package hkexsh // Package hkexsh - a secure terminal client/server written from scratch in Go // // Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Russell Magee // Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see in this // distribution) // // golang implementation by Russ Magee ( // Authentication routines for the HKExSh import ( "bytes" "encoding/csv" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "os/user" "runtime" "strings" "" ) func userExistsOnSystem(who string) bool { _, userErr := user.Lookup(who) return userErr == nil } // AuthUserByPasswd checks user login information using a password. // This checks /etc/hkexsh.passwd for auth info, and system /etc/passwd // to cross-check the user actually exists. // nolint: gocyclo func AuthUserByPasswd(username string, auth string, fname string) (valid bool, allowedCmds string) { b, e := ioutil.ReadFile(fname) // nolint: gosec if e != nil { valid = false log.Println("ERROR: Cannot read hkexsh.passwd file!") log.Fatal(e) } r := csv.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b)) r.Comma = ':' r.Comment = '#' r.FieldsPerRecord = 3 // username:salt:authCookie [TODO:disallowedCmdList (a,b,...)] for { record, err := r.Read() if err == io.EOF { // Use dummy entry if user not found // (prevent user enumeration attack via obvious timing diff; // ie., not attempting any auth at all) record = []string{"$nosuchuser$", "$2a$12$l0coBlRDNEJeQVl6GdEPbU", "$2a$12$l0coBlRDNEJeQVl6GdEPbUC/xmuOANvqgmrMVum6S4i.EXPgnTXy6"} username = "$nosuchuser$" err = nil } if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if username == record[0] { tmp, err := bcrypt.Hash(auth, record[1]) if err != nil { break } if tmp == record[2] && username != "$nosuchuser$" { valid = true } break } } // Security scrub for i := range b { b[i] = 0 } r = nil runtime.GC() if !userExistsOnSystem(username) { valid = false } return } // AuthUserByToken checks user login information against an auth token. // Auth tokens are stored in each user's $HOME/.hkexsh_id and are requested // via the -g option. // The function also check system /etc/passwd to cross-check the user // actually exists. func AuthUserByToken(username string, connhostname string, auth string) (valid bool) { auth = strings.TrimSpace(auth) u, ue := user.Lookup(username) if ue != nil { return false } b, e := ioutil.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.hkexsh_id", u.HomeDir)) if e != nil { log.Printf("INFO: Cannot read %s/.hkexsh_id\n", u.HomeDir) return false } r := csv.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b)) r.Comma = ':' r.Comment = '#' r.FieldsPerRecord = 2 // connhost:authtoken for { record, err := r.Read() if err == io.EOF { return false } record[0] = strings.TrimSpace(record[0]) record[1] = strings.TrimSpace(record[1]) //fmt.Println("auth:", auth, "record:", // strings.Join([]string{record[0], record[1]}, ":")) if (connhostname == record[0]) && (auth == strings.Join([]string{record[0], record[1]}, ":")) { valid = true break } } if !userExistsOnSystem(username) { valid = false } return }