export type Models = { channel_room: { channel_id: string room_id: string name: string nick: string | null thread_parent: string | null custom_avatar: string | null last_bridged_pin_timestamp: number | null speedbump_id: string | null speedbump_webhook_id: string | null speedbump_checked: number | null } event_message: { event_id: string message_id: string event_type: string | null event_subtype: string | null part: number reaction_part: number source: number } file: { discord_url: string mxc_url: string } guild_space: { guild_id: string space_id: string privacy_level: number } lottie: { sticker_id: string mxc_url: string } member_cache: { room_id: string mxid: string displayname: string | null avatar_url: string | null } message_channel: { message_id: string channel_id: string } // A sim is an account that is being simulated by the bridge to copy events from the other side. See d2m\actions\register-user.js for relevant behavior and comments. sim: { user_id: string sim_name: string localpart: string mxid: string } sim_member: { mxid: string room_id: string hashed_profile_content: number } sim_proxy: { user_id: string proxy_owner_id: string displayname: string } webhook: { channel_id: string webhook_id: string webhook_token: string } emoji: { emoji_id: string name: string animated: number mxc_url: string } reaction: { hashed_event_id: number message_id: string encoded_emoji: string } auto_emoji: { name: string emoji_id: string guild_id: string } } export type Prepared = { pluck: () => Prepared safeIntegers: () => Prepared<{[K in keyof Row]: Row[K] extends number ? BigInt : Row[K]}> raw: () => Prepared all: (..._: any[]) => Row[] get: (..._: any[]) => Row | null } export type AllKeys = U extends any ? keyof U : never export type PickTypeOf> = T extends { [k in K]?: any } ? T[K] : never export type Merge = {[x in AllKeys]: PickTypeOf} export type Nullable = {[k in keyof T]: T[k] | null}