Fork 0

218 lines
8.1 KiB

// @ts-check
const assert = require("assert").strict
const util = require("util")
const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10")
const reg = require("../matrix/read-registration")
const {discord, sync, db, select} = require("../passthrough")
/** @type {import("../matrix/api")}) */
const api = sync.require("../matrix/api")
/** @type {import("../matrix/file")} */
const file = sync.require("../matrix/file")
/** @type {import("./utils")} */
const utils = sync.require("./utils")
const PREFIX = "//"
let buttons = []
* @param {string} channelID where to add the button
* @param {string} messageID where to add the button
* @param {string} emoji emoji to add as a button
* @param {string} userID only listen for responses from this user
* @returns {Promise<import("discord-api-types/v10").GatewayMessageReactionAddDispatchData>}
async function addButton(channelID, messageID, emoji, userID) {
await discord.snow.channel.createReaction(channelID, messageID, emoji)
return new Promise(resolve => {
buttons.push({channelID, messageID, userID, resolve, created: Date.now()})
// Clear out old buttons every so often to free memory
setInterval(() => {
const now = Date.now()
buttons = buttons.filter(b => now - b.created < 2*60*60*1000)
}, 10*60*1000)
/** @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").GatewayMessageReactionAddDispatchData} data */
function onReactionAdd(data) {
const button = buttons.find(b => b.channelID === data.channel_id && b.messageID === data.message_id && b.userID === data.user_id)
if (button) {
buttons = buttons.filter(b => b !== button) // remove button data so it can't be clicked again
* @callback CommandExecute
* @param {DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageCreateDispatchData} message
* @param {DiscordTypes.APIGuildTextChannel} channel
* @param {DiscordTypes.APIGuild} guild
* @param {Partial<DiscordTypes.RESTPostAPIChannelMessageJSONBody>} [ctx]
* @typedef Command
* @property {string[]} aliases
* @property {(message: DiscordTypes.GatewayMessageCreateDispatchData, channel: DiscordTypes.APIGuildTextChannel, guild: DiscordTypes.APIGuild) => Promise<any>} execute
/** @param {CommandExecute} execute */
function replyctx(execute) {
/** @type {CommandExecute} */
return function(message, channel, guild, ctx = {}) {
ctx.message_reference = {
message_id: message.id,
channel_id: channel.id,
guild_id: guild.id,
fail_if_not_exists: false
return execute(message, channel, guild, ctx)
/** @type {Command[]} */
const commands = [{
aliases: ["icon", "avatar", "roomicon", "roomavatar", "channelicon", "channelavatar"],
execute: replyctx(
async (message, channel, guild, ctx) => {
// Guard
const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", "WHERE channel_id = ?").pluck().get(channel.id)
if (!roomID) return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "This channel isn't bridged to the other side."
// Current avatar
const avatarEvent = await api.getStateEvent(roomID, "m.room.avatar", "")
const avatarURLParts = avatarEvent?.url.match(/^mxc:\/\/([^/]+)\/(\w+)$/)
let currentAvatarMessage =
( avatarURLParts ? `Current room-specific avatar: ${reg.ooye.server_origin}/_matrix/media/r0/download/${avatarURLParts[1]}/${avatarURLParts[2]}`
: "No avatar. Now's your time to strike. Use `//icon` again with a link or upload to set the room-specific avatar.")
// Next potential avatar
const nextAvatarURL = message.attachments.find(a => a.content_type?.startsWith("image/"))?.url || message.content.match(/https?:\/\/[^ ]+\.[^ ]+\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|webp)\b/)?.[0]
let nextAvatarMessage =
( nextAvatarURL ? `\nYou want to set it to: ${nextAvatarURL}\nHit ✅ to make it happen.`
: "")
const sent = await discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: currentAvatarMessage + nextAvatarMessage
if (nextAvatarURL) {
addButton(channel.id, sent.id, "✅", message.author.id).then(async data => {
const mxcUrl = await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(nextAvatarURL)
await api.sendState(roomID, "m.room.avatar", "", {
url: mxcUrl
db.prepare("UPDATE channel_room SET custom_avatar = ? WHERE channel_id = ?").run(mxcUrl, channel.id)
await discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "Your creation is unleashed. Any complaints will be redirected to Grelbo."
}, {
aliases: ["invite"],
execute: replyctx(
async (message, channel, guild, ctx) => {
// Check guild is bridged
const spaceID = select("guild_space", "space_id", "WHERE guild_id = ?").pluck().get(guild.id)
const roomID = select("channel_room", "room_id", "WHERE channel_id = ?").pluck().get(channel.id)
if (!spaceID || !roomID) return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "This server isn't bridged to Matrix, so you can't invite Matrix users."
// Check CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE permission
const guildPermissions = utils.getPermissions(message.member.roles, guild.roles)
if (!(guildPermissions & BigInt(1))) {
return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "You don't have permission to invite people to this Discord server."
// Guard against accidental mentions instead of the MXID
if (message.content.match(/<[@#:].*>/)) return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "You have to say the Matrix ID of the person you want to invite, but you mentioned a Discord user in your message.\nOne way to fix this is by writing `` ` `` backticks `` ` `` around the Matrix ID."
// Get named MXID
const mxid = message.content.match(/@([^:]+):([a-z0-9:-]+\.[a-z0-9.:-]+)/)?.[0]
if (!mxid) return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: "You have to say the Matrix ID of the person you want to invite. Matrix IDs look like this: `@username:example.org`"
// Check for existing invite to the space
let spaceMember
try {
spaceMember = await api.getStateEvent(spaceID, "m.room.member", mxid)
} catch (e) {}
if (spaceMember && spaceMember.membership === "invite") {
return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: `\`${mxid}\` already has an invite, which they haven't accepted yet.`
// Invite Matrix user if not in space
if (!spaceMember || spaceMember.membership !== "join") {
await api.inviteToRoom(spaceID, mxid)
return discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: `You invited \`${mxid}\` to the server.`
// The Matrix user *is* in the space, maybe we want to invite them to this channel?
let roomMember
try {
roomMember = await api.getStateEvent(roomID, "m.room.member", mxid)
} catch (e) {}
if (!roomMember || (roomMember.membership !== "join" && roomMember.membership !== "invite")) {
const sent = await discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: `\`${mxid}\` is already in this server. Would you like to additionally invite them to this specific channel?\nHit ✅ to make it happen.`
return addButton(channel.id, sent.id, "✅", message.author.id).then(async data => {
await api.inviteToRoom(roomID, mxid)
await discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: `You invited \`${mxid}\` to the channel.`
// The Matrix user *is* in the space and in the channel.
await discord.snow.channel.createMessage(channel.id, {
content: `\`${mxid}\` is already in this server and this channel.`
/** @type {CommandExecute} */
async function execute(message, channel, guild) {
if (!message.content.startsWith(PREFIX)) return
const words = message.content.slice(PREFIX.length).split(" ")
const commandName = words[0]
const command = commands.find(c => c.aliases.includes(commandName))
if (!command) return
await command.execute(message, channel, guild)
module.exports.execute = execute
module.exports.onReactionAdd = onReactionAdd