import ModuleRepos from './modules/index.js'; import AutoTag from './autoTag.js'; import WebhookSend from './webhook.js'; import ImageCDN from './imageCdn.js'; import AuthorGen from './authorGen.js'; import SiteGen from './siteGen/index.js'; import Parcel from 'parcel-bundler'; import axios from 'axios'; import glob from 'glob'; import { rmSync, mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync } from 'fs'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; import { dirname, sep } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; try { import Env from './env.js'; } catch (error) { if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error; githubPAT = process.env.GHTOKEN; } const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const clonesDir = `${__dirname.replace(`${sep}src`, '')}/clones`; const distDir = `${__dirname.replace(`${sep}src`, '')}/dist`; global.distDir = distDir; const modulesDir = `${distDir}/module`; const resetDir = (dir) => { rmSync(dir, { recursive: true, force: true }); mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true }); }; if (process.argv[2] === '-f') { resetDir(clonesDir); resetDir(distDir); resetDir(modulesDir); } let previous = []; if (existsSync(clonesDir)) { for (const cloneDir of glob.sync(`${clonesDir}/*/*`)) { process.chdir(cloneDir); const currentHash = await new Promise((res) => exec(`git rev-parse HEAD`, (err, stdout) => res(stdout.trim()))); const moduleInRepos = (x) => x.modules.filter( (y) => y[0] === cloneDir.replace(`${clonesDir}/`, '') && (y[1] === currentHash || !y[1]) ) ).find((x) => x.length > 0); if (moduleInRepos) { previous = previous.concat(moduleInRepos); } } } import { exec } from 'child_process'; const parcelOptions = { minify: true, watch: false, sourceMaps: false, outDir: modulesDir, logLevel: 0 }; const githubCache = {}; const getGithubInfo = async (repo) => { if (githubCache[repo]) return githubCache[repo]; const info = (await axios.get(`${repo}`, { headers: { 'Authorization': `token ${Env.github}` } })).data; githubCache[repo] = info; return info; }; for (const parentRepo of ModuleRepos) { let moduleJson = { modules: [], meta: parentRepo.meta }; const repoJsonPath = `${distDir}/${parentRepo.filename}.json`; const currentRepoJson = existsSync(repoJsonPath) ? JSON.parse(readFileSync(repoJsonPath, 'utf8')) : undefined; for (const repo of parentRepo.modules) { console.time(repo.slice(0, 2).join(' @ ')+`${repo[2] ? ` ${repo[2]}` : ''}`); const name = repo[0]; const cloneDir = `${clonesDir}/${name}`; let moduleDir = repo[2] || ''; try { if (previous.includes(repo)) { let currentModule = currentRepoJson.modules.filter((x) => x?.github?.repo === repo[0]); if (currentModule.length > 1) { const manifest = JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${cloneDir}${moduleDir}/goosemodModule.json`)); currentModule = currentModule.find((x) => ===; } else { currentModule = currentModule[0]; } moduleJson.modules.push(currentModule); process.stdout.write('[SKIP] '); console.timeEnd(repo.slice(0, 2).join(' @ ') + `${repo[2] ? ` ${repo[2]}` : ''}`); continue; } } catch (e) { console.log('Cache fail', repo[0], e); } let githubInfo = getGithubInfo(repo[0]); // console.log(repo); const url = `${repo[0]}.git`; const commitHash = repo[1]; const preprocessor = repo[3]; // resetDir(cloneDir); // rmSync(cloneDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); if (existsSync(cloneDir)) { process.chdir(cloneDir); const currentHash = await new Promise((res) => exec(`git rev-parse HEAD`, (err, stdout) => res(stdout.trim()))); if (currentHash !== repo[1] && repo[1] !== '') rmSync(cloneDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); } process.chdir(distDir); // Incase current wd is broken, in which case exec / git crashes await new Promise((res) => exec(`git clone ${url} ${cloneDir}`, res)); process.chdir(cloneDir); const lastHash = await new Promise((res) => exec(`git rev-parse HEAD`, (err, stdout) => res(stdout.trim()))); await new Promise((res) => exec(`git checkout ${commitHash}`, res)); const commitTimestamp = await new Promise((res) => exec(`git log -1 --format="%at" | xargs -I{} date -d @{} +%s`, (err, stdout) => res(stdout.trim()))); if (preprocessor) { const preOut = (await import(`./preprocessors/${preprocessor}.js`)).default(`${cloneDir}${moduleDir}`, repo); if (preOut !== undefined) { moduleDir = preOut; } } const manifest = JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${cloneDir}${moduleDir}/goosemodModule.json`)); // console.log(manifest); const outFile = `${}.js`; const bundler = new Parcel(`${cloneDir}${moduleDir}/${manifest.main}`, Object.assign(parcelOptions, { outFile })); const bundle = await bundler.bundle(); const outPath = `${modulesDir}/${outFile}`; let jsCode = readFileSync(outPath, 'utf8'); jsCode = `${jsCode};parcelRequire('${bundle.entryAsset.basename}').default`; // Make eval return the index module's default export // console.log(jsCode); writeFileSync(outPath, jsCode); const jsHash = createHash('sha512').update(jsCode).digest('hex'); githubInfo = await githubInfo; // GitHub info is gotten async during other stuff to reduce time const manifestJson = { name:, description: manifest.description, version: manifest.version, tags: AutoTag(jsCode, manifest.tags), authors: manifest.authors, hash: jsHash, github: { stars: githubInfo.stargazers_count, repo: repo[0] }, lastUpdated: parseInt(commitTimestamp), ...repo[4] }; if (manifest.images) manifestJson.images = manifest.images; if (manifest.dependencies) manifestJson.dependencies = manifest.dependencies; manifestJson.images = await ImageCDN(manifestJson); if (Array.isArray(manifestJson.authors)) manifestJson.authors = await Promise.all( (x) => { if (x.match(/^[0-9]{17,18}$/)) { return await AuthorGen(x); } return x; })); moduleJson.modules.push(manifestJson); console.timeEnd(repo.slice(0, 2).join(' @ ')+`${repo[2] ? ` ${repo[2]}` : ''}`); // console.log(lastHash); if (commitHash !== '' && lastHash !== commitHash) { console.log('[Warning] Commit hash in modules does not match latest commit in repo'); } } moduleJson.modules = moduleJson.modules.filter((x) => x !== null); writeFileSync(repoJsonPath, JSON.stringify(moduleJson)); } <<<<<<< HEAD writeFileSync(`${distDir}/modules.json`, JSON.stringify(oldTotalModulesJson)); <<<<<<< HEAD copyFileSync(`${__dirname.replace('/src', '')}/_headers`, `${distDir}/_headers`); WebhookSend(); ======= copyFileSync(`${__dirname.replace(`${sep}src`, '')}/_headers`, `${distDir}/_headers`); >>>>>>> 66b474c (Fix error on Windows (#9)) ======= await SiteGen(); >>>>>>> 736a0e1 ([SiteGen] Initial add (also remove deprecated modules.json))