## Features - read and write memory - disassemble memory (using zydis) - change DirectX state - Draw DirectX overlay (still need to make a useful overlay) - Dump various data structures to the console - Assemble and execute code on the fly (using asmtk) - Can be controlled via keyboard shortcuts (TODO: allow defining own shortcuts for commands) ## Prerequisites - Visual Studio 2017/2019 (others might work) - CMake - Python 3.6 or newer ## Building Open VS 32-bit command prompt (`vcvars32.bat`) and run the following two commands ```batch cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" -B build cmake --build build --target install ``` This will find the Games's installation folder, verify that the version you have is compatible with ScrapHacks and drop the compiled `.pyd` file into the correct folder to be imported ## Getting started - open the ingame console (Ctrl+^) - type `import ScrapHack` - type `$help` ## Config file keys - patches.asm: map of address->list of assembly instructions - patches.hex: map of address->hex bytes Example: ```json { "patches": { "hex": { "0xDEADBEEF": "BADFOODDEADFEED" }, "asm": { "0xBADF00D": [ "pushad", "call 0xf00dbabe", "popad", "mov eax, 0x42", "ret" ] }, } } ``` ## Third-Party components used - Zydis disassembler - asmJIT/asmTK assembler - nlohmann/json JSON-parser