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synced 2024-08-14 10:26:42 +00:00
2/3 Added vendor/ dir to lock down dependent pkg versions. The author of git.schwanenlied.me/yawning/{chacha20,newhope,kyber}.git has copied their repos to gitlab.com/yawning/ but some imports of chacha20 from newhope still inconsistently refer to git.schwanenlied.me/, breaking build. Licenses for chacha20 also changed from CC0 to AGPL, which may or may not be an issue. Until the two aforementioned issues are resolved, locking to last-good versions is probably the best way forward for now. To build with vendored deps, use make VENDOR=1 clean all 3/3 Moved body of CI push script into bacillus/
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// Package raw provides a raw implementation of the modular-crypt-wrapped Argon2i primitive.
package raw
import (
// The current recommended time value for interactive logins.
const RecommendedTime uint32 = 4
// The current recommended memory for interactive logins.
const RecommendedMemory uint32 = 32 * 1024
// The current recommended number of threads for interactive logins.
const RecommendedThreads uint8 = 4
// Wrapper for golang.org/x/crypto/argon2 implementing a sensible
// hashing interface.
// password should be a UTF-8 plaintext password.
// salt should be a random salt value in binary form.
// Time, memory, and threads are parameters to argon2.
// Returns an argon2 encoded hash.
func Argon2(password string, salt []byte, time, memory uint32, threads uint8) string {
passwordb := []byte(password)
hash := argon2.Key(passwordb, salt, time, memory, threads, 32)
hstr := base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(hash)
sstr := base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(salt)
return fmt.Sprintf("$argon2i$v=%d$m=%d,t=%d,p=%d$%s$%s", argon2.Version, memory, time, threads, sstr, hstr)
// Indicates that a password hash or stub is invalid.
var ErrInvalidStub = fmt.Errorf("invalid argon2 password stub")
// Indicates that a key-value pair in the configuration part is malformed.
var ErrInvalidKeyValuePair = fmt.Errorf("invalid argon2 key-value pair")
// Indicates that the version part had the wrong number of parameters.
var ErrParseVersion = fmt.Errorf("version section has wrong number of parameters")
// Indicates that the hash config part had the wrong number of parameters.
var ErrParseConfig = fmt.Errorf("hash config section has wrong number of parameters")
// Indicates that the version parameter ("v") was missing in the version part,
// even though it is required.
var ErrMissingVersion = fmt.Errorf("version parameter (v) is missing")
// Indicates that the memory parameter ("m") was mossing in the hash config
// part, even though it is required.
var ErrMissingMemory = fmt.Errorf("memory parameter (m) is missing")
// Indicates that the time parameter ("t") was mossing in the hash config part,
// even though it is required.
var ErrMissingTime = fmt.Errorf("time parameter (t) is missing")
// Indicates that the parallelism parameter ("p") was mossing in the hash config
// part, even though it is required.
var ErrMissingParallelism = fmt.Errorf("parallelism parameter (p) is missing")
// Parses an argon2 encoded hash.
// The format is as follows:
// $argon2i$v=version$m=memory,t=time,p=threads$salt$hash // hash
// $argon2i$v=version$m=memory,t=time,p=threads$salt // stub
func Parse(stub string) (salt, hash []byte, version int, time, memory uint32, parallelism uint8, err error) {
if len(stub) < 26 || !strings.HasPrefix(stub, "$argon2i$") {
err = ErrInvalidStub
// $argon2i$ v=version$m=memory,t=time,p=threads$salt-base64$hash-base64
parts := strings.Split(stub[9:], "$")
// version-params$hash-config-params$salt[$hash]
if len(parts) < 3 || len(parts) > 4 {
err = ErrInvalidStub
// Parse the first configuration part, the version parameters.
versionParams, err := parseKeyValuePair(parts[0])
if err != nil {
// Must be exactly one parameter in the version part.
if len(versionParams) != 1 {
err = ErrParseVersion
// It must be "v".
val, ok := versionParams["v"]
if !ok {
err = ErrMissingVersion
version = int(val)
// Parse the second configuration part, the hash config parameters.
hashParams, err := parseKeyValuePair(parts[1])
if err != nil {
// It must have exactly three parameters.
if len(hashParams) != 3 {
err = ErrParseConfig
// Memory parameter.
val, ok = hashParams["m"]
if !ok {
err = ErrMissingMemory
memory = uint32(val)
// Time parameter.
val, ok = hashParams["t"]
if !ok {
err = ErrMissingTime
time = uint32(val)
// Parallelism parameter.
val, ok = hashParams["p"]
if !ok {
err = ErrMissingParallelism
parallelism = uint8(val)
// Decode salt.
salt, err = base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(parts[2])
if err != nil {
// Decode hash if present.
if len(parts) >= 4 {
hash, err = base64.RawStdEncoding.DecodeString(parts[3])
func parseKeyValuePair(pairs string) (result map[string]uint64, err error) {
result = map[string]uint64{}
parameterParts := strings.Split(pairs, ",")
for _, parameter := range parameterParts {
parts := strings.SplitN(parameter, "=", 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
err = ErrInvalidKeyValuePair
parsedi, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return result, err
result[parts[0]] = parsedi
return result, nil