import showToast from '@goosemod/toast'; import { commands } from '@goosemod/patcher'; export default class Plugin { constructor() { this.patches = []; this.commands = []; this.stylesheets = []; } command(...args) { this.commands.push(args[0]); commands.add(...args); } enqueueUnpatch(unpatch) { this.patches.push(unpatch); } addCss(css) { const el = document.createElement('style'); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); // Load the stylesheet via style element w/ CSS text document.head.appendChild(el); this.stylesheets.push(el); // Push to internal array so we can remove the elements on unload } toast(content, options) { showToast(content, { subtext:, ...options }); } goosemodHandlers = { onImport: () => { this.onImport(); }, onRemove: () => { this.patches.forEach((x) => x()); this.stylesheets.forEach((x) => x.remove()); this.commands.forEach((x) => commands.remove(x)); this.onRemove(); } } }