# Scrapland Mods This repository is a just mine playground where I learn how to mod Scrapland and try to make something useful and/or fun. Don't take this repository too serous. It is no near good example on moding Scrapland. I am just plaing around here 😅. ## Requirements For building `.packed` files in scripts I use [ScrapPackedExplorer](https://github.com/romibi/Scrap-Packed-Explorer). If you want to use my scripts you need to use ScrapPackedExplorer >= 0.3.1. For compiling `.py` to `.pyc` you need [Python 1.5.2](https://www.python.org/download/releases/1.5/). And preferably you need to have any verison of Scrapland itself 😄. ## build.ps1 `build.ps1` is a script that can build, insatll and uninstall mods fromt this repo. ### Setup To use `build.ps1` you need specify 3 varables at the top of the script: path to ScrapPackedExplorer, Python 1.5.2 and Scrapland: ```powershell $pack_expl_path = '..\bins\spe.exe'; $pyhton_path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Python\python.exe'; $scrapland_path = 'D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Scrapland'; ``` ### How to use it Building mods: ```powershell .\build.ps1 # If no argument specified will build all folders except 'bin' and 'out' .\build.ps1 ModName # Will build mod from folder "ModName" ``` Flags: ```powershell .\build.ps1 -i --install # Installs mod after building it .\build.ps1 -u --uninstall # Instead of building mod will uninstall it ``` Mods will be in the `out` folder Every folder is a separate mod. ## Mods structure There is 2 types of "configuration" of mod folder: *simple* and *with misc* ### Simple mod Everyting in mod folder will be packed in `.packed` file. That's it. Pretty simple. ### Mod with misc ``` .. ModFolder\ |__ packed\ |____ ... |__ misc\ |____ ... ``` Everyting in `packed` folder will be packed in `.packed` file. Everyting in `misc` folder will be copied to the game folder. If that file is aredy exists, original file will be backed-up and re-installed on its place on uninstalling mod.