Fork 0

264 lines
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export type AppServiceRegistrationConfig = {
id: string
as_token: string
hs_token: string
url: string
sender_localpart: string
namespaces: {
users: {
exclusive: boolean
regex: string
aliases: {
exclusive: boolean
regex: string
protocols: [string]
rate_limited: boolean
ooye: {
namespace_prefix: string
max_file_size: number
server_name: string
server_origin: string
invite: string[]
old_bridge?: {
as_token: string
database: string
export type WebhookCreds = {
id: string
token: string
export type PkSystem = {
id: string
uuid: string
name: string | null
description: string | null
tag: string | null
pronouns: string | null
avatar_url: string | null
banner: string | null
color: string | null
created: string | null
export type PkMember = {
id: string
uuid: string
name: string
display_name: string | null
color: string | null
birthday: string | null
pronouns: string | null
avatar_url: string | null
webhook_avatar_url: string | null
banner: string | null
description: string | null
created: string | null
keep_proxy: boolean
tts: boolean
autoproxy_enabled: boolean | null
message_count: number | null
last_message_timestamp: string
export type PkMessage = {
system: PkSystem
member: PkMember
export namespace Event {
export type Outer<T> = {
type: string
room_id: string
sender: string
content: T
origin_server_ts: number
unsigned: any
event_id: string
export type StateOuter<T> = Outer<T> & {
state_key: string
export type ReplacementContent<T> = T & {
"m.new_content": T
"m.relates_to": {
rel_type: string // "m.replace"
event_id: string
export type BaseStateEvent = {
type: string
room_id: string
sender: string
content: any
state_key: string
origin_server_ts: number
unsigned: any
event_id: string
user_id: string
age: number
replaces_state: string
prev_content?: any
export type M_Room_Message = {
msgtype: "m.text" | "m.emote"
body: string
format?: "org.matrix.custom.html"
formatted_body?: string,
"m.relates_to"?: {
"m.in_reply_to": {
event_id: string
rel_type?: "m.replace"
event_id?: string
export type Outer_M_Room_Message = Outer<M_Room_Message> & {type: "m.room.message"}
export type M_Room_Message_File = {
msgtype: "m.file" | "m.image" | "m.video" | "m.audio"
body: string
filename?: string
url: string
info?: any
"m.relates_to"?: {
"m.in_reply_to": {
event_id: string
rel_type?: "m.replace"
event_id?: string
export type Outer_M_Room_Message_File = Outer<M_Room_Message_File> & {type: "m.room.message"}
export type M_Room_Message_Encrypted_File = {
msgtype: "m.file" | "m.image" | "m.video" | "m.audio"
body: string
filename?: string
file: {
url: string
iv: string
hashes: {
sha256: string
v: "v2"
key: {
/** :3 */
kty: "oct"
/** must include at least "encrypt" and "decrypt" */
key_ops: string[]
alg: "A256CTR"
k: string
ext: true
info?: any
"m.relates_to"?: {
"m.in_reply_to": {
event_id: string
rel_type?: "m.replace"
event_id?: string
export type Outer_M_Room_Message_Encrypted_File = Outer<M_Room_Message_Encrypted_File> & {type: "m.room.message"}
export type M_Sticker = {
body: string
url: string
info?: {
mimetype?: string
w?: number
h?: number
size?: number
thumbnail_info?: any
thumbnail_url?: string
export type Outer_M_Sticker = Outer<M_Sticker> & {type: "m.sticker"}
export type M_Room_Member = {
membership: string
displayname?: string
avatar_url?: string
export type M_Room_Avatar = {
discord_path?: string
url?: string
export type M_Room_Name = {
name?: string
export type M_Reaction = {
"m.relates_to": {
rel_type: "m.annotation"
event_id: string // the event that was reacted to
key: string // the unicode emoji, mxc uri, or reaction text
"shortcode"?: string // starts and ends with colons
export type Outer_M_Room_Redaction = Outer<{
reason?: string
}> & {
redacts: string
export namespace R {
export type RoomCreated = {
room_id: string
export type RoomJoined = {
room_id: string
export type RoomMember = {
avatar_url: string
displayname: string
export type FileUploaded = {
content_uri: string
export type Registered = {
/** "@localpart:domain.tld" */
user_id: string
home_server: string
access_token: string
device_id: string
export type EventSent = {
event_id: string
export type EventRedacted = {
event_id: string
export type Pagination<T> = {
chunk: T[]
next_batch?: string
prev_match?: string