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// consts.go - consts for xsnet
// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Russell Magee
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.mit in this
// distribution)
// golang implementation by Russ Magee (rmagee_at_gmail.com)
package xsnet
// KEX algorithm values
// Specified (in string form) as the extensions parameter
// to xsnet.Dial()
// Alg is sent in a uint8 so there are up to 256 possible
const (
KEX_HERRADURA256 = iota // this MUST be first for default if omitted in ctor
KEX_NEWHOPE_SIMPLE // 'NewHopeLP-Simple' - https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1157
KEX_invalid = 255
// Sent from client to server in order to specify which
// algo shall be used (see xsnet.KEX_HERRADURA256, ...)
type KEXAlg uint8
// Extended exit status codes - indicate comm/pty issues
// rather than remote end normal UNIX exit codes
const (
CSENone = 1024 + iota
CSETruncCSO // No CSOExitStatus in payload
CSEStillOpen // Channel closed unexpectedly
CSEExecFail // cmd.Start() (exec) failed
CSEPtyExecFail // pty.Start() (exec w/pty) failed
CSEPtyGetNameFail // failed to obtain pty name
CSEKEXAlgDenied // server rejected proposed KEX alg
CSECipherAlgDenied // server rejected proposed Cipher alg
CSEHMACAlgDenied // server rejected proposed HMAC alg
// Extended (>255 UNIX exit status) codes
// This indicate channel-related or internal errors
type CSExtendedCode uint32
// Channel Status/Op bytes - packet types
const (
// Main connection/session control
CSONone = iota // No error, normal packet
CSOHmacInvalid // HMAC mismatch detected on remote end
CSOTermSize // set term size (rows:cols)
CSOExitStatus // Remote cmd exit status
CSOChaff // Dummy packet, do not pass beyond decryption
// Tunnel setup/control/status
CSOTunSetup // client -> server tunnel setup request (dstport)
CSOTunSetupAck // server -> client tunnel setup ack
CSOTunRefused // server -> client: tunnel rport connection refused
CSOTunData // packet contains tunnel data [rport:data]
CSOTunKeepAlive // client tunnel heartbeat
CSOTunDisconn // server -> client: tunnel rport disconnected
CSOTunHangup // client -> server: tunnel lport hung up
// TunEndpoint.tunCtl control values - used to control workers for client
// or server tunnels depending on the code
const (
TunCtl_Client_Listen = 'a'
// [CSOTunAccept]
// status: server has ack'd tun setup request
// action: client should accept (after re-listening, if required) on lport
TunCtl_Server_Dial = 'd' // server has dialled OK, client side can accept() conns
// [CSOTunAccept]
// status: client wants to open tunnel to rport
// action:server side should dial() rport on client's behalf
// Channel status Op byte type (see CSONone, ... and CSENone, ...)
type CSOType uint32
//TODO: this should be small (max unfragmented packet size?)
const MAX_PAYLOAD_LEN = 4*1024*1024*1024 - 1
// Session symmetric crypto algs
const (
CAlgAES256 = iota
CAlgTwofish128 // golang.org/x/crypto/twofish
CAlgBlowfish64 // golang.org/x/crypto/blowfish
CAlgCryptMT1 //cryptmt using mtwist64
CAlgWanderer // inhouse experimental crypto alg
// Available ciphers for hkex.Conn
type CSCipherAlg uint32
// Session packet auth HMAC algs
const (
HmacSHA256 = iota
// Available HMACs for hkex.Conn
type CSHmacAlg uint32