# Documentation User-made documentation for [GooseMod](https://goosemod.com). [View the documentation](https://novagm.github.io/Documentation). ## Adding content To add content to this documentation, first fork it to have your own copy of the repo. Clone your fork and make your edits there. To add a page, add a MarkDown `.md` file to one of the categories (eg: `module-development/`). You can also add your own category by adding a directory with a `README.md` file inside, that describes what your category is about and lists the category's files by adding this line: ``` {% include list.liquid all=true %} ``` By default Jekyll will pull the first title as the page's title, but that can be overwritten with front matter at the top of your page: ```yaml --- title: Your title # other front matter definitions --- ``` To sort a category's pages, add a `sort` property to the pages' front matter section: ```yaml --- # other front matter definitions sort: --- ``` ## Updating the documentation website Before pushing your edits to the documentation, you may want to see what they look like. To do so, you need to: - have a local [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org) environment - install the `bundler` and `jekyll` gems `gem install bundler jekyll` - install this project's specific requirements: `bundle install` (or `bundle update` if you already built it before) - run Jekyll: `bundle exec jekyll serve` - open the address that is returned on the terminal in your browser (usually ``) To push your modifications to the documentation, push your modifications to your fork and submit a pull request to this one. No particular operation is needed, [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com) will update the documentation's website whenever commits are pushed to this repo. ## Additional resources - GH Pages: [Github Pages docs](https://docs.github.com/en/github/working-with-github-pages/setting-up-a-github-pages-site-with-jekyll) - Generator: [Jekyll docs](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/) - Theme: [jekyll-rtd-theme](https://jekyll-rtd-theme.rundocs.io/) and [rundocs.io](https://rundocs.io/)