
558 lines
16 KiB

// hkexnet.go - net.Conn compatible channel setup with encrypted/HMAC
// negotiation
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Russell Magee
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.mit in this
// distribution)
// golang implementation by Russ Magee (rmagee_at_gmail.com)
package hkexsh
// Implementation of HKEx-wrapped versions of the golang standard
// net package interfaces, allowing clients and servers to simply replace
// 'net.Dial' and 'net.Listen' with 'hkex.Dial' and 'hkex.Listen'.
import (
const (
CSONone = iota // No error, normal packet
CSOHmacInvalid // HMAC mismatch detected on remote end
CSOTermSize // set term size (rows:cols)
CSOExitStatus // Remote cmd exit status (TODO)
CSOChaff // Dummy packet, do not pass beyond decryption
type WinSize struct {
Rows uint16
Cols uint16
type ChaffConfig struct {
shutdown bool //set to inform chaffHelper to shut down
enabled bool
msecsMin uint //msecs min interval
msecsMax uint //msecs max interval
szMax uint // max size in bytes
// Conn is a HKex connection - a drop-in replacement for net.Conn
type Conn struct {
m *sync.Mutex
c net.Conn // which also implements io.Reader, io.Writer, ...
h *HerraduraKEx
cipheropts uint32 // post-KEx cipher/hmac options
opts uint32 // post-KEx protocol options (caller-defined)
WinCh chan WinSize
Rows uint16
Cols uint16
chaff ChaffConfig
r cipher.Stream //read cipherStream
rm hash.Hash
w cipher.Stream //write cipherStream
wm hash.Hash
dBuf *bytes.Buffer //decrypt buffer for Read()
// ConnOpts returns the cipher/hmac options value, which is sent to the
// peer but is not itself part of the KEx.
// (Used for protocol-level negotiations after KEx such as
// cipher/HMAC algorithm options etc.)
func (c Conn) ConnOpts() uint32 {
return c.cipheropts
// SetConnOpts sets the cipher/hmac options value, which is sent to the
// peer as part of KEx but not part of the KEx itself.
// opts - bitfields for cipher and hmac alg. to use after KEx
func (c *Conn) SetConnOpts(copts uint32) {
c.cipheropts = copts
// Opts returns the protocol options value, which is sent to the peer
// but is not itself part of the KEx or connection (cipher/hmac) setup.
// Consumers of this lib may use this for protocol-level options not part
// of the KEx or encryption info used by the connection.
func (c Conn) Opts() uint32 {
return c.opts
// SetOpts sets the protocol options value, which is sent to the peer
// but is not itself part of the KEx or connection (cipher/hmac) setup.
// Consumers of this lib may use this for protocol-level options not part
// of the KEx of encryption info used by the connection.
// opts - a uint32, caller-defined
func (c *Conn) SetOpts(opts uint32) {
c.opts = opts
func (c *Conn) applyConnExtensions(extensions ...string) {
for _, s := range extensions {
switch s {
case "C_AES_256":
log.Println("[extension arg = C_AES_256]")
c.cipheropts &= (0xFFFFFF00)
c.cipheropts |= CAlgAES256
case "C_TWOFISH_128":
log.Println("[extension arg = C_TWOFISH_128]")
c.cipheropts &= (0xFFFFFF00)
c.cipheropts |= CAlgTwofish128
case "C_BLOWFISH_64":
log.Println("[extension arg = C_BLOWFISH_64]")
c.cipheropts &= (0xFFFFFF00)
c.cipheropts |= CAlgBlowfish64
case "H_SHA256":
log.Println("[extension arg = H_SHA256]")
c.cipheropts &= (0xFFFF00FF)
c.cipheropts |= (HmacSHA256 << 8)
log.Printf("[Dial ext \"%s\" ignored]\n", s)
// Dial as net.Dial(), but with implicit HKEx PeerD read on connect
// Can be called like net.Dial(), defaulting to C_AES_256/H_SHA256,
// or additional option arguments can be passed amongst the following:
// "C_AES_256" | "C_TWOFISH_128"
// "H_SHA256"
func Dial(protocol string, ipport string, extensions ...string) (hc *Conn, err error) {
// Open raw Conn c
c, err := net.Dial(protocol, ipport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Init hkexnet.Conn hc over net.Conn c
hc = &Conn{m: &sync.Mutex{}, c: c, h: New(0, 0), dBuf: new(bytes.Buffer)}
// Send hkexnet.Conn parameters to remote side
// d is value for Herradura key exchange
fmt.Fprintf(c, "0x%s\n%08x:%08x\n", hc.h.d.Text(16),
hc.cipheropts, hc.opts)
d := big.NewInt(0)
_, err = fmt.Fscanln(c, d)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = fmt.Fscanf(c, "%08x:%08x\n",
&hc.cipheropts, &hc.opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hc.h.PeerD = d
log.Printf("** D:%s\n", hc.h.d.Text(16))
log.Printf("**(c)** peerD:%s\n", hc.h.PeerD.Text(16))
log.Printf("**(c)** FA:%s\n", hc.h.fa)
hc.r, hc.rm, err = hc.getStream(hc.h.fa)
hc.w, hc.wm, err = hc.getStream(hc.h.fa)
// Close a hkex.Conn
func (c Conn) Close() (err error) {
err = c.c.Close()
log.Println("[Conn Closing]")
// LocalAddr returns the local network address.
func (c Conn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return c.c.LocalAddr()
// RemoteAddr returns the remote network address.
func (c Conn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return c.c.RemoteAddr()
// SetDeadline sets the read and write deadlines associated
// with the connection. It is equivalent to calling both
// SetReadDeadline and SetWriteDeadline.
// A deadline is an absolute time after which I/O operations
// fail with a timeout (see type Error) instead of
// blocking. The deadline applies to all future and pending
// I/O, not just the immediately following call to Read or
// Write. After a deadline has been exceeded, the connection
// can be refreshed by setting a deadline in the future.
// An idle timeout can be implemented by repeatedly extending
// the deadline after successful Read or Write calls.
// A zero value for t means I/O operations will not time out.
func (c Conn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.SetDeadline(t)
// SetWriteDeadline sets the deadline for future Write calls
// and any currently-blocked Write call.
// Even if write times out, it may return n > 0, indicating that
// some of the data was successfully written.
// A zero value for t means Write will not time out.
func (c Conn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.SetWriteDeadline(t)
// SetReadDeadline sets the deadline for future Read calls
// and any currently-blocked Read call.
// A zero value for t means Read will not time out.
func (c Conn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return c.SetReadDeadline(t)
// HKExListener is a Listener conforming to net.Listener
// See go doc net.Listener
type HKExListener struct {
l net.Listener
// Listen for a connection
// See go doc net.Listen
func Listen(protocol string, ipport string) (hl HKExListener, e error) {
l, err := net.Listen(protocol, ipport)
if err != nil {
return HKExListener{nil}, err
hl.l = l
// Close a hkex Listener - closes the Listener.
// Any blocked Accept operations will be unblocked and return errors.
// See go doc net.Listener.Close
func (hl HKExListener) Close() error {
log.Println("[Listener Closed]")
return hl.l.Close()
// Addr returns a the listener's network address.
// See go doc net.Listener.Addr
func (hl HKExListener) Addr() net.Addr {
return hl.l.Addr()
// Accept a client connection, conforming to net.Listener.Accept()
// See go doc net.Listener.Accept
func (hl HKExListener) Accept() (hc Conn, err error) {
// Open raw Conn c
c, err := hl.l.Accept()
if err != nil {
hc := Conn{m: &sync.Mutex{}, c: nil, h: nil, cipheropts: 0, opts: 0,
r: nil, w: nil}
return hc, err
hc = Conn{m: &sync.Mutex{}, c: c, h: New(0, 0), WinCh: make(chan WinSize, 1),
dBuf: new(bytes.Buffer)}
// Read in hkexnet.Conn parameters over raw Conn c
// d is value for Herradura key exchange
d := big.NewInt(0)
_, err = fmt.Fscanln(c, d)
log.Printf("[Got d:%v]", d)
if err != nil {
return hc, err
_, err = fmt.Fscanf(c, "%08x:%08x\n",
&hc.cipheropts, &hc.opts)
log.Printf("[Got cipheropts, opts:%v, %v]", hc.cipheropts, hc.opts)
if err != nil {
return hc, err
hc.h.PeerD = d
log.Printf("** D:%s\n", hc.h.d.Text(16))
log.Printf("**(s)** peerD:%s\n", hc.h.PeerD.Text(16))
log.Printf("**(s)** FA:%s\n", hc.h.fa)
fmt.Fprintf(c, "0x%s\n%08x:%08x\n", hc.h.d.Text(16),
hc.cipheropts, hc.opts)
hc.r, hc.rm, err = hc.getStream(hc.h.fa)
hc.w, hc.wm, err = hc.getStream(hc.h.fa)
// Read into a byte slice
// See go doc io.Reader
func (c Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
for {
//log.Printf("c.dBuf.Len(): %d\n", c.dBuf.Len())
if c.dBuf.Len() > 0 /* len(b) */ {
var ctrlStatOp uint8
var hmacIn [4]uint8
var payloadLen uint32
// Read ctrl/status opcode (CSOHmacInvalid on hmac mismatch)
err = binary.Read(c.c, binary.BigEndian, &ctrlStatOp)
log.Printf("[ctrlStatOp: %v]\n", ctrlStatOp)
if ctrlStatOp == CSOHmacInvalid {
// Other side indicated channel tampering, close channel
return 1, errors.New("** ALERT - remote end detected HMAC mismatch - possible channel tampering **")
// Read the hmac and payload len first
err = binary.Read(c.c, binary.BigEndian, &hmacIn)
// Normal client 'exit' from interactive session will cause
// (on server side) err.Error() == "<iface/addr info ...>: use of closed network connection"
if err != nil {
if !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
log.Println("unexpected Read() err:", err)
} else {
log.Println("[Client hung up]")
return 0, err
err = binary.Read(c.c, binary.BigEndian, &payloadLen)
if err != nil {
if err.Error() != "EOF" {
log.Println("unexpected Read() err:", err)
// Cannot just return 0, err here - client won't hang up properly
// when 'exit' from shell. TODO: try server sending ctrlStatOp to
// indicate to Reader? -rlm 20180428
if payloadLen > 16384 {
log.Printf("[Insane payloadLen:%v]\n", payloadLen)
return 1, errors.New("Insane payloadLen")
//log.Println("payloadLen:", payloadLen)
var payloadBytes = make([]byte, payloadLen)
n, err = io.ReadFull(c.c, payloadBytes)
//log.Print(" << Read ", n, " payloadBytes")
// Normal client 'exit' from interactive session will cause
// (on server side) err.Error() == "<iface/addr info ...>: use of closed network connection"
if err != nil && err.Error() != "EOF" {
if !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
log.Println("unexpected Read() err:", err)
} else {
log.Println("[Client hung up]")
log.Printf(" <:ctext:\r\n%s\r\n", hex.Dump(payloadBytes[:n]))
db := bytes.NewBuffer(payloadBytes[:n]) //copying payloadBytes to db
// The StreamReader acts like a pipe, decrypting
// whatever is available and forwarding the result
// to the parameter of Read() as a normal io.Reader
rs := &cipher.StreamReader{S: c.r, R: db}
// The caller isn't necessarily reading the full payload so we need
// to decrypt ot an intermediate buffer, draining it on demand of caller
decryptN, err := rs.Read(payloadBytes)
log.Printf(" <-ptext:\r\n%s\r\n", hex.Dump(payloadBytes[:n]))
if err != nil {
// Throw away pkt if it's chaff (ie., caller to Read() won't see this data)
if ctrlStatOp == CSOChaff {
log.Printf("[Chaff pkt, discarded (len %d)]\n", decryptN)
} else if ctrlStatOp == CSOTermSize {
fmt.Sscanf(string(payloadBytes), "%d %d", &c.Rows, &c.Cols)
log.Printf("[TermSize pkt: rows %v cols %v]\n", c.Rows, c.Cols)
c.WinCh <- WinSize{c.Rows, c.Cols}
} else {
//log.Printf("c.dBuf: %s\n", hex.Dump(c.dBuf.Bytes()))
// Re-calculate hmac, compare with received value
hTmp := c.rm.Sum(nil)[0:4]
log.Printf("<%04x) HMAC:(i)%s (c)%02x\r\n", decryptN, hex.EncodeToString([]byte(hmacIn[0:])), hTmp)
// Log alert if hmac didn't match, corrupted channel
if !bytes.Equal(hTmp, []byte(hmacIn[0:])) /*|| hmacIn[0] > 0xf8*/ {
fmt.Println("** ALERT - detected HMAC mismatch, possible channel tampering **")
_, _ = c.c.Write([]byte{CSOHmacInvalid})
retN := c.dBuf.Len()
if retN > len(b) {
retN = len(b)
log.Printf("Read() got %d bytes\n", retN)
copy(b, c.dBuf.Next(retN))
//log.Printf("As Read() returns, c.dBuf is %d long: %s\n", c.dBuf.Len(), hex.Dump(c.dBuf.Bytes()))
return retN, nil
// Write a byte slice
// See go doc io.Writer
func (c Conn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = c.WritePacket(b, CSONone)
return n, err
// Write a byte slice with specified ctrlStatusOp byte
func (c Conn) WritePacket(b []byte, op byte) (n int, err error) {
var hmacOut []uint8
var payloadLen uint32
// N.B. Originally this Lock() surrounded only the
// calls to binary.Write(c.c ..) however there appears
// to be some other unshareable state in the Conn
// struct that must be protected to serialize main and
// chaff data written to it.
// Would be nice to determine if the mutex scope
// could be tightened.
log.Printf(" :>ptext:\r\n%s\r\n", hex.Dump(b))
payloadLen = uint32(len(b))
// Calculate hmac on payload
hmacOut = c.wm.Sum(nil)[0:4]
log.Printf(" (%04x> HMAC(o):%s\r\n", payloadLen, hex.EncodeToString(hmacOut))
var wb bytes.Buffer
// The StreamWriter acts like a pipe, forwarding whatever is
// written to it through the cipher, encrypting as it goes
ws := &cipher.StreamWriter{S: c.w, W: &wb}
_, err = ws.Write(b)
if err != nil {
log.Printf(" ->ctext:\r\n%s\r\n", hex.Dump(wb.Bytes()))
ctrlStatOp := op
err = binary.Write(c.c, binary.BigEndian, &ctrlStatOp)
if err == nil {
// Write hmac LSB, payloadLen followed by payload
err = binary.Write(c.c, binary.BigEndian, hmacOut)
if err == nil {
err = binary.Write(c.c, binary.BigEndian, payloadLen)
if err == nil {
n, err = c.c.Write(wb.Bytes())
if err != nil {
func (c *Conn) EnableChaff() {
c.chaff.shutdown = false
c.chaff.enabled = true
log.Println("Chaffing ENABLED")
func (c *Conn) DisableChaff() {
c.chaff.enabled = false
log.Println("Chaffing DISABLED")
func (c *Conn) ShutdownChaff() {
c.chaff.shutdown = true
log.Println("Chaffing SHUTDOWN")
func (c *Conn) SetupChaff(msecsMin uint, msecsMax uint, szMax uint) {
c.chaff.msecsMin = msecsMin //move these to params of chaffHelper() ?
c.chaff.msecsMax = msecsMax
c.chaff.szMax = szMax
// Helper routine to spawn a chaffing goroutine for each Conn
func (c *Conn) chaffHelper() {
go func() {
for {
var nextDuration int
if c.chaff.enabled {
bufTmp := make([]byte, rand.Intn(int(c.chaff.szMax)))
min := int(c.chaff.msecsMin)
nextDuration = rand.Intn(int(c.chaff.msecsMax)-min) + min
_, _ = rand.Read(bufTmp)
_, err := c.WritePacket(bufTmp, CSOChaff)
if err != nil {
log.Println("[ *** error - chaffHelper quitting *** ]")
c.chaff.enabled = false
time.Sleep(time.Duration(nextDuration) * time.Millisecond)
if c.chaff.shutdown {
log.Println("*** chaffHelper shutting down")