forked from ReScrap/ScrapHacks
- Add notes folder with MDBook documentation (the file was getting kind of large) - Add, does the same a just with Rizin instead of radare2 so the project can be loaded in Cutter (*and* it's faster) - Add Scrap.rzdb, Rizin database for the Scrap.exe executable - Add Scrapper_rs, Rust version of .packed extractor and repacker - replace helplib.txt with - add Py_Docs folder which contains generated documentation for the binary python modules built into Scrap.exe
75 lines
2.3 KiB
75 lines
2.3 KiB
import msgpack as mp
import sys
import os
from tqdm import tqdm
import struct
import binascii
import string
import re
from binascii import hexlify
def gen():
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as fh:
size = os.stat(sys.argv[1]).st_size
progbar = tqdm(
total=size, unit="bytes", unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, leave=False
pos = 0
for entry in mp.Unpacker(fh, raw=True):
progbar.update(fh.tell() - pos)
pos = fh.tell()
for k in entry.copy():
k_s = str(k, "utf8")
if k_s not in ["data", "stack", "timestamp"]:
entry[k] = str(entry.pop(k), "utf8")
entry[k_s] = entry.pop(k)
entry["stack"] = "|".join(
["{:08X}".format(int(str(v, "utf8"), 16)) for v in entry["stack"][::-1]]
yield entry
def strdump(data):
printable_chars = set(bytes(string.printable, "ascii")) - set(b"\n\r\t\x0b\x0c")
return "".join(chr(c) if c in printable_chars else "." for c in data)
# best=sorted(tqdm(gen(),ascii=True),key=lambda v:len(v['data']),reverse=True)
# def score(entry):
# return len(entry['data'])
# def analyze(entry):
# data=entry['data']
# entry['infos'] = {
# 'len':len(data),
# }
# for bo in "><":
# for t in "hHiIlLqQefd":
# fmt="{}{}".format(bo,t)
# if len(data)%struct.calcsize(fmt)==0:
# entry['infos'][fmt]=[v[0] for v in struct.iter_unpack(fmt,data)]
# return entry
filters = sys.argv[2:]
with open("all.log", "w") as of:
for entry in gen():
fm = any(
all(s.lower() in entry["filename"].lower() for s in f.split("|"))
for f in filters
if filters and not fm:
is_magic = bytes(entry["block_id"], "utf8").ljust(4, b"\0") == entry["data"]
entry["data_len"] = len(entry["data"])
entry["str"] = strdump(entry["data"])
entry["data"] = entry["data"].hex().upper()
if is_magic:
print("#" * 50, file=of)
"{timestamp} {block_id} {filename} {data_len:08X} {data} {str}".format(