Fork 0

Refactor attachmentToEvent to a function

This commit is contained in:
Cadence Ember 2023-11-23 13:37:09 +13:00
parent 5247a5d70e
commit 39528b0557

View file

@ -86,6 +86,103 @@ const embedTitleParser = markdown.markdownEngine.parserFor({
link: undefined
* @param {{room?: boolean, user_ids?: string[]}} mentions
* @param {DiscordTypes.APIAttachment} attachment
async function attachmentToEvent(mentions, attachment) {
const emoji =
attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/jp") ? "📸"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/") ? "🖼️"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("video/") ? "🎞️"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("text/") ? "📝"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("audio/") ? "🎶"
: "📄"
// no native media spoilers in Element, so we'll post a link instead, forcing it to not preview using a blockquote
if (attachment.filename.startsWith("SPOILER_")) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.text",
body: `${emoji} Uploaded SPOILER file: ${attachment.url} (${pb(attachment.size)})`,
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: `<blockquote>${emoji} Uploaded SPOILER file: <a href="${attachment.url}"><span data-mx-spoiler>${attachment.url}</span></a> (${pb(attachment.size)})</blockquote>`
// for large files, always link them instead of uploading so I don't use up all the space in the content repo
else if (attachment.size > reg.ooye.max_file_size) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.text",
body: `${emoji} Uploaded file: ${attachment.url} (${pb(attachment.size)})`,
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: `${emoji} Uploaded file: <a href="${attachment.url}">${attachment.filename}</a> (${pb(attachment.size)})`
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/") && attachment.width && attachment.height) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.image",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
w: attachment.width,
h: attachment.height,
size: attachment.size
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("video/") && attachment.width && attachment.height) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.video",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.description || attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
w: attachment.width,
h: attachment.height,
size: attachment.size
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("audio/")) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.audio",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.description || attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
size: attachment.size,
duration: attachment.duration_secs ? attachment.duration_secs * 1000 : undefined
} else {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.file",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
size: attachment.size
* @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIMessage} message
* @param {import("discord-api-types/v10").APIGuild} guild
@ -316,98 +413,7 @@ async function messageToEvent(message, guild, options = {}, di) {
// Then attachments
const attachmentEvents = await Promise.all(message.attachments.map(async attachment => {
const emoji =
attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/jp") ? "📸"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/") ? "🖼️"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("video/") ? "🎞️"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("text/") ? "📝"
: attachment.content_type?.startsWith("audio/") ? "🎶"
: "📄"
// no native media spoilers in Element, so we'll post a link instead, forcing it to not preview using a blockquote
if (attachment.filename.startsWith("SPOILER_")) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.text",
body: `${emoji} Uploaded SPOILER file: ${attachment.url} (${pb(attachment.size)})`,
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: `<blockquote>${emoji} Uploaded SPOILER file: <a href="${attachment.url}"><span data-mx-spoiler>${attachment.url}</span></a> (${pb(attachment.size)})</blockquote>`
// for large files, always link them instead of uploading so I don't use up all the space in the content repo
else if (attachment.size > reg.ooye.max_file_size) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.text",
body: `${emoji} Uploaded file: ${attachment.url} (${pb(attachment.size)})`,
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: `${emoji} Uploaded file: <a href="${attachment.url}">${attachment.filename}</a> (${pb(attachment.size)})`
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("image/") && attachment.width && attachment.height) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.image",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
w: attachment.width,
h: attachment.height,
size: attachment.size
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("video/") && attachment.width && attachment.height) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.video",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.description || attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
w: attachment.width,
h: attachment.height,
size: attachment.size
} else if (attachment.content_type?.startsWith("audio/")) {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.audio",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.description || attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
size: attachment.size,
duration: attachment.duration_secs ? attachment.duration_secs * 1000 : undefined
} else {
return {
$type: "m.room.message",
"m.mentions": mentions,
msgtype: "m.file",
url: await file.uploadDiscordFileToMxc(attachment.url),
external_url: attachment.url,
body: attachment.filename,
filename: attachment.filename,
info: {
mimetype: attachment.content_type,
size: attachment.size
const attachmentEvents = await Promise.all(message.attachments.map(attachmentToEvent.bind(null, mentions)))
// Then embeds