- Add notes folder with MDBook documentation (the NOTES.md file was getting kind of large) - Add rz_analyze.py, does the same a r2_analyze.py just with Rizin instead of radare2 so the project can be loaded in Cutter (*and* it's faster) - Add Scrap.rzdb, Rizin database for the Scrap.exe executable - Add Scrapper_rs, Rust version of .packed extractor and repacker - replace helplib.txt with helplib.md - add Py_Docs folder which contains generated documentation for the binary python modules built into Scrap.exe
251 lines
7.8 KiB
251 lines
7.8 KiB
import os
import sys
import struct
import string
from pprint import pprint
from io import BytesIO
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import glob
printable_chars = set(bytes(string.printable, "ascii")) - set(b"\n\r\t\x0b\x0c")
def hexdump(data, cols=16, offset=0, markers=None):
if markers is None:
markers = []
lines = []
while True:
hexdata = " ".join("{:02X}".format(v) for v in data[:cols]).ljust(
3 * cols - 1, " "
print_data = "".join(
[chr(v) if v in printable_chars else "." for v in data[:cols]]
lines.append("{:04X} {} {}".format(offset, hexdata, print_data))
offset += len(data[:cols])
data = data[cols:]
if not data:
return "\n".join(lines).strip()
def seek_to(fh, offset, pos=None):
if pos is None:
pos = fh.tell()
def read_array(s, fh):
ret = []
count = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
for _ in range(count):
ret.append(read_struct(s, fh))
return ret
def read_struct(s, fh):
size = struct.calcsize(s)
return struct.unpack(s, fh.read(size))
def read_str(fh):
size = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
return fh.read(size)
def read_block(fh):
pos = fh.tell()
magic = str(fh.read(4).rstrip(b"\x00"), "utf8")
size = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
data = fh.read(size)
return magic, data
except struct.error:
vals = set()
# ================================
class Parser:
depth = 0
dump_size = 0x100
def __init__(self, debug=False):
self.debug = debug
def _default(self, magic, fh):
print("=====", magic, "=====")
if self.debug:
rest = len(fh.read())
if rest:
print("<{} more bytes>".format(rest))
return "<Unparsed {} ({} bytes)>".format(magic, len(fh.read()))
def parse(self, magic, data, depth=0):
print("{}[{}] {} bytes".format(" " * self.depth, magic, len(data)))
self.depth += 1
fh = BytesIO(data)
if len(data) != 0:
ret = getattr(self, magic, lambda fh: self._default(magic, fh))(fh)
ret = None
pos = fh.tell()
leftover = len(fh.read())
self.depth -= 1
if leftover:
print("{}[{}] {} bytes unparsed".format(" " * self.depth, magic, leftover))
if self.debug:
rest = len(fh.read())
if rest:
print("<{} more bytes>".format(rest))
print("-" * 50)
return ret
def parse_block(self, fh):
block = read_block(fh)
if block:
return self.parse(*block)
# Block definitions
def SM3(self, fh):
ret = {}
ret["unk_1"] = fh.read(4) # always F8156500
ret["timestamp_2"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(read_struct("<I", fh)[0])
ret["unk_2"] = fh.read(4) # always 00000000
ret["scene"] = self.parse_block(fh)
assert fh.read() == b"", "Leftover Data"
return ret
def SCN(self, fh):
ret = {}
ret["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["model_name"] = read_str(fh)
ret["node_name"] = read_str(fh)
if read_struct("<I", fh)[0]:
ret["ini_1"] = self.parse_block(fh)
ret["unk_c_1"] = read_struct("<BBBB", fh)
ret["unk_f_1"] = read_struct("<f", fh)[0]
ret["unk_c_2"] = read_struct("<BBBB", fh)
ret["unk_f_l"] = read_struct("<ffffffff", fh)
if read_struct("<I", fh)[0]:
ret["ini_2"] = self.parse_block(fh)
ret["num_mat"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["mat"] = []
for _ in range(ret["num_mat"]):
# ret["children"] = []
# for _ in range(read_struct("<I", fh)[0]):
# ret["children"].append(self.parse_block(fh))
# ret["unk_2"] = []
# for _ in range(4):
# ret["unk_2"].append(read_struct("<fff", fh))
# ret["materials"] = []
# for _ in range(read_struct("<I", fh)[0]):
# ret["materials"].append(self.parse_block(fh))
return ret
def INI(self, fh):
num_sections = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
sections = []
for _ in range(num_sections):
num_lines = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
lines = []
for _ in range(num_lines):
lines.append(str(read_str(fh).rstrip(b"\0"), "latin1"))
assert fh.read() == b"", "Leftover Data"
return sections
def MAT(self, fh):
# ret = {}
# ret["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
# ret["name"] = read_str(fh)
# ret["colors?"] = ["{:08X}".format(v) for v in read_struct(">7I", fh)]
# ret["maps"]=[]
# for _ in range(ret["num_maps"]):
# ret["maps"].append(self.parse_block(fh))
return {"maps": fh.read().count(b"MAP\0")}
def MAP(self, fh):
ret = {}
ret["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["name"] = read_str(fh)
ret["unk_2"] = read_struct("<IIII", fh)
ret["unk_3"] = read_struct("<fff", fh)
ret["unk_4"] = read_struct("<II", fh)
ret["rest"] = fh.read()
return ret
# def CM3(self, fh):
# return len(fh.read())
def DUM(self, fh):
ret = {}
ret["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)
ret["num_dummies"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["unk_2"] = read_struct("<I", fh)
ret["dummies"] = []
for _ in range(ret["num_dummies"]):
dum = {}
dum["name"] = read_str(fh)
dum["pos"] = read_struct("<fff", fh)
dum["ang"] = read_struct("<fff", fh)
dum["has_ini"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
if dum["has_ini"]:
dum["ini"] = self.parse_block(fh)
dum["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
assert fh.read() == b"", "Leftover Data"
return ret
def AMC(self, fh):
ret = {}
ret["unk_1"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["unk_2"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["floats"] = read_struct("<16f", fh) # ???
ret["cmsh_1"] = [self.parse_block(fh) for _ in range(2)]
ret["num_submeshes"] = read_struct("<I", fh)[0]
ret["cmsh_2"] = [self.parse_block(fh) for _ in range(ret["num_submeshes"])]
return ret
def CMSH(self, fh):
return {"ret": len(fh.read())}
# def EMI(self, fh):
# return len(fh.read())
# ================================
basedir = r"D:/Games/Deep Silver/Scrapland/extracted/Data.packed"
filt = [s.lower() for s in sys.argv[1:]]
for root, _, files in os.walk(basedir):
for file in files:
path = os.path.join(root, file).replace("\\", "/")
if not path.lower().endswith(".amc".lower()):
if "menu" not in path.lower():
print("Parsing", path)
p = Parser(debug=True)
with open(path, "rb") as fh:
while True:
parsed = p.parse_block(fh)
if not parsed:
pprint(parsed, compact=False, indent=4)
print("#" * 50)