// @ts-check const assert = require("assert").strict const {pipeline} = require("stream").promises const sharp = require("sharp") const {GIFrame} = require("giframe") const utils = require("./utils") const fetch = require("node-fetch").default const streamMimeType = require("stream-mime-type") const SIZE = 48 const RESULT_WIDTH = 400 const IMAGES_ACROSS = Math.floor(RESULT_WIDTH / SIZE) /** * Composite a bunch of Matrix emojis into a kind of spritesheet image to upload to Discord. * @param {string[]} mxcs mxc URLs, in order * @returns {Promise} PNG image */ async function compositeMatrixEmojis(mxcs) { let buffers = await Promise.all(mxcs.map(async mxc => { const abortController = new AbortController() try { const url = utils.getPublicUrlForMxc(mxc) assert(url) /** @type {import("node-fetch").Response} res */ // If it turns out to be a GIF, we want to abandon the connection without downloading the whole thing. // If we were using connection pooling, we would be forced to download the entire GIF. // So we set no agent to ensure we are not connection pooling. // @ts-ignore the signal is slightly different from the type it wants (still works fine) const res = await fetch(url, {agent: false, signal: abortController.signal}) const {stream, mime} = await streamMimeType.getMimeType(res.body) if (mime === "image/png" || mime === "image/jpeg" || mime === "image/webp") { /** @type {{info: sharp.OutputInfo, buffer: Buffer}} */ const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transformer = sharp() .resize(SIZE, SIZE, {fit: "contain"}) .png({compressionLevel: 0}) .toBuffer((err, buffer, info) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve({info, buffer}) }) pipeline( stream, transformer ) }) return result.buffer } else if (mime === "image/gif") { const giframe = new GIFrame(0) stream.on("data", chunk => { giframe.feed(chunk) }) const frame = await giframe.getFrame() const buffer = await sharp(frame.pixels, {raw: {width: frame.width, height: frame.height, channels: 4}}) .resize(SIZE, SIZE, {fit: "contain", background: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0}}) .png({compressionLevel: 0}) .toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true}) return buffer.data } else { // unsupported mime type console.error(`I don't know what a ${mime} emoji is.`) return null } } finally { abortController.abort() } })) const totalWidth = Math.min(buffers.length, IMAGES_ACROSS) * SIZE const imagesDown = Math.ceil(buffers.length / IMAGES_ACROSS) const totalHeight = imagesDown * SIZE const comp = [] let left = 0, top = 0 for (const buffer of buffers) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)) { comp.push({left, top, input: buffer}) ;(left += SIZE) + SIZE > RESULT_WIDTH && (left = 0, top += SIZE) } } const output = await sharp({create: {width: totalWidth, height: totalHeight, channels: 4, background: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, alpha: 0}}}) .composite(comp) .png() .toBuffer({resolveWithObject: true}) return output.data } module.exports.compositeMatrixEmojis = compositeMatrixEmojis