I think this one is a consequence of a botched porting on my part in the
past, sorry! Version 10.3.3, to be precise, as I forgot to commit the
READMEs initially and then only commited the README on the top directory.
Had to rewrite spoilerimg related parts of supplemental as they moved okhttp3
code to discord's own codebase.
However, one benefit of this for us is that it now shows SPOILER_ while you're
uploading too.
Still no slashcommands -> I'll be splitting it off into two patches, so
that the requirement of its presence for CTC boot can be removed as I
work on reimplementing the actual slash command part.
- Support for new channel type (news) is added
- New color: primary_660, not used anywhere
- `switch_thumb_normal_material_light` is no longer top bar color, this will affect customtheme's top bar, I'll fix it when I find time.
- crashlytics was updated (ahhhhhhhhhhhh)
- fabric was updated (ahhhhhhhhhh)
- drainEventsQueue from analytics was rewritten (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
Upstream changes:
- new fabric tracking: login
- superproperties were moved to a new file (smali/com/discord/utilities/analytics/AnalyticSuperProperties.smali)
- device_id is now not tracked and device_advertiser_id is used instead.
- various referrer-related fields are now tracked