// @ts-check const assert = require("assert").strict const markdown = require("discord-markdown") const DiscordTypes = require("discord-api-types/v10") const passthrough = require("../../passthrough") const { sync, db, discord } = passthrough /** @type {import("../../matrix/file")} */ const file = sync.require("../../matrix/file") const reg = require("../../matrix/read-registration") const userRegex = reg.namespaces.users.map(u => new RegExp(u.regex)) function getDiscordParseCallbacks(message, useHTML) { return { user: node => { const mxid = db.prepare("SELECT mxid FROM sim WHERE discord_id = ?").pluck().get(node.id) const username = message.mentions.find(ment => ment.id === node.id)?.username || node.id if (mxid && useHTML) { return `@${username}` } else { return `@${username}:` } }, channel: node => { const {room_id, name, nick} = db.prepare("SELECT room_id, name, nick FROM channel_room WHERE channel_id = ?").get(node.id) if (room_id && useHTML) { return `#${nick || name}` } else { return `#${nick || name}` } }, role: node => "@&" + node.id, everyone: node => "@room", here: node => "@here" } } /** * @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIMessage} message * @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIGuild} guild * @param {import("../../matrix/api")} api simple-as-nails dependency injection for the matrix API */ async function messageToEvent(message, guild, api) { const events = [] /** @type {{room?: boolean, user_ids?: string[]}} We should consider the following scenarios for mentions: 1. TODO A discord user rich-replies to a matrix user with a text post + The matrix user needs to be m.mentioned in the text event + The matrix user needs to have their name/mxid/link in the text event (notification fallback) - So prepend their `@name:` to the start of the plaintext body 2. TODO A discord user rich-replies to a matrix user with an image event only + The matrix user needs to be m.mentioned in the image event + The matrix user needs to have their name/mxid in the image event's body field, alongside the filename (notification fallback) - So append their name to the filename body, I guess!!! 3. TODO A discord user `@`s a matrix user in the text body of their text box + The matrix user needs to be m.mentioned in the text event + No change needed to the text event content: it already has their name - So make sure we don't do anything in this case. */ const mentions = {} let repliedToEventId = null let repliedToEventRoomId = null let repliedToEventSenderMxid = null let repliedToEventOriginallyFromMatrix = false function addMention(mxid) { if (!mentions.user_ids) mentions.user_ids = [] if (!mentions.user_ids.includes(mxid)) mentions.user_ids.push(mxid) } // Mentions scenarios 1 and 2, part A. i.e. translate relevant message.mentions to m.mentions // (Still need to do scenarios 1 and 2 part B, and scenario 3.) if (message.type === DiscordTypes.MessageType.Reply && message.message_reference?.message_id) { const row = db.prepare("SELECT event_id, room_id, source FROM event_message INNER JOIN channel_room USING (channel_id) WHERE message_id = ? AND part = 0").get(message.message_reference.message_id) if (row) { repliedToEventId = row.event_id repliedToEventRoomId = row.room_id repliedToEventOriginallyFromMatrix = row.source === 0 // source 0 = matrix } } if (repliedToEventOriginallyFromMatrix) { // Need to figure out who sent that event... const event = await api.getEvent(repliedToEventRoomId, repliedToEventId) repliedToEventSenderMxid = event.sender // Need to add the sender to m.mentions addMention(repliedToEventSenderMxid) } // Text content appears first if (message.content) { let content = message.content content = content.replace(/https:\/\/(?:ptb\.|canary\.|www\.)?discord(?:app)?\.com\/channels\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)/, (whole, guildID, channelID, messageID) => { const row = db.prepare("SELECT room_id, event_id FROM event_message INNER JOIN channel_room USING (channel_id) WHERE channel_id = ? AND message_id = ? AND part = 0").get(channelID, messageID) if (row) { return `https://matrix.to/#/${row.room_id}/${row.event_id}` } else { return `${whole} [event not found]` } }) let html = markdown.toHTML(content, { discordCallback: getDiscordParseCallbacks(message, true) }, null, null) // TODO: add a string return type to my discord-markdown library let body = markdown.toHTML(content, { discordCallback: getDiscordParseCallbacks(message, false), discordOnly: true, escapeHTML: false, }, null, null) // Mentions scenario 3: scan the message content for written @mentions of matrix users const matches = [...content.matchAll(/@([a-z0-9._]+)\b/gi)] if (matches.length && matches.some(m => m[1].match(/[a-z]/i))) { const writtenMentionsText = matches.map(m => m[1].toLowerCase()) const roomID = db.prepare("SELECT room_id FROM channel_room WHERE channel_id = ?").pluck().get(message.channel_id) const {joined} = await api.getJoinedMembers(roomID) for (const [mxid, member] of Object.entries(joined)) { if (!userRegex.some(rx => mxid.match(rx))) { const localpart = mxid.match(/@([^:]*)/) assert(localpart) if (writtenMentionsText.includes(localpart[1].toLowerCase()) || writtenMentionsText.includes(member.display_name.toLowerCase())) addMention(mxid) } } } // Fallback body/formatted_body for replies if (repliedToEventId) { let repliedToDisplayName let repliedToUserHtml if (repliedToEventOriginallyFromMatrix && repliedToEventSenderMxid) { const match = repliedToEventSenderMxid.match(/^@([^:]*)/) assert(match) repliedToDisplayName = match[1] || "a Matrix user" // grab the localpart as the display name, whatever repliedToUserHtml = `${repliedToDisplayName}` } else { repliedToDisplayName = message.referenced_message?.author.global_name || message.referenced_message?.author.username || "a Discord user" repliedToUserHtml = repliedToDisplayName } const repliedToContent = message.referenced_message?.content || "[Replied-to message content wasn't provided by Discord]" const repliedToHtml = markdown.toHTML(repliedToContent, { discordCallback: getDiscordParseCallbacks(message, true) }, null, null) const repliedToBody = markdown.toHTML(repliedToContent, { discordCallback: getDiscordParseCallbacks(message, false), discordOnly: true, escapeHTML: false, }, null, null) html = `
In reply to ${repliedToUserHtml}` + `
` + html body = (`${repliedToDisplayName}: ` // scenario 1 part B for mentions + repliedToBody).split("\n").map(line => "> " + line).join("\n") + "\n\n" + body } const newTextMessageEvent = { $type: "m.room.message", "m.mentions": mentions, msgtype: "m.text", body: body } const isPlaintext = body === html if (!isPlaintext) { Object.assign(newTextMessageEvent, { format: "org.matrix.custom.html", formatted_body: html }) } events.push(newTextMessageEvent) } // Then attachments const attachmentEvents = await Promise.all(message.attachments.map(async attachment => { // TODO: handle large files differently - link them instead of uploading if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/") && attachment.width && attachment.height) { return { $type: "m.room.message", "m.mentions": mentions, msgtype: "m.image", url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url), external_url: attachment.url, body: attachment.filename, // TODO: filename: attachment.filename and then use body as the caption info: { mimetype: attachment.content_type, w: attachment.width, h: attachment.height, size: attachment.size } } } else { return { $type: "m.room.message", "m.mentions": mentions, msgtype: "m.text", body: "Unsupported attachment:\n" + JSON.stringify(attachment, null, 2) } } })) events.push(...attachmentEvents) // Then stickers if (message.sticker_items) { const stickerEvents = await Promise.all(message.sticker_items.map(async stickerItem => { const format = file.stickerFormat.get(stickerItem.format_type) if (format?.mime) { let body = stickerItem.name const sticker = guild.stickers.find(sticker => sticker.id === stickerItem.id) if (sticker && sticker.description) body += ` - ${sticker.description}` return { $type: "m.sticker", "m.mentions": mentions, body, info: { mimetype: format.mime }, url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(file.sticker(stickerItem)) } } else { return { $type: "m.room.message", "m.mentions": mentions, msgtype: "m.text", body: "Unsupported sticker format. Name: " + stickerItem.name } } })) events.push(...stickerEvents) } // Rich replies if (repliedToEventId) { Object.assign(events[0], { "m.relates_to": { "m.in_reply_to": { event_id: repliedToEventId } } }) } return events } module.exports.messageToEvent = messageToEvent