Russ Magee caac02a77b 1/2 Updated Makefile to allow VENDOR flag (adds -vendor to version string)
2/2 Added vendor/ dir to lock down dependent pkg versions.
The author of git.schwanenlied.me/yawning/{chacha20,newhope,kyber}.git has copied
their repos to gitlab.com/yawning/ but some imports of chacha20 from newhope still
inconsistently refer to git.schwanenlied.me/, breaking build.
Licenses for chacha20 also changed from CC0 to AGPL, which may or may not be an
issue. Until the two aforementioned issues are resolved, locking to last-good
versions is probably the best way forward for now.

To build with vendored deps, use make VENDOR=1 clean all
2020-01-29 13:55:38 -08:00

166 lines
4.2 KiB

// newhope_simple.go - NewHope-Simple interface.
// To the extent possible under law, Yawning Angel has waived all copyright
// and related or neighboring rights to newhope, using the Creative
// Commons "CC0" public domain dedication. See LICENSE or
// <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/> for full details.
package newhope
import (
const (
// HighBytes is the length of the encoded secret in bytes.
HighBytes = 384
// SendASimpleSize is the length of Alice's NewHope-Simple public key in
// bytes.
SendASimpleSize = PolyBytes + SeedBytes
// SendBSimpleSize is the length of Bob's NewHope-Simple public key in
// bytes.
SendBSimpleSize = PolyBytes + HighBytes
func encodeBSimple(r []byte, b *poly, v *poly) {
func decodeBSimple(b *poly, v *poly, r []byte) {
// PublicKeySimpleAlice is Alice's NewHope-Simple public key.
type PublicKeySimpleAlice struct {
Send [SendASimpleSize]byte
// PrivateKeySimpleAlice is Alice's NewHope-Simple private key.
type PrivateKeySimpleAlice struct {
sk poly
// Reset clears all sensitive information such that it no longer appears in
// memory.
func (k *PrivateKeySimpleAlice) Reset() {
// GenerateKeyPairSimpleAlice returns a NewHope-Simple private/public key pair.
// The private key is generated using the given reader, which must return
// random data. The receiver side of the key exchange (aka "Bob") MUST use
// KeyExchangeSimpleBob() instead of this routine.
func GenerateKeyPairSimpleAlice(rand io.Reader) (*PrivateKeySimpleAlice, *PublicKeySimpleAlice, error) {
var a, e, pk, r poly
var seed, noiseSeed [SeedBytes]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, seed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
seed = sha3.Sum256(seed[:]) // Don't send output of system RNG.
a.uniform(&seed, TorSampling)
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, noiseSeed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer memwipe(noiseSeed[:])
privKey := new(PrivateKeySimpleAlice)
privKey.sk.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 0)
e.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 1)
pubKey := new(PublicKeySimpleAlice)
r.pointwise(&privKey.sk, &a)
pk.add(&e, &r)
encodeA(pubKey.Send[:], &pk, &seed)
return privKey, pubKey, nil
// PublicKeySimpleBob is Bob's NewHope-Simple public key.
type PublicKeySimpleBob struct {
Send [SendBSimpleSize]byte
// KeyExchangeSimpleBob is the Responder side of the NewHope-Simple key
// exchange. The shared secret and "public key" are generated using the
// given reader, which must return random data.
func KeyExchangeSimpleBob(rand io.Reader, alicePk *PublicKeySimpleAlice) (*PublicKeySimpleBob, []byte, error) {
var pka, a, sp, ep, bp, v, epp, m poly
var seed, noiseSeed [SeedBytes]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, noiseSeed[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer memwipe(noiseSeed[:])
var sharedKey [SharedSecretSize]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand, sharedKey[:]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
defer memwipe(sharedKey[:])
sharedKey = sha3.Sum256(sharedKey[:])
decodeA(&pka, &seed, alicePk.Send[:])
a.uniform(&seed, TorSampling)
sp.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 0)
ep.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 1)
bp.pointwise(&a, &sp)
bp.add(&bp, &ep)
v.pointwise(&pka, &sp)
epp.getNoise(&noiseSeed, 2)
v.add(&v, &epp)
v.add(&v, &m) // add key
pubKey := new(PublicKeySimpleBob)
encodeBSimple(pubKey.Send[:], &bp, &v)
mu := sha3.Sum256(sharedKey[:])
// Scrub the sensitive stuff...
return pubKey, mu[:], nil
// KeyExchangeSimpleAlice is the Initiaitor side of the NewHope-Simple key
// exchange. The provided private key is obliterated prior to returning.
func KeyExchangeSimpleAlice(bobPk *PublicKeySimpleBob, aliceSk *PrivateKeySimpleAlice) ([]byte, error) {
var v, bp, k poly
decodeBSimple(&bp, &v, bobPk.Send[:])
k.pointwise(&aliceSk.sk, &bp)
k.sub(&k, &v)
var sharedKey [SharedSecretSize]byte
// mu <- Sha3-256(v')
mu := sha3.Sum256(sharedKey[:])
// Scrub the sensitive stuff...
return mu[:], nil