using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using Ionic.Zip; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace ScrapModLoader { public class ModsLauncher { public List Mods { get; private set; } public List ModsPathes { get; set; } public String ScraplandPath { get; set; } public String ScraplandRemasteredPath { get; set; } public String SelectedGameVersion { get; set; } public String LauncherVersion { get; set; } public String SelectedGamePath { get; set; } public ModsLauncher() { Mods = new List(); ModsPathes = Utils.StringCollectionToList(Settings.Default.ModsPathes); ScraplandPath = Settings.Default.ScraplandPath; ScraplandRemasteredPath = Settings.Default.ScraplandRemasteredPath; SelectedGameVersion = "0.0"; LauncherVersion = "0.3"; SelectedGamePath = String.Empty; } public void ScanMods() { Mods.Clear(); foreach (String? folder in Settings.Default.ModsPathes) { if (folder != null) { String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.sm", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (String file in files) Mods.Add(ScrapMod.LoadFromFile(file)); } } } public Boolean SearchForScrapland() { Boolean isFound = false; String[] registryPathes = { @"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall", @"SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" }; foreach (String registryPath in registryPathes) { RegistryKey? key = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(registryPath); if (key == null) continue; foreach (String subkey_name in key.GetSubKeyNames()) { using RegistryKey? subkey = key.OpenSubKey(subkey_name); if (subkey == null) continue; String? displayName = subkey.GetValue("DisplayName")?.ToString(); if (displayName == null) continue; if (displayName == "Scrapland" || displayName == "American McGee presents Scrapland") { ScraplandPath = subkey.GetValue("InstallLocation")?.ToString() ?? ""; if (ScraplandPath == null || ScraplandPath == String.Empty) throw new KeyNotFoundException("Installed Scrapland found, but unable to locate the instalation folder"); Settings.Default.ScraplandPath = ScraplandPath; isFound = true; } if (displayName == "Scrapland Remastered") { ScraplandRemasteredPath = subkey.GetValue("InstallLocation")?.ToString() ?? ""; if (ScraplandRemasteredPath == null || ScraplandRemasteredPath == String.Empty) throw new KeyNotFoundException("Installed Scrapland Remastered found, but unable to locate the instalation folder"); Settings.Default.ScraplandRemasteredPath = ScraplandRemasteredPath; isFound = true; } } } return isFound; } public void LoadMods() { SelectedGamePath = SelectedGameVersion == "1.0" ? ScraplandPath : ScraplandRemasteredPath; foreach (ScrapMod mod in Mods) { // TODO: Warning about not loading mods that not supports selected version if (!mod.SupportedGameVersions.Contains(SelectedGameVersion) || Single.Parse(mod.RequiredLauncher, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) < Single.Parse(LauncherVersion, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) continue; if (mod.Checked) { if (!IsEnabled(mod)) Enable(mod); } else { if (IsEnabled(mod)) Disable(mod); } } } public Boolean IsLoaded(ScrapMod mod) => Directory.Exists(SelectedGamePath + @"Mods\" + mod.Name); public Boolean IsEnabled(ScrapMod mod) { if (!IsLoaded(mod)) return false; foreach (String file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SelectedGamePath + @"Mods\" + mod.Name, "*.disabled", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) return false; return true; } public void Enable(ScrapMod mod) { if (!IsLoaded(mod)) LoadModToGame(mod); if (IsEnabled(mod)) return; foreach (String file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SelectedGamePath + @"Mods\" + mod.Name, "*.disabled", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) File.Move(file, Path.ChangeExtension(file, null)); } public void Disable(ScrapMod mod) { if (!IsEnabled(mod)) return; foreach (String file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(SelectedGamePath + @"Mods\" + mod.Name, "*.packed", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) File.Move(file, file + ".disabled"); } private void LoadModToGame(ScrapMod mod) { String modPath = SelectedGamePath + @"Mods\" + mod.Name; Directory.CreateDirectory(modPath); using (ZipFile zipFile = ZipFile.Read(mod.ModPath)) { foreach (ZipEntry zipEntry in zipFile) { if (!Path.GetFullPath(zipEntry.FileName).Contains(SelectedGameVersion)) continue; if (Path.GetExtension(zipEntry.FileName) == ".packed") zipEntry.Extract(modPath); } } } } }