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package xs
// Package xs - a secure terminal client/server written from scratch in Go
// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Russell Magee
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE.mit in this
// distribution)
// golang implementation by Russ Magee (rmagee_at_gmail.com)
// Authentication routines for the HKExSh
import (
passlib "gopkg.in/hlandau/passlib.v1"
type AuthCtx struct {
reader func(string) ([]byte, error) // eg. ioutil.ReadFile()
userlookup func(string) (*user.User, error) // eg. os/user.Lookup()
func NewAuthCtx( /*reader func(string) ([]byte, error), userlookup func(string) (*user.User, error)*/ ) (ret *AuthCtx) {
ret = &AuthCtx{ioutil.ReadFile, user.Lookup}
// --------- System passwd/shadow auth routine(s) --------------
// Verify a password against system standard shadow file
// Note auxilliary fields for expiry policy are *not* inspected.
func VerifyPass(ctx *AuthCtx, user, password string) (bool, error) {
if ctx.reader == nil {
ctx.reader = ioutil.ReadFile // dependency injection hides that this is required
pwFileData, e := ctx.reader("/etc/shadow")
if e != nil {
return false, e
pwLines := strings.Split(string(pwFileData), "\n")
if len(pwLines) < 1 {
return false, errors.New("Empty shadow file!")
} else {
var line string
var hash string
var idx int
for idx = range pwLines {
line = pwLines[idx]
lFields := strings.Split(line, ":")
if lFields[0] == user {
hash = lFields[1]
if len(hash) == 0 {
return false, errors.New("nil hash!")
} else {
pe := passlib.VerifyNoUpgrade(password, hash)
if pe != nil {
return false, pe
return true, nil
// --------- End System passwd/shadow auth routine(s) ----------
// ------------- xs-local passwd auth routine(s) ---------------
// AuthUserByPasswd checks user login information using a password.
// This checks /etc/xs.passwd for auth info, and system /etc/passwd
// to cross-check the user actually exists.
// nolint: gocyclo
func AuthUserByPasswd(ctx *AuthCtx, username string, auth string, fname string) (valid bool, allowedCmds string) {
if ctx.reader == nil {
ctx.reader = ioutil.ReadFile // dependency injection hides that this is required
if ctx.userlookup == nil {
ctx.userlookup = user.Lookup // again for dependency injection as dep is now hidden
b, e := ctx.reader(fname) // nolint: gosec
if e != nil {
valid = false
log.Printf("ERROR: Cannot read %s!\n", fname)
r := csv.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b))
r.Comma = ':'
r.Comment = '#'
2018-09-09 05:01:33 +00:00
r.FieldsPerRecord = 3 // username:salt:authCookie [TODO:disallowedCmdList (a,b,...)]
for {
record, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
// Use dummy entry if user not found
// (prevent user enumeration attack via obvious timing diff;
// ie., not attempting any auth at all)
record = []string{"$nosuchuser$",
username = "$nosuchuser$"
err = nil
if err != nil {
if username == record[0] {
tmp, err := bcrypt.Hash(auth, record[1])
if err != nil {
if tmp == record[2] && username != "$nosuchuser$" {
valid = true
// Security scrub
for i := range b {
b[i] = 0
r = nil
_, userErr := ctx.userlookup(username)
if userErr != nil {
valid = false
// ------------- End xs-local passwd auth routine(s) -----------
// AuthUserByToken checks user login information against an auth token.
// Auth tokens are stored in each user's $HOME/.xs_id and are requested
// via the -g option.
// The function also check system /etc/passwd to cross-check the user
// actually exists.
func AuthUserByToken(ctx *AuthCtx, username string, connhostname string, auth string) (valid bool) {
if ctx.reader == nil {
ctx.reader = ioutil.ReadFile // dependency injection hides that this is required
if ctx.userlookup == nil {
ctx.userlookup = user.Lookup // again for dependency injection as dep is now hidden
auth = strings.TrimSpace(auth)
u, ue := ctx.userlookup(username)
if ue != nil {
return false
b, e := ctx.reader(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.xs_id", u.HomeDir))
if e != nil {
log.Printf("INFO: Cannot read %s/.xs_id\n", u.HomeDir)
return false
r := csv.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b))
r.Comma = ':'
r.Comment = '#'
r.FieldsPerRecord = 2 // connhost:authtoken
for {
record, err := r.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
return false
record[0] = strings.TrimSpace(record[0])
record[1] = strings.TrimSpace(record[1])
//fmt.Println("auth:", auth, "record:",
// strings.Join([]string{record[0], record[1]}, ":"))
if (connhostname == record[0]) &&
(auth == strings.Join([]string{record[0], record[1]}, ":")) {
valid = true
_, userErr := ctx.userlookup(username)
if userErr != nil {
valid = false