowNetStatus = 0 ### true if show the networking status.
ShowClientPing = 0 ### true if show the ping label
ClientPingX = 20.000000 ### X Pos of the ping label
ClientPingY = 120.000000 ### Y Pos of the ping label.
FirstPhotoMessage = Press Left button to take the picture. ### Message that appears every time you must to use the camere
NextMissionSecondLineOffsetXBox = 24.000000 ### Next mission second line offset XBox
NextMissionFirstLineOffsetXBox = 4.000000 ### Next mission first line offset XBox
NextMissionSecondLineOffsetPC = 80.000000 ### Next mission second line offset PC
NextMissionFirstLineOffsetPC = 60.000000 ### Next mission first line offset PC
ChatMsgPersistence = 1.000000 ### Time that will be printed the chat message
QuickMessageString1 = Die bastard! ### Quick chat messsage
QuickMessageString2 = This map sucks ### Quick chat messsage
QuickMessageString3 = Good game ### Quick chat messsage
QuickMessageString4 = That�s no fair ### Quick chat messsage
QuickMessageString5 = There is no rules ### Quick chat messsage
QuickMessageString6 = I�m the one and only ### Quick chat messsage
CannonScorerColorBlue = 174 ### Cannon Color Blue
CannonScorerColorGreen = 241 ### Cannon Color Green
CannonScorerColorRed = 251 ### Cannon Color Red
CannonScorerNoAmmoSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Sound Volume for No Ammo Signal
CannonScorerNoAmmoSound = NoAmmo ### Sound name for No Ammo Signal
IsAutoUpdatable = 0 ###
AutoUpdateSpeedFactor = 1.000000 ###
AutoUpdateStopValue = 0.000000 ###
BarValue = 0.000000 ###
BlinkTime = 0.100000 ### Blink time
OnFinishAutoUpdate = <Callback function> ### Called on finished auto update
MissionScorerName = Mission ### Mission scorer name
TimeToMsg = 0.000000 ### Tiempo restante hasta que desaparezca el mensaje
MaxChasingShips = -1 ### Maximun number of chasing ships.
MaxTrafficEnemy = 4 ### Maximun number of attaking traffic.
MinTrafficEnemyTime = 1.000000 ### Min Time attacking of traffic
MaxTrafficEnemyTime = 30.000000 ### Max Time attacking of traffic
MaxFightingTrafficSize = 4.000000 ### Max fighting traffic size
ProbTrafficFighting = 100.000000 ### Prob traffic fighting
TrafficFightingMaxDist = 50000.000000 ### Traffic fighting max dist
TrafficRemovalDist = 100000.000000 ### Traffic removal dist
TrafficDamageTolerance = 10 ### Life Points to be your enemy
iTrafficNumber = 10 ### Sets the traffic on the sky
PlayerHelpedPoliceReward = 2000 ### Player helped police reward
OnPlayerHelpedPolice = <Callback function> ### Called if player helped police
OnNeedMoreChasingTraffic = <Callback function> ### Called if the chasing traffic is not enough
OnNeedMoreTraffic = <Callback function> ### Called if the traffic is not enough
SputnikJunyardTimeToPissPlayer = 60.000000 ### SputnikJunyard time to piss player
SentinelBankerNPCDetect = 50.000000 ### percentage of times when the eye acuse the banker (for npcs)
SentinelBankerDetect = 30.000000 ### percentage of times when the eye acuse the banker
SentinelAbortyNPCAttDist = 4000.000000 ### At this distance, if not seen will abort the NPC attack
SentinelGotoSpeed = 1.000000 ### Sentinel speed (Goto order)
SentinelInspectSpeed = 0.250000 ### Sentinel speed (Inspect)
SentinelSuspectSpeed = 0.500000 ### Sentinel speed (Suspect)
SentinelAcuseSpeed = 0.600000 ### Sentinel speed (Acuse)
SentinelSearchSpeed = 1.000000 ### Sentinel speed (Search)
SentinelRelaxSpeed = 0.250000 ### Sentinel speed (Relax)
SentinelNextGotoTime = 5.000000 ### Sentinel time between goto orders.
SentinelGotoRadius = 300.000000 ### Radius to the viewpoint (Goto)
SentinelGotoTime = 5.000000 ### Time following the xtrange viewpoint (Goto)
SentinelInspectTime = 3.000000 ### Time following the main after out of viewrange (Inspect)
SentinelSuspectTime = 3.000000 ### Time following the main after out of viewrange (Suspect)
SentinelAcuseTime = 3.000000 ### Time following the main after out of viewrange (Acuse)
SentinelStdFar = 1000.000000 ### Standard Sentinel Distance of View
SentinelStdFovY = 1.570796 ### Standard Sentinel FieldOfView
SentinelStdFovX = 2.356194 ### Standard Sentinel FieldOfView
MadHuntersTriggeredShipName = ### Ship name that triggers mad hunters appearance
MosquitosTriggeredShipName = ### Ship name that triggers mosquitos appearance
MaxMadHuntersDist = 70000.000000 ### Max mad hunters dist
MaxMadHunters = 2 ### Max mad hunters
MaxMosquitosDist = 30000.000000 ### Max mosquitos dist
MaxMosquitos = 10 ### Max mosquitos
MinPercMadHuntersAttackingIntruder = 0.500000 ### Min perc mad hunters attacking intruder
MinPercMosquitosAttackingIntruder = 0.300000 ### Min perc mosquitos attacking intruder
OnMadHunterDeathMoney = 300 ### Mad hunter death money reward
OnMosquitoDeathMoney = 100 ### Mosquito death money reward
PlatformRadiusSqr = 1575025 ### Platform radius squared
NumWorkingLoops = 3 ### Num working loops
JunkPointsListName = JunkPoints ### Junk points list name
LifeReachedCallback = <Callback function> ### Life reached callback
LifeToLaunchCallback = 30 ### Life to launch callback
RegenerationItem = RegenerationBar ### Name of the bar item to make the regeneration
RegenerationCharTimeRate = 1.000000 ### between RegenerationTimeRate sec, 1 point regenerates.(char)
RegenerationCharStartTime = 10.000000 ### after this time, life´s regeneration starts.(char)
RegenerationTimeRate = 0.100000 ### between RegenerationTimeRate sec, 1 point regenerates.(ship)
RegenerationStartTime = 3.000000 ### after this time, life´s regeneration starts.(ship)
PoliceBossMaxSpecialActionTime = 24.000000 ### PoliceBoss max special action time
PoliceBossMinSpecialActionTime = 12.000000 ### PoliceBoss min special action time
OnParkedOut = <Callback function> ### Callback when a occupied parking zone is free.
OnParkingOccupied = <Callback function> ### Callback when a parking zone is occupied.
ParkingCheckRadius = 500.000000 ### Spere to check the position of the item or ship.
ParkingVehiCheckDistance = 50000.000000 ### At this distance, the parking will be check.
ParkingCharCheckDistance = 15000.000000 ### At this distance, the parking will be check.
PhoneCabWarningDist = 7000.000000 ### PhoneCab warning dist (in meters).
TimeBetweeenWarnings = 90.000000 ### Time betweeen warnings.
TimeBetweeenTaunts2 = 15.000000 ### Time betweeen taunts when the Boss controls all the robots.
TimeBetweeenTaunts = 22.000000 ### Time betweeen general taunts.
OnTaunt = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when a taunt is to be launched
NursePoliceRefuse = 50.000000 ### percentage of times when the Nurse escapes from the police
NurseBankerDetect = 30.000000 ### percentage of times when the Nurse escapes from the banker
NurseEscapeTime = 8.000000 ### Nurse Escape Time
NurseAlertSpeed = 1.000000 ### Nurse speed (Alarm)
NurseRelaxSpeed = 0.300000 ### Nurse speed (Relax)
OnMoneyReachValue = 0 ### if money reach these vaule, the call OnMoneyReachCallback
OnMoneyReachCallback = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when money reach 'OnMoneyReachValue'
StrMoneyUpdate = 0.100000 ### Time to update the Money Scorer
MessengerGotoSpeed = 1.000000 ### Messenger speed when carry a tube or go for it.
MessengerDataPack = MessengerDataPack ### Desktops functionary list name
MessengerDropPrice = 500 ### The price if a messager drop the tube...
MessengerTakenCallback = <Callback function> ### Called if a messager takes a datapack
MessengerDropCallback = <Callback function> ### Called if a messager drop a datapack
MessengerPrepareDistance = 1200.000000 ### Distance to the objetive to prepare drop
MessengerObjetiveDistance = 300.000000 ### Distance to the objetive to drop...
MessengerTubeState = 1 ### State of the tube : 0:Empty or 1:filled
MessengerDataPackMissionArrow = 2 ### Type of indication of the 'Game of the messengers' mission.
MaintenanceSphereRadiusFactor = 1.000000 ### Maintenance sphere radius factor
MaintenanceTimeToNextPos = 8.000000 ### Maintenance time to next pos in cube
SecondaryMissionDesc = ### Secondary Mission Descriptor.
PrimaryMissionDesc = ### Main Mission Descriptor.
MainMissionStopDist = 1500.000000 ### Main mission stop dist
LittlePoliceChasingTime = 3.000000 ### Little police chasing time
LittlePoliceStopAcusingMaxDistFromUser = 4000.000000 ### Little police stop acusing max dist from user
LittlePoliceMaxDistFar = 1500.000000 ### Little police max distance of view acusing
LittlePoliceAsksForMoney = 1 ### Little police asks for money
PoliceLogicBelligerant = 0 ### Must Be Initialized as 1 if Police Map
CreatePolice = <Callback function> ### This function is called if we need a Police
CreateGear = <Callback function> ### This function is called if we need a Gear
GetAwayHumanDist = 600.000000 ### Get away human dist
OnDefStateCallback = <Callback function> ### Python function to be called when the NPC is forced to have the default state
GenCharSpecialChaseSpeed = -1.000000 ### Gen char special chase speed
GenCharPoliceRefuse = 50.000000 ### Percentage of times when the generic char escapes from the police
GenCharAcuseAgainTime = 4.000000 ### Time to acuse again after having received damage from the Gear (being acusing the main char)
GenCharAcuseTime = 2.000000 ### Minimal time pointing the main character
GenCharAttackLimit = 2000.000000 ### Beyond this distance the generic logic does not attack randomly!
GenCharStdFar = 800.000000 ### Standard GenChar Distance of View
GenCharStdFovY = 1.570796 ### Standard GenChar FieldOfViewY
GenCharStdFovX = 1.570796 ### Standard GenChar FieldOfViewX
GenCharRobberyDetection = 20.000000 ### GenChar robery detection percentage
GenCharGetAwayTime = 4.000000 ### GenChar get away time
GenCharSpecialActionTime = 15.000000 ### GenChar special action time
GenCharMaxSpecialActionTime = 12.000000 ### GenChar max special action time
GenCharMinSpecialActionTime = 6.000000 ### GenChar min special action time
GenCharSpecialActionRadius = 6250000.000000 ### GenChar special action radius
GenCharAttackSpeed = 0.800000 ### GenChar speed (Attack)
GenCharEscapeSpeed = 0.850000 ### GenChar speed (Escape)
GenCharAlertSpeed = 1.000000 ### GenChar speed (Alert)
GenCharRelaxSpeed = 0.400000 ### GenChar speed (Relax)
GenCharAttackActive = 1 ### if 1, the characters can attack.
Gear2PoliceAlways = 1 ### if 0 Gears will become polices only if no alarm
GearRobberyDetection = 30.000000 ### Gear robery detection percentage
GearAttackNPCTime = 10.000000 ### Time attacking an npc character
GearLostTargetTime = 5.000000 ### Time since the target got lost
GearScortSpeed = 0.500000 ### Gear speed (Scort)
GearAttackSpeed = 0.250000 ### Gear speed (Attack)
GearChaseSpeed = 0.750000 ### Gear speed (Chase)
GearRelaxSpeed = 0.500000 ### Gear speed (Relax)
GearStdFar = 1500.000000 ### Standard Gear Distance of View
GearStdFovY = 1.570796 ### Standard Gear FieldOfView
GearStdFovX = 1.570796 ### Standard Gear FieldOfView
GateKeeperStdFar = 1000.000000 ### Standard GateKeeper Distance of View
GateKeeperStdFovY = 1.570796 ### Standard GateKeeper FieldOfView
GateKeeperStdFovX = 2.356194 ### Standard GateKeeper FieldOfView
GateKeeperHiddenTime = 5.000000 ### Time iniside the shell of the gatekeeper when attacked
OnFunctionaryStartsWorking = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when a functionary sits down and starts working
FunctionaryAssignWorkDistance = 600.000000 ### Distance from the chair to reposisionate the functionary
FunctionarySpecialActionTime = 1.500000 ### Functionary special action time
FunctionarySpecialActionStatesTransitionTime = 0.500000 ### Functionary special action states transition time
FunctionaryMaxtimeToStopWorking = 50.000000 ### Functionary max time to get up
FunctionaryMintimeToStopWorking = 30.000000 ### Functionary min time to get up
FunctionaryMaxTimeToSitDown = 30.000000 ### Functionary max time to sit down
FunctionaryMinTimeToSitDown = 15.000000 ### Functionary min time to sit down
RelaxSeatsFunctionaryListName = RelaxSeatsFunctionary ### Relax seats functionary list name
DesktopsFunctionaryListName = DesktopsFunctionary ### Desktops functionary list name
DoResetOutPolice = 0 ### if true, the police will be reset.
PoliceWaveEliminated = <Callback function> ### Called if no police active in game.
OnDominFriendDeath = <Callback function> ### Called when a friend dies
LeaderName = ### Leader name
OnDominEnemyDeath = <Callback function> ### Called when an enemy dies
DominFightingFreezeControlAim = 6 ### Domin fighting freeze control aim
DominFightingFreezeCadenceShoot = 2 ### Domin fighting freeze cadence shoot
DominWithinRangeDist = 20000.000000 ### Domination within range dist
DominMinRangeDist = 10000.000000 ### Domination min range dist
DominMaxRangeDist = 100000.000000 ### Domination max range dist
MaxDominDistChase = 5000.000000 ### Max distance to zone objective in Domination mode.
MinDominDistChase = 1500.000000 ### Min distance to zone objective in Domination mode.
PercFriendsAttackLeaderWhenWinning = 0.500000 ### CTFFriends percentage attacking leader when he's winning
LeaderFlag = ### Leader flag
PercEnemiesAttackPlayerWhenWinning = 0.700000 ### CTFEnemies percentage attacking player when he's winning
PlayerCTFTeamIsWinning = 0 ### Is player's team winning the CTF?
BossWalkingTime = 30.000000 ### Boss walking time
BossWorkingTime = 60.000000 ### Boss working time
BossWorkPlace = ### Boss' work place dummy name
BishopAttackOnAlarm = 0 ### 1 if the bishop attack the player entity on alarm
BishopSpecialActionTime = 5.000000 ### Bishop special action time
NotCleanableByGear = ### Gear do not try to atack this
DefActionRadius = 2500.000000 ### Default action radius for characters logic
GearRageMaxTime = 10.000000 ### Time to get te rage and attack the stupid guys!
LogicAwakeTime = 90.000000 ### Max time dazed for the logical managed characters.
BankDirectorAgressive = 0 ### The bank director becomes more agressive (indoors)
PoliceTauntRace = Police ### Taunting race (police, exept in GDB)
GuaranteedChars = ### List of not Forbidden characters in a map.
UsrDefChar = Dtritus ### Standard main character type
AlarmCallback = <Callback function> ### The alarm Callback function.
AlarmGrowDelta = 0.100000 ### The alarm status go up.
AlarmFallMission = 1.000000 ### The alarm status go down. (if outdoormap and mission)
AlarmFallDelta = -0.050000 ### The alarm status go down.
EasyAlarmFallFactor = 1.200000 ### The alarm status go down multiplier for easy mode.
PCPadDeadZone = 0.200000 ### Dead zone for analog controllers.
Pad4 = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
Pad3 = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
Pad2 = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
Pad1 = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
PCPadForeground = 1 ###
IsUsingMouse = 1 ###
MainPcPad = -1 ### -1= all
PCPadConnected = 0 ###
Mouse = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
InvertMouse = 0 ### 0 = Mouse normal... 1 = Mouse inverted.
MouseSensitivityV = 1.000000 ### Vertical Mouse Sensitivity
MouseSensitivityH = 1.000000 ### Horizontal Mouse Sensitivity
Kb = <List of defines> ### User Control definition
PauseInactivityTime = 0 ### Pause Inactivity time if need.
CheckInactivityTime = 120.000000 ### Inactivity time in seconds to launch the Function.
CheckInactivityFunc = <Callback function> ### Inactivity time function to launch.
LogRumble = 0 ### Log the input and output to the rumble interface.
OnCrazyDealTarget = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when a crazy deal target is reached
OnCrazyDealFinished = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when a taunt is to be launched
LastSaveGameName = ### Last SaveGame Name
SelectedLanguage = English ### Actual language.
BuildPackPrompt = 1 ### disgusting final message
BuildPackExclude = ### Pack build filelist exclusion pattern
BuildPackInclude = ### Pack build filelist inclusion pattern
PathInPackFile = ### Used to convert the system to the new pack system...
OnGeneralDamage = <Callback function> ### Función callback de daño de propósito general
StdMaxLife = 100 ### Standard max life for characters and soon.
VulcanHitUseNormal = 1 ### Use the Normal of Hitted point at Vulcan Hit
FXVulcanHitDistance = 80000.000000 ### Distance of Vulcan Sparks Effect
VulcanRicSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Vulcan puchuing sound att end
VulcanRicSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Vulcan puchuing sound att ini
VulcanRic2SoundVol = 1.000000 ### Third Vulcan puchuing sound volume
VulcanRic2Sound = VulcanRic2 ### Third Vulcan puchuing sound name
VulcanRic1SoundVol = 1.000000 ### Second Vulcan puchuing sound volume
VulcanRic1Sound = VulcanRic1 ### Second Vulcan puchuing sound name
VulcanRic0SoundVol = 1.000000 ### First Vulcan puchuing sound volume
VulcanRic0Sound = VulcanRic0 ### First Vulcan puchuing sound name
VulcanDamageEasy = 1 ### Vulcan damage per slot (easy Set)
VulcanDamage = 2 ### Vulcan damage per slot
VulcanDistLimitUPG = 40000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots(UPGRADE)
VulcanDistLimit = 26666.666016 ### Distance limit shoots
VulcanTimeDelayUPG = 0.075000 ### Time between vulcan shoots (UPGRADE)
VulcanTimeDelay = 0.100000 ### Time between vulcan shoots
VulcanAmmoCost = 0.500000 ### Cost Per hit at vulcan
VulcanRange = 40000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the vulcan
VulcanHitForce = 2000000.000000 ### The force that have a single vulcan shoot
VulcanHitFile = Models/Weapons/Vulcan/Hit.M3D ### default hit model for the vulcan
VulcanBulletFile = Models/Weapons/Debris/Bullet/Bullet.M3D ### default bullet model for the vulcan
VulcanIDAmmo = 0 ### The default weapon idx for the vulcan
FXTeslaRandRadius = 500.000000 ### Random Radius that have the Tesla
FXTeslaStepTime = 0.060000 ### Time step to change the follow curve for the Tesla
FXTeslaFollowTime = 0.025000 ### Time that use the Tesla to follow the curve
FXTeslaFadeOutTime = 0.100000 ### Time that use the Tesla to fade out
TeslaDistLimit = 15000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots
TeslaTrackForce = 10000.000000 ### Traking force that have a single tesla shoot with upgrade (TN/Seg)
TeslaMinAngRangeUpgPad = 17.000000 ### The minimun angle range with upgrade (no hit case at tesla) Pad Controller
TeslaMinAngRangeUpg = 10.000000 ### The minimun angle range with upgrade (no hit case at tesla)
TeslaShootFile = Models/Weapons/Tesla/Shoot.M3D ### default shoot model for the Tesla
TeslaUpRangeTime = 0.250000 ### Time to the min to the max ang range if not hit (tesla)
TeslaDownRangeTimePad = 2.000000 ### Time to the max to the min ang range if not hit (tesla) Pad Controller
TeslaDownRangeTime = 0.500000 ### Time to the max to the min ang range if not hit (tesla)
TeslaAmmoCost = 0.500000 ### Cost Per hit at tesla
TeslaMaxAngRangePad = 40.000000 ### The maximun angle range (hit case at tesla) Pad Controller
TeslaMaxAngRange = 20.000000 ### The maximun angle range (hit case at tesla)
TeslaMinAngRangePad = 10.000000 ### The minimun angle range (no hit case at tesla) Pad Controller
TeslaMinAngRange = 3.000000 ### The minimun angle range (no hit case at tesla)
TeslaRange = 15000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the tesla
TeslaHitForce = 500000.000000 ### The force that have a single tesla shoot
TeslaIDAmmo = 2 ### The default weapon idx for the tesla
SwarmHitSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Swarm Hit sound attenuation end
SwarmHitSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Swarm Hit sound attenuation ini
SwarmHitSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Swarm Hit sound volume
SwarmHitSound = SwarmBoom ### Swarm Hit sound name
SwarmBeeSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Swarm Bee sound attenuation end
SwarmBeeSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Swarm Bee sound attenuation ini
SwarmBeeSoundVol = 0.500000 ### Swarm Bee Death sound volume
SwarmBeeSound = SwarmBang ### Swarm Bee Death sound name
SwarmEngineSoundDoppler = 1.000000 ### Swarm Engine sound doppler
SwarmEngineSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Swarm Engine sound attenuation end
SwarmEngineSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Swarm Engine sound attenuation ini
SwarmEngineSoundVol = 0.750000 ### Swarm Engine sound volume
SwarmEngineSound = SwarmEngine ### Swarm Engine sound name
SwarmNumber4 = 4 ### Swarm Number 4
SwarmNumber3 = 5 ### Swarm Number 3
SwarmNumber2 = 6 ### Swarm Number 2
SwarmNumber1 = 7 ### Swarm Number 1
SwarmAmmoCost4 = 22 ### Swarm Ammo Cost 4
SwarmAmmoCost3 = 18 ### Swarm Ammo Cost 3
SwarmAmmoCost2 = 13 ### Swarm Ammo Cost 2
SwarmAmmoCost1 = 7 ### Swarm Ammo Cost 1
SwarmBeeRadius = 24.000000 ### The Radius add per Bee that have the swarm
SwarmMinRadius = 250.000000 ### The Minimun Radius that have the swarm
SwarmDistLimit = 40000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots
SwarmDamage = 4 ### Damage per mis.
SwarmTimeDelay = 1.500000 ### Time in seconds between the mis. shoots
SwarmRangeUPG = 120000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the swarm
SwarmRange = 60000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the swarm
SwarmHitForce = 200.000000 ### The Hit Force Energy that have the swarm
SwarmTurnSpeedUPG = 100.000000 ### The Turn Speed that have the swarm with Upgrade
SwarmTurnSpeed = 60.000000 ### The Turn Speed that have the swarm
SwarmUpTopSpeed = 4000.000000 ### The Up Speed (Vehicle) that have the swarm
SwarmBeesSpeed = 20000.000000 ### The Internal Bees Speed that have the swarm
SwarmFastSpeed = 40000.000000 ### The Fast Speed that have the swarm
SwarmNormSpeed = 20000.000000 ### The Formal Speed that have the swarm
SwarmBeeExplosionFile = Models/Weapons/Swarm/BeeExplosion.M3D ### Default Model for Swarm Bee Explosion
SwarmExplosionFile = Models/Weapons/Swarm/Explosion.M3D ### Default Model for Swarm Explosion
SwarmMissileFile = Models/Weapons/Swarm/Swarm.M3D ### Default Model for Swarm Missile
SwarmArmor = 2 ### The default armor for one swarm missile
SwarmDeathTime = 0.500000 ### The time for bee death that have the swarm
SwarmLifeTime = 4.500000 ### The maximun lifetime that have the swarm
SwarmIDAmmo = 1 ### The default ammo idx for the swarm
FXSonicRadius = 15000.000000 ### Radius of Sonic Mine Explosion Effect
FXSonicXpldeFile = Models/Weapons/Sonic/Xplde.M3D ### default Xplode model for the Sonic
SonicLifeTime = 0.000000 ### Sonic Life Time
SonicRechargeTime = 0.000000 ### Sonic Recharge Time
SonicArmor = 0 ### Sonic Armor
SonicAmmoNeed = 0 ### Sonic Ammo Need
SonicIDAmmo = 0 ### Sonic Ammo ID
SetUpSonicFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to set up the mine properties
CreateSonicFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to create the mine
FXHookSize = 40.000000 ### Size of Hook
FXHookTensor = 7.000000 ### Tensor Power of Hook (0...1)
FXHookFadeTime = 0.200000 ### Time of Hook Release Fade
FXLaserBeamHeight = 120.000000 ### The height of the laser beam
FXLaserBeamSize = 2200.000000 ### The size of the laser beam
HookAccel = 20000.000000 ### Acceleration when the hook is plugged at the world.
HookRange = 20000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the Hook
HookEMITime = 3.000000 ### Time of electromagetic interference of the Hook
LaserRicSoundVol = 1.000000 ### First Laser puchuing sound volume
LaserRicSound = VulcanRic0 ### First Laser puchuing sound name
LaserMinSpeed = 50000.000000 ### The minimun Speed of the laser shoots
LaserDistLimit = 20000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots
LaserDamage = 3 ### Damage per shoot
LaserTimeDelay = 0.200000 ### Time in seconds between the laser shoots
LaserAmmoCost = 10.000000 ### Cost Per hit at laser
LaserRange = 30000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the laser
LaserHitForce = 2000000.000000 ### The force that have a single laser shoot
LaserHookSparksFile = Models/Weapons/Laser/HookSparks.M3D ### default model for the hook sparks
LaserHookFile = Models/Weapons/Laser/Hook.M3D ### default model for the hook
LaserShootFile = Models/Weapons/Laser/Shoot.M3D ### default shoot model for the laser
LaserHitFile = Models/Weapons/Laser/Hit.M3D ### default hit model for the laser
LaserIDAmmo = 0 ### The default weapon idx for the laser
FXInfernoExplosionMaxDist = 400000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoExplosionFadeTime = 1.000000 ### Fade Off Time of the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoExplosionTime = 2.500000 ### Life Time of the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoCoreSize = 1250.000000 ### Core Size of the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayInitSizeMax = 250.000000 ### Maximun Initial Size of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayInitSizeMin = 20.000000 ### Minimun Initial Size of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayAccMax = 950.000000 ### Maximun Acceleration of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayAccMin = 450.000000 ### Minimun Acceleration of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRaySpeedMax = 19000.000000 ### Maximun Speed of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRaySpeedMin = 14000.000000 ### Minimun Speed of a Ray in the Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayMinSize = 150.000000 ### Min Ray Size of Inferno Explosion Effect
FXInfernoRayRadius = 0.300000 ### Ray Radius of Inferno Explosion Effect
InfernoInvUpgExtraDamage = 0.900000 ### Inferno Upgrade (inversed extended damage factor)
InfernoUpgFireFactor = 4.000000 ### Inferno Upgrade Fire Factor
InfernoUpgFireTime = 20.000000 ### Inferno Upgrade Fire Time
InfernoMaxDamage = 225.000000 ### Maximun damage of Inferno
InfernoMinDamage = 5.000000 ### Minimal damage of Inferno
InfernoHitSoundAttEndRadius = 1.800000 ### Inferno Hit sound attenuation end by radius
InfernoHitSoundAttIniRadius = 0.800000 ### Inferno Hit sound attenuation ini by radius
InfernoHitSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Inferno Hit sound volume
InfernoHitSound = InfernoBoom ### Inferno Hit sound name
InfernoEngineSoundDoppler = 1.000000 ### Inferno Engine sound doppler
InfernoEngineSoundAttEnd = 45000.000000 ### Inferno Engine sound attenuation end
InfernoEngineSoundAttIni = 5000.000000 ### Inferno Engine sound attenuation ini
InfernoEngineSoundVol = 0.750000 ### Inferno Engine sound volume
InfernoEngineSound = InfernoEngine ### Inferno Engine sound name
InfernoAmmoCost = 125 ### Inferno Ammo Cost
InfernoRangeBay = 10000.000000 ### Range add per bay that have the Inferno
InfernoRangeMin = 10000.000000 ### Range without bays that have the Inferno
InfernoDistLimit = 40000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots
InfernoHitForce = 75000.000000 ### The Hit Force Energy that have the Inferno cm*TN/sec
InfernoTimeDelay = 3.000000 ### Time in seconds between the mis. shoots
InfernoTurnSpeed = 20.000000 ### The Turn Speed that have the Inferno
InfernoUpTopSpeed = 4000.000000 ### The Up Speed (Vehicle) that have the Inferno
InfernoBeesSpeed = 2000.000000 ### The Internal Bees Speed that have the Inferno
InfernoFastSpeed = 16000.000000 ### The Fast Speed that have the Inferno
InfernoNormSpeed = 12000.000000 ### The Formal Speed that have the Inferno
InfernoExplosionFile = Models/Weapons/Inferno/Explosion.M3D ### Default Model for Inferno Explosion
InfernoMissileFile = Models/Weapons/Inferno/Inferno.M3D ### Default Model for Inferno Missile
InfernoArmor = 4 ### The default armor for one swarm missile
InfernoLifeTime = 6.500000 ### The maximun lifetime that have the Inferno
InfernoIDAmmo = 1 ### The default ammo idx for the Inferno
EMIThunderSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### EMI thunder sound attenuation end
EMIThunderSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### EMI thunder sound attenuation ini
EMIThunderSoundVol = 1.000000 ### EMI thunder sound volume
EMIThunder2Sound = EMIThunder2Sound ### EMI thunder 2 sound name
EMIThunder1Sound = EMIThunder1Sound ### EMI thunder 1 sound name
FXEMIRandRadius = 850.000000 ### Random Radius that have the EMI Lighting
FXEMIStepTime = 0.040000 ### Time step to change the follow curve for the EMI Lighting
FXEMIFollowTime = 0.025000 ### Time that use the EMI Lighting to follow the curve
EMILowRadiusFactor = 0.200000 ### Radius Low Factor that have the EMI
EMIRadius = 1250.000000 ### Radius that have the EMI
EMIFile = Models/Weapons/EMI/EMI.M3D ### Default Model for Electro Magnetic Interference
EMILifeTime = 10.000000 ### EMI Life Time
EMIRechargeTime = 1.500000 ### EMI Recharge Time
EMIAmmoNeed = 5 ### The deault cost ammunition for the EMI
EMIIDAmmo = 0 ### EMI Ammo ID
SetUpEMIFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to set up the EMI properties
CreateEMIFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to create the EMI
FXDevastatorScale = 1.200000 ### Scale of Devastator Explosion Effect
FXDevastatorRadius = 600.000000 ### Radius of Devastator Explosion Effect
FXDevastatorDistance = 95000.000000 ### Distance of Devastator Explosion Effect
DevastatorDistLimit = 40000.000000 ### Distance limit shoots
DevastatorExtraDamage = 5.000000 ### Aditional damage about the distance
DevastatorMinDamage = 2.000000 ### The base of the minimal damage of Devastator
DevastatorRechargeTime = 0.250000 ### Time between a single vulcan shoot.
DevastatorHitForce = 12000.000000 ### The force that have a single Devastator shoot cm*TN/sec
DevastatorExplosionRadius = 500.000000 ### Explosion radius by a Single Devastator shoot
DevastatorSpreadAngle = 4.000000 ### angle of random values used by Devastator
DevastatorAmmoCost = 1.000000 ### Cost Per hit at Devastator
DevastatorRange = 40000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the Devastator
DevastatorBoomSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Explosion sound attenuation end for devastator
DevastatorBoomSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Explosion sound attenuation ini for devastator
DevastatorBoomSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Explosion sound volume for devastator
DevastatorBoomSound = DevastatorBoom ### Explosion sound for devastator
DevastatorSparksFile = Models/Weapons/Devastator/Sparks.M3D ### default sparks model for the Devastator
DevastatorShootFile = Models/Weapons/Devastator/Shoot.M3D ### default shoot model for the Devastator
DevastatorHitFile = Models/Weapons/Devastator/Hit.M3D ### default hit model for the Devastator
DevastatorBulletFile = Models/Weapons/Debris/Bullet/Bullet.M3D ### default bullet model for the Devastator
DevastatorIDAmmo = 0 ### The default weapon idx for the Devastator
CloudFile = Models/Weapons/Cloud/Cloud.M3D ### Default Model for Debris Cloud
CloudLifeTime = 0.000000 ### Cloud Life Time
CloudRechargeTime = 0.000000 ### Cloud Recharge Time
CloudIDAmmo = 0 ### Cloud Ammo ID
CloudAmmoNeed = 20 ### The default cost ammunition for the cloud
SetUpCloudFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to set up the cloud properties
CreateCloudFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called to create the cloud
ATPCShootSize = 950.000000 ### Max Size of the ATPC Shoot
ATPCTrailTime = 0.800000 ### LifeTime of FadeOut Trail Effect for the ATPC
ATPCCapsuleExtendedSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### ATPC capsule Extended sound att end
ATPCCapsuleExtendedSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### ATPC capsule Extended sound att ini
ATPCCapsuleExtendedSoundVol = 1.000000 ### ATPC capsule extended sound volume
ATPCCapsuleExtendedSound = ATPCCapsuleExtended ### ATPC capsule extended sound name
ATPCCapsuleSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### ATPC capsule sound att end
ATPCCapsuleSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### ATPC capsule sound att ini
ATPCCapsuleSoundVol = 1.000000 ### ATPC capsule sound volume
ATPCCapsuleSound = ATPCCapsule ### ATPC capsule sound name
ATPCHitSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### First ATPC puchuing att end
ATPCHitSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### First ATPC puchuing att ini
ATPCHitSoundVol = 1.000000 ### First ATPC puchuing sound volume
ATPCHitSound = ATPCImpact ### First ATPC puchuing sound name
ATPCExtraDamage = 10 ### The xplosion damage for ATPC
ATPCMainDamage = 20 ### The hit damage for ATPC
ATPCCapsuleSoundRadius = 6000.000000 ### Radius for the Sound Capsule for ATPC
ATPCExplosionRadius = 1000.000000 ### Radius for the capsule hit for ATPC
ATPCConvDist = 2000.500000 ### Convergence distance (and Start event)
ATPCUpgradeDelay = 1.750000 ### Recharge time ATPC (with upgrade)
ATPCDelay = 2.500000 ### Recharge time ATPC
ATPCAmmoCost = 10.000000 ### Cost Per hit at ATPC
ATPCRange = 100000.000000 ### The maximun range that have the ATPC
ATPCHitForce = 10000.000000 ### The force that have a single ATPC shoot
ATPCShootFile = Models/Weapons/ATPC/Shoot.M3D ### default shoot model for the ATPC
ATPCIDAmmo = 0 ### The default weapon idx for the ATPC
InfernoIDWeap = 7 ### The default weapon idx for the Inferno
SwarmIDWeap = 6 ### The default weapon idx for the Swarm
TeslaIDWeap = 5 ### The default weapon idx for the tesla
ATPCIDWeap = 4 ### The default weapon idx for the ATPC
DevastatorIDWeap = 3 ### The default weapon idx for the Devastator
VulcanIDWeap = 2 ### The default weapon idx for the vulcan
LaserIDWeap = 1 ### The default weapon idx for the laser
HookPlugFunc = <Callback function> ### HookPlugFunc(VehicleName,state) when the hook changes de state
RestoreUpgradeFunc = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when an upgrade is restored
UseTrafficCollisionSkip = 1 ### 1 if uses 0 if not
STrafficCapsule = 1500.000000 ### Small/Minimal Radius of the Traffic Segment
NTrafficCapsule = 2500.000000 ### Normal Radius of the Traffic Segment
MNTrafficCapsule = 2500.000000 ### Mixed Medium/Normal Radius of the Traffic Segment
HNTrafficCapsule = 3500.000000 ### Mixed Heavy/Normal Radius of the Traffic Segment
MTrafficCapsule = 4000.000000 ### Medium Radius of the Traffic Segment
HTrafficCapsule = 6000.000000 ### Heavy Radius of the Traffic Segment
TrafficSpeed = 5600.000000 ### Terminal speed for the traffic
FXDumbMotorFile = Models/GFX/DumbMotor.M3D ### Default Model for Dumb Motor Effect
FXMotorCalimaOffset = -95.000000 ### FX Motor Calima Offset
FXMotorCalimaFile = Models/GFX/MotorCalima.M3D ### Default Model for Motor Calima Effect
FXMotorCalima = 1 ### Motor Calima DUDV Deformation Effect
FXMotorSmokeFile = Models/GFX/MotorSmoke.M3D ### Default Model for Motor Smoke Effect
FXVehicleDeathTrailFile = Models/GFX/VehicleDeathTrail.M3D ### Default Model for Remaining Vehicle Trails after Death
FXEngineGlowSizeAtt = 0.050000 ### FX Engine Glow Size Attenuation Factor
FXEngineGlowSizeMax = 1200.000000 ### FX Engine Glow Size Maximun
FXEngineGlowSize = 450.000000 ### FX Engine Glow Size at Distance
FXEngineGlowDistFadeTo = 7000.000000 ### FX Engine Distance to Glow Fade To
FXEngineGlowDistFadeMid = 6000.000000 ### FX Engine Distance to Glow Fade Middle
FXEngineGlowDistFadeFrom = 5000.000000 ### FX Engine Distance to Glow Fade From
FXEngineGlowDistFadeMult = 1.000000 ### FX Engine Distance to Glow Fade Mult
FXEngineTrailOffset = 850.000000 ### Offset Z of Engine trail
FXEngineTrailDistSpeedFactor = 0.028000 ### Speed Factor for add to Engine Trail Dist
FXEngineTrailDist = 400.000000 ### Distance of Engine trail segments at Max Trust
FXEngineTrailHideTime = 5.000000 ### Time to Hide the trail of a Hidden Engine
FXEngineTrailSize = 80.000000 ### Size of Engine trail
FXEngineBirthRate = 20 ### BirthRate at Trust 0, (always 100 at Max Trust)
EnginePathFmt = Models/Vehicles/Engines/%s/%s.m3d ### The full path of the Vehicle Engines.
PilotViewDist = 22000.000000 ### Maximun Distance for show the Ship Pilot
MotorTrustRotationY = 0.250000 ### Rotation Y Speed produced by the motor trust
MotorTrustRotationX = 0.250000 ### Rotation X Speed produced by the motor trust
FxBoostTimeDuration = 2.000000 ### Time of the boost FX
FxAccVariation = 6.000000 ### Speed of variation of Acceleration FX
FxVelVariation = 6.000000 ### Speed of variation of Velocity FX
FxAngVariation = 4.000000 ### Speed of variation of Angle FX
FxSpeedVariation = 4.000000 ### Speed of variation of Speed FX
VehicleCrashMinTime = 1.000000 ### Safe Last crash time detector.
VehicleCrashAccHev = 672000.000000 ### Beyond this value, is a Heavy crash cm/seg^2
VehicleCrashAccHi = 504000.000000 ### Beyond this value, is a serious crash cm/seg^2
VehicleCrashAccMed = 336000.000000 ### Beyond this value, is a medium crash cm/seg^2
VehicleCrashAccLo = 168000.000000 ### Maximun SpeedChange to detect crash in cm/seg^2
PlayerTeamID = 0 ### 0:red, 2:green, 4:Killer
PlayerName = [BJZ] Earthnuker ### user's nickname
PlayerMaxLife = 55 ### The max life for the normal ship configuration...
PlayerModel = SPoli1 ### Model resource
PilotModel = P_Police ### Player resource
Motor0Model = MPOLI1 ### The first motor kind
Motor1Model = ### The Second motor kind
Motor2Model = ### The Third motor kind
Motor3Model = ### The Fourth motor kind
WeaponBayList = 0,0,0,1,0,0,1 ### List of mounted weapons(codified) A bits,B bits....
iHangarShip = 8 ### The selected hangar ship
HangarShip9 = SPoli1<-MPOLI1<-<-<-<-0,0,0,1,0,0,1<-55<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 9th Hangar ship values
HangarShip8 = SPoliBoss1<-MPOLIBOSS1<-MPOLIBOSS1<-<-<-0,15,0,7,7,6,1<-150<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 8th Hangar ship values
HangarShip7 = SMerc1<-MMERC1<-<-<-<-1,3,1,0,0,3,1<-160<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 7th Hangar ship values
HangarShip6 = SBanker1<-MBANKER1<-<-<-<-3,1,1,3,0,0,1<-80<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 6th Hangar ship values
HangarShip5 = SMayor1<-MMAYOR1<-<-<-<-0,0,3,3,3,1,1<-80<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 5th Hangar ship values
HangarShip4 = SBetty1<-MBETTY1<-<-<-<-1,1,3,0,3,0,1<-80<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 4th Hangar ship values
HangarShip3 = SMerc3<-MMERC3<-MMERC3<-<-<-0,15,7,0,7,0,1<-150<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 3rd Hangar ship values
HangarShip2 = SBankMaster1<-MBANKMASTER1<-MBANKMASTER1<-<-<-15,15,3,15,0,6,1<-150<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 2nd Hangar ship values
HangarShip1 = SBoss1<-MBOSS1<-MBOSS1<-<-<-6,6,6,6,15,6,1<-235<-0,0,0,0,0,0 ### 1st Hangar ship values
FreeSpaceMagnetCenterZ = 0.000000 ### Center of the sphere freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnetCenterY = 0.000000 ### Center of the sphere freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnetCenterX = 0.000000 ### Center of the sphere freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnetAccel = 56000.000000 ### Big radius for the freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnetHiRadius = 95000.000000 ### Big radius for the freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnetLoRadius = 90000.000000 ### Small radius for the freespacemagnet
FreeSpaceMagnet = 0 ### 1 to activate the freespace sphere
VeCharsPathFmt = Models/Vehicles/Characters/%s/%s.m3d ### The full path of the Vehicle Characters.
ShipPathFmt = Models/Vehicles/Ships/%s/%s.m3d ### The full path of the Ships
VehicleEditingMode = 0 ### 1 to set the vehicle entities in editing mode.
FXVehicleFloatingFactor = 1.000000 ### Factor of floating Movement of the ship.
NPCSndMotorVolFactor = 3.000000 ### Indicates the extra factor for NPC ship motor engines
HiRacerFov = 105.000000 ### Camera Field of view in racing conditions. (terminal velocity)
LoRacerFov = 80.000000 ### Camera Field of view in racing conditions. (stoped)
MotorDownFactor = 0.250000 ### When the ship engines are hacked, factor used to replace de real engine values
AmorPieceWeight = 10.000000 ### Weight that minds 1 armor value
FXDevastatorFireTime = 0.220000 ### Devastator Fire Time
FXDevastatorFireScale = 1.500000 ### Devastator Fire Scale
FXVulcanFireTime = 0.100000 ### Vulcan Fire Time
FXVulcanFireScale = 1.300000 ### Vulcan Fire Scale
WindFXSmokeSizeDiv = 850.000000 ### Wind FX Smoke Size Divisor
WindFXSmokeMaxDist = 3000.000000 ### Wind FX Smoke Maximun Distance
WindFXSmokeMinVel = 7000.000000 ### Wind FX Smoke Minimun Vehicle Speed
WindFXSmokeTimeStep = 0.025000 ### Wind FX Smoke Minimun Time Step
WindFxSmoke = 1 ### Wind FX Smoke
WindFxSmokeFile = Models/GFX/WindFX.M3D ### Default Model for WindFX Smoke Effect
FXVehicleFireFile = Models/GFX/VehicleFire.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle Fire Effect
FXVehicleSputnikFile = Models/GFX/Sputnik/VehicleSputnik.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle Sputnik Effects
FXVehicleEMIFile = Models/GFX/VehicleEMI.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle EMI Effect
FXVehicleDamageFile = Models/GFX/VehicleDamage.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle Damage Effect
FXSetOnFireLifePercent = 25 ### Percent of Life to Set On Fire
FXVehicleSpeedTrailFollowFactor = 0.650000 ### Vehicle Speed Trails follow factor (0...1)
FXVehicleSpeedTrailFadeOutH = 10000.000000 ### Fade Off Speed Trails by Horizontal Speed
FXVehicleSpeedTrailSize = 12.000000 ### Size of Vehicle Speed Trails segments
FXVehicleSpeedTrailDist = 200.000000 ### Distance of Vehicle Speed Trails segments at Max Speed
VehicleBlockSwitchAdvance = 0 ### 1 minds that blockstrafe switchs forward and backwards to strafe up and strafe down
VehicleAttackModeMaxDist = 20000.000000 ### If attack mode in the pad controller is pressed, minimal distance from objective (auto forwards)
VehicleAttackModeMinDist = 15000.000000 ### If attack mode in the pad controller is pressed, minimal distance from objective (auto backwards)
VehicleCenterPadBounce = 0.750000 ### Vehicle control for pad controllers.
VehicleCenterPadLock = 0.000000 ### Vehicle control for pad controllers.
XtrTimeWSwitchNo = 1.000000 ### Additonal time to switch the weapon if no ammo when press fire event.
TimeWSwitchNo = 2.000000 ### time to auto switch the weapon if the fire button is pressed when no ammo.
AttackerMarkTime = 1.000000 ### Before this time the attacker will be included in second place at the list
TgtRegenerationTime = 1.000000 ### After this time, the cycling list will be regenerated
ItemMissRespawnTime = 20.000000 ### Time to respawn the Item -> Missile Ammo
ItemMissAdds = 200 ### Default Increment to the Item -> Missile Ammo
ItemEnerRespawnTime = 20.000000 ### Time to respawn the Item -> Energy Ammo
ItemEnerAdds = 375 ### Default Increment to the Item -> Energy Ammo
ItemPartRespawnTime = 20.000000 ### Time to respawn the Item -> Particle Ammo
ItemPartAdds = 250 ### Default Increment to the Item -> Particle Ammo
OnLifeItemTaken = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when an item is taken
ItemLifeRespawnTime = 20.000000 ### Time to respawn the Item -> Life
ItemLifeAdds = 50 ### Default Increment to the Item -> Life
ErrorFix = 1.000000 ###
ErrorMax = 10000.000000 ###
ErrorMin = 50.000000 ###
ActiveExtrapolation = 0 ### 1 Uses Extrapolation if possible, 0 Uses Interpolation allways
MssnRadarBlinkTime = 5.000000 ### Time blinking if the new mission is assigned.
WeapHitClientResetTime = 1.000000 ### Tolerance to reset the values of the queue of hits to the client
FXArrowIndicatorFlash_SizeMax = 6.000000 ### Arrow Indicator Flash FX Max Size (Mult)
FXArrowIndicatorFlash_SizeMin = 2.500000 ### Arrow Indicator Flash FX Min Size (Mult)
FXArrowIndicatorFlash_DistGrow = 6500.000000 ### Arrow Indicator Flash FX Distance for Grow
ArrowActiveHorizontal = 100.000000 ### The Horizontal distance betweem the both spheres
ArrowDeactivationRadius = 400.000000 ### Indicates the radius between entities to start actions
ArrowActiveRadius = 200.000000 ### Indicates the radius between entities to start actions
ArrowViewRadius = 500.000000 ### Indicates the radius between entities to view the indicator
ArrowTargetFile = Models/Misc/SMission/SMission ### This file is the floating arrow.
ArrowMissionFile = Models/Misc/MMission/MMission ### This file is the floating arrow.
ArrowUseFile = Models/Misc/Action/Action ### This file is the floating use arrow.
NetItemDistAct = 8000.000000 ### Distance in cm to actualize the item data.
FXItemFadeMaxDist = 60000.000000 ### Maximun Distance to show the Item Fade Effect
FXVehicleProbeLight_SizeMax = 8.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Max Size (Mult)
FXVehicleProbeLight_SizeMin = 2.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Min Size (Mult)
FXVehicleProbeLight_DistGrow = 4000.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Distance for Grow
FXVehicleSiren_SizeMax = 30.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Max Size (Mult)
FXVehicleSiren_SizeMin = 3.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Min Size (Mult)
FXVehicleSiren_DistGrow = 1500.000000 ### Vehicle Police Siren FX Distance for Grow
FXTrafficEmbeddedFile = Models/GFX/TrafficEmbeddedFX.M3D ### Default Model for Traffic Embedded Effects
FXVehicleEmbeddedFile = Models/GFX/VehicleEmbeddedFX.M3D ### Default Model for Vehicle Embedded Effects
FXBossShieldAspect = 0.500000 ###
FXBossShieldScale = 1.500000 ###
FXBossShieldRadius = 600.000000 ###
DataPackInterTime = 0.600000 ### DataPack Interpolate Status Time
DataPackLaserLong = 225.000000 ### DataPack Long of the Laser
DataPackLaserSize = 8.000000 ### DataPack Size of the Laser
MessengerLightingDist = 2000.000000 ### Max Distance to show Messenger Lighting Effects
FXRustyChispasSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Rusty efecto de chispas sound volume
FXRustyChispasSound = FXRustyChispasSound ### Rusty efecto de chispas sound name
SentinelLaserScanerDist = 4500.000000 ### Max Distance to show Sentinel Laser Scaner
SndLoopCharNPCMul = 2.500000 ### Multiplicador de volumen para los loops de los npcs
FallSoundVel = 600.000000 ### Beyond this fallspeed, the fallsound will run...
TimeToAbortSelectChar = 30.000000 ### Time to call AbortSelectFunc in chars if inactive.
CharProcessReduction = 2000.000000 ### Beyon this distance, the processing speed will be reduced if no visible.
EnergyBarActive = 1 ### if 0, the energy bar action is disable.
CharUsrPushSpeed = 100.000000 ### Speed in cm/seg used to push characters....
AbortSelectDistance = 1500.000000 ### At this distance (from the center), the selection must be reseted.
EnergyRechargeTime = 15.000000 ### Time to recharge the full energy...
CharGrav = 1960.000000 ### Characters Gravity.
AlwaysRun = 1 ### 1 allways run, 0 allways walk.
WalkCameraCenter = 0.000000 ### 0 is none else is the time to back to the standard view.
PadTurnSpeed = 1.000000 ### Aditional rotation for pad controllers.
FXSebastianFlashFile = Models/GFX/Sebastian/Flash.M3D ### Default Model for Sebastian Flash Effect
RustyHitPosZ = -135.000000 ### Rusty Hit Displacement from center
RustyHitPosY = -65.000000 ### Rusty Hit Displacement from center
RustyHitPosX = -50.000000 ### Rusty Hit Displacement from center
FXRustyHitFile = Models/GFX/Rusty/Hit.M3D ### Default Model for Rusty Hit Effect
PoliceBossBrupBounceSoundVol = 0.000000 ### Police Boss Brup debris bounce sound volume
PoliceBossBrupBounce2Sound = PoliceBossBrupBounce2Sound ### Police Boss Brup debris bounce sound2 name
PoliceBossBrupBounce1Sound = PoliceBossBrupBounce1Sound ### Police Boss Brup debris bounce sound1 name
PoliceBossBrupDebrisMax = 8 ### Police Boss Brup Max debris number
PoliceBossBrupDebrisMin = 4 ### Police Boss Brup Min debris number
PoliceBossBrupDirRand = 0.150000 ### Police Boss Brup Random Direction factor
PoliceBossBrupPosZ = -100.000000 ### Police Boss Brup Displacement from center
PoliceBossBrupPosY = 5.000000 ### Police Boss Brup Displacement from center
PoliceBossBrupPosX = 5.000000 ### Police Boss Brup Displacement from center
PoliceBossBrupBaseFile = Models/Misc/NutsAndScrew/NutsAndScrew ### Default Model for Police Boss Brup Effect
PoliceBossActionRadius = 1000.000000 ### Radius of PoliceBoss fun FX to the polices.
FXPoliceGearConversionFile = Models/GFX/Police/Conversion.M3D ### Default Model for Police Gear Conversion Effect
FXPoliceStealFile = Models/GFX/Police/PoliceSteal.M3D ### Default Model for Police Steal Effect
PoliceAlarmStepSTM = 0.100000 ### Police Alarm Step in any Show Me The Money Action.
PoliceStealQuanto = 10 ### Money stealed by the banker to the main player
NurseAlarmHit = 0.250000 ### How values must increment when nurse hits
NurseDispRad = 75.000000 ### Nurse hit detector Radius
NurseDispDist = 120.000000 ### Nurse hit detector displacement distance
FXHammerHitFile = Models/GFX/Nurse/HammerHit.M3D ### Default Model for Nurse Hammer Hit Effect
OnSleep = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when the the player, as a nurse, sleeps someone
MessengerTakeDataPackSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Messenger Take DataPack sound volume
MessengerTakeDataPackSound = MessengerTakeDataPack ### Messenger Take DataPack sound name
MessengerShootSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Messenger shoot impact sound volume
MessengerShootSound = MessengerShoot ### Messenger shoot impact sound name
MessengerAttackPosZ = -40.000000 ### Messenger Attack Displacement from center
MessengerAttackPosY = -25.000000 ### Messenger Attack Displacement from center
MessengerAttackPosX = 0.000000 ### Messenger Attack Displacement from center
FXMessengerTakeDataPackFile = Models/GFX/Messenger/TakeDataPack.M3D ### Default Model for Messenger Take DataPack Effects
FXMessengerAttackFile = Models/GFX/Messenger/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for Messenger Attack Effects
MessengerAmmoCost = 0.050000 ### Messenger AmmoCost Per shoot
FXMercenaryDrinkFile = Models/GFX/Mercenary/Drink.M3D ### Default Model for Mercenary Drink Effects
FXMercenaryDrinkSmokeFile = Models/GFX/Mercenary/DrinkSmoke.M3D ### Default Model for Mercenary Drink Smoke Effects
MercenaryDrinkPosZ = 28.000000 ### Mercenary Drink Displacement Z from center
MercenaryDrinkPosY = 2.000000 ### Mercenary Drink Displacement Y from center
MercenaryDrinkPosX = 14.000000 ### Mercenary Drink Displacement X from center
MayorSleepPercent = 20.000000 ### Sleep when listen probability
MayorListenPercent = 50.000000 ### Listen percent probability
MayorBlabliblaRadius = 1000.000000 ### Radius of Mayor´s Bla-Blas.
FXMaintenanceWorkFile = Models/GFX/Maintenance/Work.M3D ### Default Model for Maintenance Robot Work Effects
MaintenanceWorkSoundAttEnd = 0.000000 ### Maintenance Work sound attend
MaintenanceWorkSoundAttIni = 0.000000 ### Maintenance Work sound attini
MaintenanceWorkSoundVol = 0.800000 ### Maintenance Work sound volume
MaintenanceWorkSound = MaintenanceWorkSound ### Maintenance Work sound name
OnFlash = <Callback function> ### Function to be called when the the player, flash someone
GearLowWeaponEnergy = 0.130000 ### Gear low weapon energy value (between 0 and 1)
GearMissileSpeed = 2500.000000 ### Gear missile speed
FXGearMissileFile = Models/GFX/Gear/Missile.M3D ### Default Model for Gear Missile Effect
GearXplodeRadius = 250.000000 ### Radius of Gear's electric ball explosion.
GearShootPosZ = -180.000000 ### Gear shoot Displacement from center
GearShootPosY = -45.000000 ### Gear shoot Displacement from center
GearShootPosX = -50.000000 ### Gear shoot Displacement from center
GearMissileThunderSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Gear missile thunder sound volume
GearMissileThunder2Sound = GearMissileThunder2 ### Gear missile thunder 2 sound name
GearMissileThunder1Sound = GearMissileThunder1 ### Gear missile thunder 1 sound name
GearMissileSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Gear missile loop volume
GearMissileSound = GearMissile ### Gear missile loop name
GearHitSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Gear hit impact sound volume
GearHitSound = GearHit ### Gear hit impact sound name
GearShootSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Gear Shoot impact sound volume
GearShootSound = GearBoom ### Gear Shoot impact sound name
GearLoadWeaponSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Gear Load Weapon sound volume
GearLoadWeaponSound = GearLoadWeapon ### Gear Load Weapon sound name
GearShootHitAlarm = 0.150000 ### The amount that will grow up if a shoot hits...
GearShootFailAlarm = 0.100000 ### The amount that will grow up if a shoot fails...
GearShootDistance = 20000.000000 ### Range in the Armored Gear weapon
GearShootDamage = 13 ### Damage by the Armored Gear weapon
FunctionaryEffectFastSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Functionary Fast Effect sound volume
FunctionaryEffectFastSound = FunctionaryEffectFastSound ### Functionary Fast Effect sound name
FunctionarySpecialActionLow = 0.150000 ### Functionary special action low value (between 0 and 1)
DTritusHitTimeFader = 0.200000 ### DTritus Effect Time
DTritusHitTimeSpeed = 0.050000 ### DTritus Effect Time
FXDTritusKillFile = Models/GFX/DTritus/Kill.M3D ### Default Model for DTritus Kill Effect
FXDTritusAttackFile = Models/GFX/DTritus/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for DTritus Attack Effect
FXDesktopFallEndDist = 10000.000000 ### Max Distance to show Desktop Fall End Effect
FXDesktopFallEndFile = Models/GFX/Desktop/FallEnd.M3D ### Default Model for Desktop Fall End Effect
DesktopJumpSlideTime = 0.500000 ### Sliding time to jump again.
DesktopJumpPrice = 5 ### if desktop jump over any character, the price of money is...
DesktopJumpSpeed = 1000.000000 ### Jump speed in cm/sec
BishopHitSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Bishop hit impact sound volume
BishopHitSound = BishopHit ### Bishop hit impact sound name
BishopShootSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Bishop shoot impact sound volume
BishopShootSound = BishopShoot ### Bishop shoot impact sound name
BishopAttackRandOff = 50.000000 ### Bishop Attack Random Offset from center
BishopAttackPosZ = -135.000000 ### Bishop Attack Displacement from center
BishopAttackPosY = 25.000000 ### Bishop Attack Displacement from center
BishopAttackPosX = -15.000000 ### Bishop Attack Displacement from center
FXBishopAttackFile = Models/GFX/Bishop/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for Bishop Attack Effects
FXBishopSellLifeFile = Models/GFX/Bishop/SellLife.M3D ### Default Model for Bishop Sell Life Effects
BishopAngleVariation = 60.000000 ### Angle of Randominzation of the shoot impulse
BishopAmmoCost = 0.025000 ### Bishop AmmoCost Per shoot
BishopWeaponDamage = 8 ### Bishop damage per hit that make the bishop
BishopLivePrice = 1000 ### Bishop live price
MaxPlayerLives = 50 ### Max player lives
BettyHSpeed = 1.100000 ### Betty Speed Rotation (Horizontal)
BettyVSpeed = 1.100000 ### Betty Speed Rotation (Vertical)
BettyHitPosZ = -65.000000 ### Betty Hit Displacement from center
BettyHitPosY = -120.000000 ### Betty Hit Displacement from center
BettyHitPosX = 20.000000 ### Betty Hit Displacement from center
FXBettyKillFile = Models/GFX/Betty/Kill.M3D ### Default Model for Betty Kill Effect
FXBettyAttackFile = Models/GFX/Betty/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for Betty Attack Effect
BettyHitTopLimit = 300.000000 ### Betty Hit Top Limit (Y)
BettyHitRadius = 1000.000000 ### Betty Hit Radius
BettyHitTimeFader = 0.250000 ### Betty Effect Time
BettyHitTimeSpeed = 0.350000 ### Betty Effect Time
BertoFlashSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Berto Flash sound volume
BertoFlashSound = BertoFlash ### Berto Flash sound name
FXBertoFlashFile = Models/GFX/Berto/Flash.M3D ### Default Model for Berto Flash Effect
FXBertoAttackFile = Models/GFX/Berto/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for Berto Attack Effect
BertoFlashDist = 400.000000 ### Berto Flash Max Distance
BertoAmmoCost = 0.030000 ### Berto AmmoCost Per shoot
BankMasterBatonPosZ = -85.000000 ### BankMaster Baton Displacement from center
BankMasterBatonPosY = 35.000000 ### BankMaster Baton Displacement from center
BankMasterBatonPosX = 0.000000 ### BankMaster Baton Displacement from center
FXBankMasterSuctionFile = Models/GFX/BankMaster/Suction.M3D ### Default Model for BankMaster Suction Effect
FXBankMasterAttackFile = Models/GFX/BankMaster/Attack.M3D ### Default Model for BankMaster Attack Effect
BankMasterVacumDist = 1000.000000 ### BankMaster Flash Max Distance
BankMasterAmmoCost = 0.050000 ### BankMaster AmmoCost Per shoot
FXBankerStealFile = Models/GFX/BankDirector/BankerSteal.M3D ### Default Model for Banker Steal Effect
BankerStealSoundVol = 1.000000 ### Banker Steal sound volume
BankerSteal3Sound = BankerSteal ### Banker Steal sound name
BankerSteal2Sound = BankerSteal ### Banker Steal sound name
BankerSteal1Sound = BankerSteal ### Banker Steal sound name
BankerStealPosZ = -60.000000 ### Banker Steal Displacement from center
BankerStealPosY = 10.000000 ### Banker Steal Displacement from center
BankerStealPosX = -50.000000 ### Banker Steal Displacement from center
BankerStealQuanto = 30 ### Money stealed by the banker to the main player
FullCameraTest = 0 ### Activates/deactivates de camera test.
OutWalkCamFar = 400000.000000 ### default clip far distance for characters (outdoor)
OutWalkCamNear = 20.000000 ### default clip near distance for characters (outdoor)
WalkCamFar = 100000.000000 ### default clip far distance for characters (indoor)
WalkCamNear = 10.000000 ### default clip near distance for characters (indoor)
VehicleCamFar = 500000.000000 ### default clip far distance for vehicles
VehicleCamNear = 50.000000 ### default clip near distance for vehicles
FreeCameraCollide = 1 ### If the camera can collide with the world.
VehicleCamDist2 = 1000.000000 ### Default camera distance for vehicles in cm
VehicleCamDist = 1000.000000 ### Default camera distance for vehicles in cm
AlwaysFlushLog = 1 ### Always flush log file (0/1)
LogFile = log.html ### Log File to write the console debug log. ONLY works as argument in command line.
debug = 10 ### 0 = Nothing, 1 = Something, 2 = Everything, 3 = Everything and much more
ShowTestCanGoAI = 0 ### Show points to test can go to point.
ShowInfoRegAI = -1 ### Show info region when creation graph.
AltPerpFloorAI = 20000.000000 ### Alt. máx. to get point perp.
BatchBuildGraph2DAI = 0 ### To Build Graph 2D.
ShowNodes2DAI = 0 ### 0 = No Show, 1 = Show Regions, 2 = Show Portals, 3 = Show Link's Portals, 4 = Show Portals + Links.
AltMinTestWalkAI = 25.000000 ### Alt. min. to test walk.
ViewerIniAI = 0 ### To initialize AI in Viewer.
BatchBuildGraph3DAI = 0 ### To Build Graph 3D.
ShowNodesAI = 0 ### Show info graph.
RADIUS_OBJECTIVE_IN_ROUTE = 4000.000000 ### Radius Points Route.
DistGetPVisTrafficAI = 200000.000000 ### Distance máx. to repos traffic.
MaxNumTrackNormalDensityAI = 15 ### Max. number of ships in track with normal density.
MaxNumTrackLowDensityAI = 7 ### Max. number of ships in track with low density.
MinDistNodeTrafficAI = 15000.000000 ### Min. distance between nodes of traffic.
ShowNumTrafficAI = 0 ### Show info traffic num.
ShowTrafficAI = 0 ### Show info traffic.
ShowAStarAI = 0 ### Show info AStar.
TimeChangeWeapCMAI = 1.000000 ### Time to change weapon CM.
TimeChangeWeapAI = 10.000000 ### Time to change weapon.
TimeShootCMAI = 0.500000 ### Time Continue Shooting CM.
TimeShootAI = 1.000000 ### Time Continue Shooting.
ShortDistShootAI = 20000.000000 ### Short Distance for weapons short distance.
MinDistCMAI = 30000.000000 ### Distance min. use contrameasure.
OffsetAngShootAI = 0.196350 ### Offset angle to shoot.
ShowVehWeapAI = ### Show Features Weapon vehicle.
ShowStopShipAI = 0 ### Info of agents stopped.
MinTimeReposAI = 0.050000 ### Min. time to repos vehicle.
DecVelBrakeAI = 0.100000 ### Dec. of velocity to brake.
MinAngleSearchPointAI = 0.010000 ### Angle to search point route.
DepthSearchPosGoAI = 1 ### Depth to search inside segment fo path.
LimVelTurnObjectiveAI = 1.000000 ### Limit velocity to turn.
TimeReactTurnAI = 2.000000 ### Time reaction turn AI (in sec.).
DistBrakeObjAI = 10000.000000 ### Distance brake to objective.
VelTurnAI = 1400.000000 ### Velocity Min. to turn curves (cm/s).
DistBoostAI = 30000.000000 ### Distance Min. to reactivate the Boost.
TimeMaxReachBoostAI = 4.000000 ### Time Max. to reach the objective to activate boost.
MaxRotAI = 20.000000 ### Factor to control rotation.
MinRotAI = 2.000000 ### Factor to control rotation.
ShowVehAI = ### Show Features vehicle.
OnObjectiveNullAI = <Callback function> ### Execute function in Python if objective is null
OnItemTakenAI = <Callback function> ### Execute function in Python to take item
VelTrafficLightRotAI = 5556.000000 ### Vel. traffic light to rotate.
VelReposStopAI = 7000.000000 ### Vel. to repos agent back to camera.
VelReposBackAI = 3000.000000 ### Vel. to repos agent back to camera.
RADIUS_OBJECTIVE_TRAFFIC_INDOOR = 4000.000000 ### Radius Points Traffic InDoor.
RADIUS_OBJECTIVE_TRAFFIC = 4000.000000 ### Radius Points Traffic.
DimWindowReposYAI = 20000.000000 ### Dimension Y window to reposition agent.
DimWindowReposXAI = 20000.000000 ### Dimension X window to reposition agent.
MaxDistAroundReposAI = 20000.000000 ### Distance max. to reposition the agent around point of reposition.
MaxAngleReposAI = 0.392699 ### Angle max. to reposition the agent.
MaxMarginObjTrafficAI = 1000.000000 ### .
MinDistBetweenTrafficAI = 5000.000000 ### Distance Min. between two ships of traffic.
MaxDistChaseAI = 15000.000000 ### Distance Max. to objective Chase AI.
MinDistChaseAI = 5000.000000 ### Distance Min. to objective Chase AI.
MaxDistChaseElevatorAI = 20000.000000 ### Distance Max. to objective Chase AI inside hangar.
MinDistChaseElevatorAI = 10000.000000 ### Distance Min. to objective Chase AI inside hangar.
MaxDistElevatorAI = 10000.000000 ### Distance Max. to detect elevator near.
TimeDamageAI = 3.000000 ### Time in sec. control damage.
DistGetAwayBoostAI = 5000.000000 ### Distance min. get away with boost.
DistNotGetAwayAI = 45000.000000 ### Distance not get away from enemy.
DistMinItemAI = 5000.000000 ### Distance Min. for AI's purposes.
ShootAI = 0 ### 0 = AI cannot shoot, 1 = AI can shoot.
MinDistReposAI = 75000.000000 ### Distance min. to reposition the agent.
MaxDistReposAI = 100000.000000 ### Distance max. to reposition the agent.
MinDistReposStopAI = 125000.000000 ### Distance min. to reposition the agent when camera stopped.
MaxDistReposStopAI = 150000.000000 ### Distance max. to reposition the agent when camera stopped.
MinDistReposNotVisAI = 37500.000000 ### Distance min. to reposition the agent not visible.
MaxDistReposNotVisAI = 75000.000000 ### Distance max. to reposition the agent not visible.
DepthPathRouteOutDoorAI = 6 ### Depth Path in Route.
OffsetMoveNurseAI = 25.000000 ### Offset to move Nurse.
DistActionNurseAI = 1600.000000 ### Distance to action the Nurse.
ShowPathAI = 0 ### 0 = No Show, 1 = Show
DistMaxShootMessengerAI = 4000.000000 ### Dist. Max. shooting Messenger.
TimeShootMessengerAI = 1.000000 ### Time shooting Messenger.
OffsetAngShootMessengerAI = 1.570796 ### Offset angle to shoot the Messenger.
ShootMessengerAI = 3 ### Factor shoot Messenger.
OffsetAngShootGearAI = 0.196350 ### Offset angle to shoot the Gear.
ShootGearAI = 3 ### Factor shoot Gear.
TimeBetwChangeStateAI = 0.050000 ### Time between change state
AngleStrafeUnderAttackSentinelAI = 1.570796 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack.
TimeStrafeUnderAttackSentinelAI = 2.000000 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack sentinel.
LimVelRotDinamicMessengerAI = 0.300000 ### Lim. Vel. Rot. Dinamic Messenger.
VelRotDinamicMessengerAI = 3.000000 ### Vel. Rot. Dinamic Messenger.
TimeStrafeUnderAttackGearAI = 3.000000 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack.
AngleStrafeUnderAttackGearAI = 1.570796 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack.
TimeStrafeUnderAttackBishopAI = 3.000000 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack.
AngleStrafeUnderAttackBishopAI = 1.570796 ### Angle of the opponent to strafe under attack.
TimeStrafeLostObjCharAI = 1.500000 ### Time to do strafe when lost objective.
FactorDistTestColBackCharAI = 1.500000 ### Factor distance to check collision while backward.
FactorDistTestColCharAI = 6.000000 ### Factor distance to check collision.
TimeBetweenEventCollCharAI = 5.000000 ### Time between events collision between agents.
TimeTestCollCharAI = 0.000000 ### Time to control time between tests collision between agents.
TimeStopCollCharAI = 1.000000 ### Time to control time between tests collision between agents when stopped.
TimeEventCollCharAI = 1.000000 ### Time to control event collision between agents.
MarginDetectCollCharAI = 20.000000 ### Margin to detect collision with characters.
MarginCollCharAI = 5.000000 ### Margin to test collision with characters.
MaxDistStopVisObjChaseWithOutActionAI = 1000.000000 ### Max. distance stopped while is visible objective.
MaxDistStopVisObjChaseWithActionAI = 2000.000000 ### Max. distance stopped while is visible objective.
MinDistStrafeCharAI = 300.000000 ### Min. distance to do while straffing.
MinAngleSearchPointCharAI = 0.130900 ### Angle to search point route.
DistNextPosGoTargetCharAI = 305.000000 ### Dist. to check new position to go.
NumPointsSearchSegmentCharAI = 3 ### Num. Points to search point in segment.
OffsetAngOrientCharAI = 0.049087 ### Offset angle to final orient.
MaxRotCharAI = 7.500000 ### Max. vel. rotation.
LimVelTurnCharAI = 2.000000 ### Limit velocity to turn.
DistShirkCharAI = 0.100000 ### Factor distance change shirk to move.
NameDebugShirkAI = ### Show info shirk agent.
ShowShirkAI = 0 ### Show info shirk.
ShowCharAI = ### Show Features character.
MinTalkCharAI = 100.000000 ### Min. diff. alt. to talk between two chars.
MinNumTalksCharAI = 7 ### Time num. talks char.
MinTimeStoppedTurnPatrolCharAI = 5.000000 ### Time min. duration turn to center of patrol char.
MinTimeStoppedCharAI = 10.000000 ### Time min. duration state intern stopped char.
MinTimeStopTempCharAI = 30.000000 ### Time min. duration state intern.
DistRadPauseCharAI = 1000.000000 ### Distance to radius of patrol to determine pause.
DistMaxCheckReposAI = 5000.000000 ### Distance max. to check repos.
DistMinCheckReposAI = 1000.000000 ### Distance to check repos.
DistMaxCheckPauseAI = 15000.000000 ### Distance max. to check pause.
DistMinCheckPauseAI = 2000.000000 ### Distance to check pause.
AngAttackBackCharAI = 0.785398 ### Angle to attack back.
MaxHeightChaseCharAI = 300.000000 ### Max height to chase.
DepthPathRouteInDoorAI = 6 ### Depth Path in Route.
DistMaxShootBishopAI = 4000.000000 ### Dist. Max. shooting Bishop.
TimeShootBishopAI = 2.000000 ### Time shooting Bishop.
OffsetAngShootBishopAI = 0.196350 ### Offset angle to shoot the Bishop.
ShootBishopAI = 3 ### Factor shoot Bishop.
NotShootAI = 0 ### 0 = Shoot AI, 1 = Not Shoot AI
ShowAI = 1 ### 0 = No Show, 1 = Show Inf. AI
DefInterpTime = 0.120000 ### Interpolation value by default.
LogActEvents = 0 ### Drops to the console the log events.\