import r2pipe import os import json from tqdm import tqdm from pprint import pprint import os import sys r2cmds = [] scrap_exe = sys.argv[1] folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(scrap_exe)) assert os.path.isfile(scrap_exe), "File not found!" r2 = file_hashes = r2.cmdj("itj") target_hashes = { "sha1": "d2dde960e8eca69d60c2e39a439088b75f0c89fa", "md5": "a934c85dca5ab1c32f05c0977f62e186", } assert file_hashes == target_hashes, "Hash mismatch" def r2_cmd(cmd): global r2, r2cmds r2cmds.append(cmd) return r2.cmd(cmd) def r2_cmdj(cmd): global r2, r2cmds r2cmds.append(cmd) return r2.cmdj(cmd) def r2_cmdJ(cmd): global r2, r2cmds r2cmds.append(cmd) return r2.cmdJ(cmd) print("[*] Running 'aaaaa'") r2_cmd("aaaaa") #0x7fac20 #0x7fac19 #0x7faa4c #0x7fac1c # activate viewer #0x84d400 #0x413ee0 #0x7d2094 refcnt flags = {0x7FE944: ("P_World", 4), 0x79C698: ("Py_Mods", 4),0x852914: ("P_D3D8_Dev",4)} types = ["struct PyMethodDef {char *ml_name; void *ml_meth; int ml_flags; char *ml_doc;};"] func_sigs = { 0x5a8390: "int py_exec(const char* script);", 0x5bb9d0: "int PyArg_ParseTuple(void* PyObj, char* format, ...);", 0x4134c0: "int write_log(unsigned int color, const char* msg);", 0x47C1E0: "int ht_hash_ent_list(const char* str);", 0x404BB0: "int ht_hash_ent(const char* str);", 0x4016f0: "int reg_get_val(const char* value);", 0x414280: "int prepare_html_log(const char* filename);", 0x6b1c70: "bool strcmp(const char* s1,const char* s2);", 0x5A8FB0: "void* Py_InitModule(const char* name,void* methods);", 0x5E3800: "int fopen_1(const char* filename);", 0x419950: "int fopen_2(const char* filename);", 0x41AB50: "int open_pak(const char* filename, int unk_1,void* unk_ptr);", 0x404460: "int register_c_callback(const char* name,void* func);" 0x414070: "void throw_assertion_2(const char* check,const char* file, unsigned int line);" 0x5FBC50: "void throw_assertion_1(const char* check,const char* file,const char* date, unsigned int line);", 0x5bc140: "static char* convertsimple1(void *arg, char **p_format, void *p_va);" } functions = { 0x6b1c70: "strcmp", 0x5bb9d0: "PyArg_ParseTuple", 0x5dd510: "init_engine_3d", 0x401180: "create_window", 0x401240: "create_main_window", 0x4016f0: "reg_get_val", 0x4134c0: "write_log", 0x414280: "prepare_html_log", 0x418220: "get_version_info", 0x4137e0: "write_html_log", 0x402190: "handle_console_input", 0x5F9520: "handle_render_console_input", 0x404A50: "find_entity", 0x47C1E0: "ht_hash_ent_list", 0x404BB0: "ht_hash_ent", 0x404460: "register_c_callback", 0x417470: "load_game", 0x5E3800: "fopen_1", 0x419950: "fopen_2", 0x403370: "debug_init", 0x401770: "init", 0x4026D0: "init_py", 0x405B40: "init_py_sub", 0x5A8FB0: "Py_InitModule", 0x41AB50: "open_pak", 0x5A8390: "py_exec", 0x414570: "setup_game_vars", 0x5FBC50: "throw_assertion_1", 0x414070: "throw_assertion_2", 0x5F7000: "load_m3d_ini", 0x650F80: "load_sm3", 0x6665A0: "load_m3d_1", 0x666900: "load_m3d_2", 0x479B20: "world_constructor", 0x479B40: "world_init", 0x402510: "world_deinit", 0x479870: "make_world", 0x602a70: "render_frame" } for t in types: r2_cmd(f'"td {t}"') for addr, args in flags.items(): name, size = args r2_cmd(f"f loc.{name} {size} {hex(addr)}") for addr, name in functions.items(): r2_cmd(f"afr fcn.{name} {hex(addr)}") if addr in func_sigs: r2_cmd(f'"afs {func_sigs[addr]}" @{hex(addr)}') def vtables(): ret = {} print("[*] Analyzing VTables") vtables = r2_cmdJ("avj") for c in tqdm(vtables, ascii=True): methods = [] for m in tqdm(c.methods, ascii=True, leave=False): methods.append(hex(m.offset)) r2.cmd(f"afr @{hex(m.offset)} 2>{os.devnull}") ret[hex(c.offset)] = methods return ret def c_callbacks(): print("[*] Parsing C Callbacks") funcs = {} res = r2_cmd("/r fcn.register_c_callback ~CALL[1]").splitlines() for addr in tqdm(res, ascii=True): func, name = r2_cmdJ(f"s {addr};so -3;pdj 2") func = func.refs[0].addr name = r2_cmd(f"psz @{hex(name.refs[0].addr)}").strip() r2_cmd(f"afr fcn.CB_{name} {hex(func)} 2>NUL") funcs[name] = hex(func) return funcs def assertions(): assertions = {} for (n_args,a_addr) in [(4,"fcn.throw_assertion_1"), (3,"fcn.throw_assertion_2")]: print(f"[*] Parsing C assertions for {a_addr}") res = r2_cmd(f"/r {a_addr} ~CALL[1]").splitlines() print() for line in tqdm(res, ascii=True): addr = line.strip() dis=r2_cmdJ(f"s {addr};so -{n_args};pij {n_args}") # seek and print disassembly if n_args==4: file, msg, date, line = dis elif n_args==3: date=None file, msg, line = dis try: file = r2_cmd(f"psz @{file.refs[0].addr}").strip() msg = r2_cmd(f"psz @{msg.refs[0].addr}").strip() if date: r2_cmd(f"psz @{date.refs[0].addr}").strip() line=line.val file=file.replace("\\\\", "\\") os.path.isabs(file): file = os.path.abspath(file) assertions.setdefault(path, []) assertions[path].append({'line':line,'date':date,'addr':addr,'msg': msg}) except: pass for path in assertions: assertions[path].sort(key=lambda v:v['line']) return assertions def bb_refs(addr): ret={} res = r2_cmd(f"/r {addr} ~fcn[0,1]").splitlines() print() for ent in res: func,hit=ent.split() ret[hit]={'asm':[],'func':func} for ins in r2_cmdJ(f"pdbj @{hit}"): ret[hit]['asm'].append(ins.disasm) return ret def world(): print("[*] Parsing World offsets") return bb_refs("loc.P_World") def render(): print("[*] Parsing D3D_Device offsets") return bb_refs("loc.P_D3D8_Dev") def py_mods(): print("[*] Parsing Python modules") res = r2_cmd("/r fcn.Py_InitModule ~CALL[1]").splitlines() print() py_mods = {} for call_loc in tqdm(res, ascii=True): args = r2_cmdJ(f"s {call_loc};so -3;pdj 3") refs = [] if not all([arg.type == "push" for arg in args]): continue for arg in args: refs.append(hex(arg.val)) doc, methods, name = refs doc = r2_cmd(f"psz @{doc}").strip() name = r2_cmd(f"psz @{name}").strip() r2_cmd(f"s {methods}") r2_cmd(f"f{name} 4 {methods}") py_mods[name] = {"methods_addr": methods, "doc": doc, "methods": {}} while True: m_name, m_func, _, m_doc = [v.value for v in r2_cmdJ(f"pfj xxxx")] if m_name == 0: break m_name, m_func, m_doc = map(hex, (m_name, m_func, m_doc)) m_name = r2_cmd(f"psz @{m_name}").strip() r2_cmd(f"f Py_{name}_{m_name}_doc 4 {m_doc}") m_doc = r2_cmd(f"psz @{m_doc}").strip() py_mods[name]["methods"][m_name] = {"addr": m_func, "doc": m_doc} r2_cmd(f"afr{name}.{m_name} {m_func} 2>NUL") r2_cmd("s +16") return py_mods def game_vars(): ret={} print("[*] Parsing Game variables") res = r2_cmd("/r fcn.setup_game_vars ~CALL[1]").splitlines() print() for line in tqdm(res, ascii=True): addr = line.strip() r2_cmd(f"s {addr}") args = r2_cmd("pdj -5") # seek and print disassembly if not args: continue args=json.loads(args) args_a = [] push_cnt=0 for arg in args[::-1]: if arg['type'] not in ["push","mov"]: continue if arg['type']=="push": push_cnt+=1 args_a.append(arg) if push_cnt==3: break if len(args_a)!=4: continue if not all(['val' in v for v in args_a]): continue addr,name,_,desc=[v['val'] for v in args_a] name=r2_cmd(f"psz @{hex(name)}").strip() desc=r2_cmd(f"psz @{hex(desc)}").strip() addr=hex(addr) r2_cmd(f"f var_{name} 4 {addr}") ret[addr]={'name':name,'desc':desc} return ret ret = dict( game_vars=game_vars(), c_callbacks=c_callbacks(), py_mods=py_mods(), assertions=assertions(), vtables=vtables(), world=world(), render=render(), ) r2_cmd("aaaaa") # Propagate type infos with open(os.path.join(folder, "Scrap_dissect.json"), "w") as of: json.dump(ret, of, indent=4) print("[+] Wrote Scrap_dissect.json") with open(os.path.join(folder, "Scrap_dissect.r2"), "w") as of: wcmds = [] for cmd in r2cmds: for start in ["f ", "afr ", "aaaaa","afs"]: if cmd.strip('"').startswith(start): wcmds.append(cmd) break of.write("\n".join(wcmds)) print("[+] Wrote Scrap_dissect.r2") print(f"[*] Done, now cd to '{folder}'...") print( "[*] ...and run 'r2 -i Scrap_dissect.r2 Scrap.exe' to load the parsed infos into radare2" )