
345 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

// hkexsh client
// Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Russell Magee
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.mit in this
// distribution)
// golang implementation by Russ Magee (rmagee_at_gmail.com)
package main
import (
hkexsh "blitter.com/go/hkexsh"
isatty "github.com/mattn/go-isatty"
type cmdSpec struct {
op []byte
who []byte
cmd []byte
authCookie []byte
status int // though UNIX shell exit status is uint8, os.Exit() wants int
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
defPort = "2000"
// Get terminal size using 'stty' command
func GetSize() (cols, rows int, err error) {
cmd := exec.Command("stty", "size")
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
cols, rows = 80, 24 //failsafe
} else {
fmt.Sscanf(string(out), "%d %d\n", &rows, &cols)
func parseFancyEndpointArg(a []string, dp string) (user, host, port, path string) {
//TODO: Look for non-option fancyArg of syntax user@host:filespec to set -r,-t and -u
// Consider: whether fancyArg is src or dst file depends on flag.Args() index;
// fancyArg as last flag.Args() element denotes dstFile
// fancyArg as not-last flag.Args() element denotes srcFile
// * throw error if >1 fancyArgs are found in flags.Args()
var fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPort, fancyPath string
for i, arg := range flag.Args() {
if strings.Contains(arg, ":") || strings.Contains(arg, "@") {
fancyArg := strings.Split(flag.Arg(i), "@")
var fancyHostPortPath []string
if len(fancyArg) < 2 {
//TODO: no user specified, use current
fancyUser = "[default:getUser]"
fancyHostPortPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[0], ":")
} else {
// user@....
fancyUser = fancyArg[0]
fancyHostPortPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[1], ":")
if len(fancyHostPortPath) > 2 {
// [user]@host[:port]:path
fancyPath = fancyHostPortPath[2]
if len(fancyHostPortPath) > 1 {
// [user]@host:port[:...] or [user]@host:path (default port)
fancyPort = fancyHostPortPath[1]
// [user]@host[:...[:...]]
fancyHost = fancyHostPortPath[0]
if fancyPort == "" {
fancyPort = dp
if fancyPath == "" {
fancyPath = "."
fmt.Println("fancyArgs: user:", fancyUser, "host:", fancyHost, "port:", fancyPort, "path:", fancyPath)
break // ignore multiple 'fancyArgs'
return fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPort, fancyPath
// Demo of a simple client that dials up to a simple test server to
// send data.
// While conforming to the basic net.Conn interface HKex.Conn has extra
// capabilities designed to allow apps to define connection options,
// encryption/hmac settings and operations across the encrypted channel.
// Initial setup is the same as using plain net.Dial(), but one may
// specify extra extension tags (strings) to set the cipher and hmac
// setting desired; as well as the intended operation mode for the
// connection (app-specific, passed through to the server to use or
// ignore at its discretion).
func main() {
version := "0.1pre (NO WARRANTY)"
var vopt bool
var dbg bool
var cAlg string
var hAlg string
var server string
var cmdStr string
var copySrc string
var copyDst string
var altUser string
var authCookie string
var chaffEnabled bool
var chaffFreqMin uint
var chaffFreqMax uint
var chaffBytesMax uint
var op []byte
isInteractive := false
flag.BoolVar(&vopt, "v", false, "show version")
flag.BoolVar(&dbg, "d", false, "debug logging")
flag.StringVar(&cAlg, "c", "C_AES_256", "cipher [\"C_AES_256\" | \"C_TWOFISH_128\" | \"C_BLOWFISH_64\"]")
flag.StringVar(&hAlg, "m", "H_SHA256", "hmac [\"H_SHA256\"]")
flag.StringVar(&server, "s", "localhost:"+defPort, "server hostname/address[:port]")
flag.StringVar(&altUser, "u", "", "specify alternate user")
flag.StringVar(&authCookie, "a", "", "auth cookie")
flag.BoolVar(&chaffEnabled, "e", true, "enabled chaff pkts (default true)")
flag.UintVar(&chaffFreqMin, "f", 100, "chaff pkt freq min (msecs)")
flag.UintVar(&chaffFreqMax, "F", 5000, "chaff pkt freq max (msecs)")
flag.UintVar(&chaffBytesMax, "B", 64, "chaff pkt size max (bytes)")
// Find out what program we are (shell or copier)
myPath := strings.Split(os.Args[0], string(os.PathSeparator))
if myPath[len(myPath)-1] != "hkexcp" && myPath[len(myPath)-1] != "hkexcp.exe" {
// hkexsh accepts a command (-x) but not
// a srcpath (-r) or dstpath (-t)
flag.StringVar(&cmdStr, "x", "", "command to run (default empty - interactive shell)")
} else {
// hkexcp accepts srcpath (-r) and dstpath (-t), but not
// a command (-x)
flag.StringVar(&copySrc, "r", "", "copy srcpath")
flag.StringVar(&copyDst, "t", "", "copy dstpath")
fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPort, fancyPath := parseFancyEndpointArg(flag.Args(), defPort /* defPort */)
fmt.Println("fancyHost:", fancyHost)
if fancyUser != "" {
altUser = fancyUser
if fancyHost != "" {
server = fancyHost + ":" + fancyPort
fmt.Println("fancyHost sets server to", server)
if fancyPath != "" {
//TODO: srcPath or dstPath depends on other flag.Args
copyDst = fancyPath
fmt.Println("server finally is:", server)
if flag.NFlag() == 0 && server == "" {
if vopt {
fmt.Printf("version v%s\n", version)
if len(cmdStr) != 0 && (len(copySrc) != 0 || len(copyDst) != 0) {
log.Fatal("incompatible options -- either cmd (-x) or copy ops (-r,-t), but not both")
if dbg {
} else {
conn, err := hkexnet.Dial("tcp", server, cAlg, hAlg)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// From this point on, conn is a secure encrypted channel
// Set stdin in raw mode if it's an interactive session
// TODO: send flag to server side indicating this
// affects shell command used
var oldState *hkexsh.State
if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdin.Fd()) {
oldState, err = hkexsh.MakeRaw(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
if err != nil {
defer func() { _ = hkexsh.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) }() // Best effort.
} else {
log.Println("NOT A TTY")
var uname string
if len(altUser) == 0 {
u, _ := user.Current()
uname = u.Username
} else {
uname = altUser
if len(cmdStr) == 0 {
op = []byte{'s'}
isInteractive = true
} else {
op = []byte{'c'}
// non-interactive cmds may complete quickly, so chaff earlier/faster
// to help ensure there's some cover to the brief traffic.
// (ignoring cmdline values)
chaffFreqMin = 2
chaffFreqMax = 10
if len(authCookie) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Gimme cookie:")
ab, err := hkexsh.ReadPassword(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
if err != nil {
authCookie = string(ab)
// Security scrub
ab = nil
rec := &cmdSpec{
op: op,
who: []byte(uname),
cmd: []byte(cmdStr),
authCookie: []byte(authCookie),
status: 0}
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(conn, "%d %d %d %d\n",
len(rec.op), len(rec.who), len(rec.cmd), len(rec.authCookie))
_, err = conn.Write(rec.op)
_, err = conn.Write(rec.who)
_, err = conn.Write(rec.cmd)
_, err = conn.Write(rec.authCookie)
// Set up chaffing to server
conn.SetupChaff(chaffFreqMin, chaffFreqMax, chaffBytesMax) // enable client->server chaffing
if chaffEnabled {
defer conn.DisableChaff()
defer conn.ShutdownChaff()
//client reader (from server) goroutine
go func() {
// By deferring a call to wg.Done(),
// each goroutine guarantees that it marks
// its direction's stream as finished.
// Whichever direction's goroutine finishes first
// will call wg.Done() once more, explicitly, to
// hang up on the other side, so that this client
// exits immediately on an EOF from either side.
defer wg.Done()
// io.Copy() expects EOF so this will
// exit with inerr == nil
_, inerr := io.Copy(os.Stdout, conn)
if inerr != nil {
if inerr.Error() != "EOF" {
_ = hkexsh.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) // Best effort.
rec.status = int(conn.GetStatus())
log.Println("rec.status:", rec.status)
if isInteractive {
log.Println("[* Got EOF *]")
_ = hkexsh.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) // Best effort.
if isInteractive {
// client writer (to server) goroutine
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
// Copy() expects EOF so this will
// exit with outerr == nil
//!_, outerr := io.Copy(conn, os.Stdin)
_, outerr := func(conn *hkexnet.Conn, r io.Reader) (w int64, e error) {
return io.Copy(conn, r)
}(conn, os.Stdin)
if outerr != nil {
if outerr.Error() != "EOF" {
_ = hkexsh.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) // Best effort.
log.Println("[Sent EOF]")
wg.Done() // client hung up, close WaitGroup to exit client
// Wait until both stdin and stdout goroutines finish
_ = hkexsh.Restore(int(os.Stdin.Fd()), oldState) // Best effort.