Removed :port: from 'fancy' arg syntax; more improvements to src/dest file spec logic (esp. fixing bug in multiple src file/dir args to remote dest)

This commit is contained in:
Russ Magee 2018-08-25 23:38:58 -07:00
parent ca2b6efd9b
commit 1986ec6f0c
2 changed files with 50 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ type cmdSpec struct {
var (
wg sync.WaitGroup
defPort = "2000"
// Get terminal size using 'stty' command
@ -54,36 +53,30 @@ func GetSize() (cols, rows int, err error) {
func parseNonSwitchArgs(a []string, dp string) (user, host, port, path string, isDest bool, otherArgs []string) {
func parseNonSwitchArgs(a []string) (user, host, path string, isDest bool, otherArgs []string) {
// Whether fancyArg is src or dst file depends on flag.Args() index;
// fancyArg as last flag.Args() element denotes dstFile
// fancyArg as not-last flag.Args() element denotes srcFile
var fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPort, fancyPath string
var fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPath string
for i, arg := range a {
if strings.Contains(arg, ":") || strings.Contains(arg, "@") {
fancyArg := strings.Split(flag.Arg(i), "@")
var fancyHostPortPath []string
var fancyHostPath []string
if len(fancyArg) < 2 {
//TODO: no user specified, use current
fancyUser = "[default:getUser]"
fancyHostPortPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[0], ":")
fancyHostPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[0], ":")
} else {
// user@....
fancyUser = fancyArg[0]
fancyHostPortPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[1], ":")
fancyHostPath = strings.Split(fancyArg[1], ":")
// [...@]host[:port[:path]]
if len(fancyHostPortPath) > 2 {
fancyPath = fancyHostPortPath[2]
} else if len(fancyHostPortPath) > 1 {
fancyPort = fancyHostPortPath[1]
fancyHost = fancyHostPortPath[0]
if fancyPort == "" {
fancyPort = dp
// [...@]host[:path]
if len(fancyHostPath) > 1 {
fancyPath = fancyHostPath[1]
fancyHost = fancyHostPath[0]
//if fancyPath == "" {
// fancyPath = "."
@ -93,19 +86,18 @@ func parseNonSwitchArgs(a []string, dp string) (user, host, port, path string, i
isDest = true
fmt.Println("remote path isDest")
fmt.Println("fancyArgs: user:", fancyUser, "host:", fancyHost, "port:", fancyPort, "path:", fancyPath)
fmt.Println("fancyArgs: user:", fancyUser, "host:", fancyHost, "path:", fancyPath)
} else {
otherArgs = append(otherArgs, a[i])
return fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPort, fancyPath, isDest, otherArgs
return fancyUser, fancyHost, fancyPath, isDest, otherArgs
// doCopyMode begins a secure hkexsh local<->remote file copy operation.
func doCopyMode(conn *hkexnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, recurs bool, rec *cmdSpec) (err error, exitStatus int) {
if remoteDest {
fmt.Println("local files:", files, "remote filepath:", string(rec.cmd))
//fmt.Fprintf(conn, "copyMode remoteDest ...\n")
var c *exec.Cmd
@ -114,7 +106,12 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *hkexnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, recurs bool,
//os.Setenv("TERM", "vt102") // TODO: server or client option?
cmdName := "/bin/tar"
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "-f", "/dev/stdout", strings.TrimSpace(files)}
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "-f", "/dev/stdout"}
files = strings.TrimSpace(files)
for _, v := range strings.Split(files, " ") {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, v)
fmt.Printf("[%v %v]\n", cmdName, cmdArgs)
// NOTE the lack of quotes around --xform option's sed expression.
// When args are passed in exec() format, no quoting is required
@ -124,7 +121,11 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *hkexnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, recurs bool,
c.Dir, _ = os.Getwd()
fmt.Println("[wd:", c.Dir, "]")
c.Stdout = conn
c.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Stderr sinkholing is important. Any extraneous output to tarpipe
// messes up remote side as it's expecting pure tar data.
// (For example, if user specifies abs paths, tar outputs
// "Removing leading '/' from path names")
c.Stderr = nil
// Start the command (no pty)
err = c.Start() // returns immediately
@ -150,7 +151,6 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *hkexnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, recurs bool,
} else {
fmt.Println("remote filepath:", string(rec.cmd), "local files:", files)
//fmt.Fprintf(conn, "copyMode localDest ...\n")
var c *exec.Cmd
@ -159,11 +159,6 @@ func doCopyMode(conn *hkexnet.Conn, remoteDest bool, files string, recurs bool,
cmdName := "/bin/tar"
destPath := files
//if path.IsAbs(files) {
// destPath := files
//} else {
// destPath := strings.Join({os.Getenv("PWD"),files}, os.PathSeparator)
cmdArgs := []string{"-x", "-C", destPath}
fmt.Printf("[%v %v]\n", cmdName, cmdArgs)
@ -284,13 +279,13 @@ func main() {
var cAlg string
var hAlg string
var server string
var port uint
var cmdStr string
var recursiveCopy bool
var copySrc []byte
var copyDst string
var altUser string
var authCookie string
var chaffEnabled bool
var chaffFreqMin uint
@ -304,8 +299,7 @@ func main() {
flag.BoolVar(&dbg, "d", false, "debug logging")
flag.StringVar(&cAlg, "c", "C_AES_256", "cipher [\"C_AES_256\" | \"C_TWOFISH_128\" | \"C_BLOWFISH_64\"]")
flag.StringVar(&hAlg, "m", "H_SHA256", "hmac [\"H_SHA256\"]")
flag.StringVar(&server, "s", "localhost:"+defPort, "server hostname/address[:port]")
flag.StringVar(&altUser, "u", "", "specify alternate user")
flag.UintVar(&port, "p", 2000, "port")
flag.StringVar(&authCookie, "a", "", "auth cookie")
flag.BoolVar(&chaffEnabled, "e", true, "enabled chaff pkts (default true)")
flag.UintVar(&chaffFreqMin, "f", 100, "chaff pkt freq min (msecs)")
@ -325,21 +319,28 @@ func main() {
tmpUser, tmpHost, tmpPort, tmpPath, pathIsDest, otherArgs :=
parseNonSwitchArgs(flag.Args(), defPort /* defPort */)
remoteUser, tmpHost, tmpPath, pathIsDest, otherArgs :=
fmt.Println("otherArgs:", otherArgs)
//fmt.Println("tmpHost:", tmpHost)
//fmt.Println("tmpPath:", tmpPath)
if tmpUser != "" {
altUser = tmpUser
// Set defaults if user doesn't specify user, path or port
var uname string
if remoteUser == "" {
u, _ := user.Current()
uname = u.Username
} else {
uname = remoteUser
if tmpHost != "" {
server = tmpHost + ":" + tmpPort
//fmt.Println("tmpHost sets server to", server)
server = tmpHost + ":" + fmt.Sprintf("%d", port)
if tmpPath == "" {
tmpPath = "."
var fileArgs string
if !shellMode && tmpPath != "" {
if !shellMode /*&& tmpPath != ""*/ {
// -if pathIsSrc && len(otherArgs) > 1 ERROR
// -else flatten otherArgs into space-delim list => copySrc
if pathIsDest {
@ -456,14 +457,6 @@ func main() {
var uname string
if len(altUser) == 0 {
u, _ := user.Current()
uname = u.Username
} else {
uname = altUser
if len(authCookie) == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Gimme cookie:")
ab, err := hkexsh.ReadPassword(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))

View file

@ -150,7 +150,10 @@ func runServerToClientCopyAs(who string, conn hkexnet.Conn, srcPath string, chaf
var c *exec.Cmd
cmdName := "/bin/tar"
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "-f", "-", srcPath}
//cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "-f", "-", srcPath}
srcDir, srcBase := path.Split(srcPath)
cmdArgs := []string{"-c", "-C", srcDir, "-f", "-", srcBase}
c = exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...)
//If os.Clearenv() isn't called by server above these will be seen in the
@ -160,7 +163,11 @@ func runServerToClientCopyAs(who string, conn hkexnet.Conn, srcPath string, chaf
c.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{}
c.SysProcAttr.Credential = &syscall.Credential{Uid: uid, Gid: gid}
c.Stdout = conn
c.Stderr = conn
// Stderr sinkholing is important. Any extraneous output to tarpipe
// messes up remote side as it's expecting pure tar data.
// (For example, if user specifies abs paths, tar outputs
// "Removing leading '/' from path names")
c.Stderr = nil
if chaffing {