Fork 0

guard for errors on matrix event dispatcher

This commit is contained in:
Cadence Ember 2023-08-19 18:40:46 +12:00
parent 4635200bcb
commit 0f20dcab6d

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@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
// @ts-check
* Grab Matrix events we care about, check them, and bridge them.
const util = require("util")
const Ty = require("../types")
const {sync, as} = require("../passthrough")
@ -13,21 +14,58 @@ const sendEvent = sync.require("./actions/send-event")
const addReaction = sync.require("./actions/add-reaction")
/** @type {import("./converters/utils")} */
const utils = sync.require("./converters/utils")
/** @type {import("../matrix/api")}) */
const api = sync.require("../matrix/api")
sync.addTemporaryListener(as, "type:m.room.message",
let lastReportedEvent = 0
function guard(type, fn) {
return async function(event, ...args) {
try {
return await fn(event, ...args)
} catch (e) {
console.error("hit event-dispatcher's error handler with this exception:")
console.error(e) // TODO: also log errors into a file or into the database, maybe use a library for this? or just wing it?
console.error(`while handling this ${type} gateway event:`)
console.dir(event, {depth: null})
if (Date.now() - lastReportedEvent < 5000) return
lastReportedEvent = Date.now()
let stackLines = e.stack.split("\n")
api.sendEvent(event.room_id, "m.room.message", {
msgtype: "m.text",
body: "\u26a0 Matrix event not delivered to Discord. See formatted content for full details.",
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: "\u26a0 <strong>Matrix event not delivered to Discord</strong>"
+ `<br>Event type: ${type}`
+ `<br>${e.toString()}`
+ `<details><summary>Error trace</summary>`
+ `<pre>${stackLines.join("\n")}</pre></details>`
+ `<details><summary>Original payload</summary>`
+ `<pre>${util.inspect(event, false, 4, false)}</pre></details>`,
"m.mentions": {
user_ids: ["@cadence:cadence.moe"]
sync.addTemporaryListener(as, "type:m.room.message", guard("m.room.message",
* @param {Ty.Event.Outer<Ty.Event.M_Room_Message>} event it is a m.room.message because that's what this listener is filtering for
async event => {
if (utils.eventSenderIsFromDiscord(event.sender)) return
const messageResponses = await sendEvent.sendEvent(event)
sync.addTemporaryListener(as, "type:m.reaction",
sync.addTemporaryListener(as, "type:m.reaction", guard("m.reaction",
* @param {Ty.Event.Outer<Ty.Event.M_Reaction>} event it is a m.reaction because that's what this listener is filtering for
async event => {
if (utils.eventSenderIsFromDiscord(event.sender)) return
await addReaction.addReaction(event)