import { commands, internalMessage } from '@goosemod/patcher'; const get = (url, callback) => { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.onload = () => { var status = xhr.status; if (status == 200) { callback(null, xhr.response); } else { callback(status); } }; xhr.send(); }; export default { goosemodHandlers: { onImport: () => { commands.add( 'docs', 'Sends documentation about the specified query.', (args) => { var queryString = args.query[0].text; get(`${queryString}`, (err, data) => { if (err != null) { console.error(err); } else { data['type'] = 'rich'; internalMessage(data); } }); }, [{ type: 3, name: 'query', description: 'What to query the docs with.', required: true }], ); }, onRemove: () => { commands.remove('docs'); }, }, };