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2021-10-02 23:37:12 +00:00
package com.lagradost.cloudstream3
2022-08-06 08:13:21 +00:00
// import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.APIHolder.allProviders
// import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.mvvm.logError
// import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.Qualities
// import com.lagradost.cloudstream3.utils.SubtitleHelper
// import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
// import org.junit.Assert
// import org.junit.Test
2021-10-02 23:37:12 +00:00
class ProviderTests {
2022-08-06 08:13:21 +00:00
// private fun getAllProviders(): List<MainAPI> {
// return allProviders.filter { !it.usesWebView }
// }
// private suspend fun loadLinks(api: MainAPI, url: String?): Boolean {
// Assert.assertNotNull("Api ${} has invalid url on episode", url)
// if (url == null) return true
// var linksLoaded = 0
// try {
// val success = api.loadLinks(url, false, {}) { link ->
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Api ${} returns link with invalid Quality",
// Qualities.values().map { it.value }.contains(link.quality)
// )
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Api ${} returns link with invalid url",
// link.url.length > 4
// )
// linksLoaded++
// }
// if (success) {
// return linksLoaded > 0
// }
// Assert.assertTrue("Api ${} has returns false on .loadLinks", success)
// } catch (e: Exception) {
// if (e.cause is NotImplementedError) {
//"Provider has not implemented .loadLinks")
// }
// logError(e)
// }
// return true
// }
// private suspend fun testSingleProviderApi(api: MainAPI): Boolean {
// val searchQueries = listOf("over", "iron", "guy")
// var correctResponses = 0
// var searchResult: List<SearchResponse>? = null
// for (query in searchQueries) {
// val response = try {
// } catch (e: Exception) {
// if (e.cause is NotImplementedError) {
//"Provider has not implemented .search")
// }
// logError(e)
// null
// }
// if (!response.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// correctResponses++
// if (searchResult == null) {
// searchResult = response
// }
// }
// }
// if (correctResponses == 0 || searchResult == null) {
// System.err.println("Api ${} did not return any valid search responses")
// return false
// }
// try {
// var validResults = false
// for (result in searchResult) {
// Assert.assertEquals(
// "Invalid apiName on response on ${}",
// result.apiName,
// )
// val load = api.load(result.url) ?: continue
// Assert.assertEquals(
// "Invalid apiName on load on ${}",
// load.apiName,
// result.apiName
// )
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Api ${} on load does not contain any of the supportedTypes",
// api.supportedTypes.contains(load.type)
// )
// when (load) {
// is AnimeLoadResponse -> {
// val gotNoEpisodes =
// load.episodes.keys.isEmpty() || load.episodes.keys.any { load.episodes[it].isNullOrEmpty() }
// if (gotNoEpisodes) {
// println("Api ${} got no episodes on ${load.url}")
// continue
// }
// val url = (load.episodes[load.episodes.keys.first()])?.first()?.data
// validResults = loadLinks(api, url)
// if (!validResults) continue
// }
// is MovieLoadResponse -> {
// val gotNoEpisodes = load.dataUrl.isBlank()
// if (gotNoEpisodes) {
// println("Api ${} got no movie on ${load.url}")
// continue
// }
// validResults = loadLinks(api, load.dataUrl)
// if (!validResults) continue
// }
// is TvSeriesLoadResponse -> {
// val gotNoEpisodes = load.episodes.isEmpty()
// if (gotNoEpisodes) {
// println("Api ${} got no episodes on ${load.url}")
// continue
// }
// validResults = loadLinks(api, load.episodes.first().data)
// if (!validResults) continue
// }
// }
// break
// }
// Assert.assertTrue("Api ${} did not load on any}", validResults)
// } catch (e: Exception) {
// if (e.cause is NotImplementedError) {
//"Provider has not implemented .load")
// }
// logError(e)
// return false
// }
// return true
// }
// @Test
// fun providersExist() {
// Assert.assertTrue(getAllProviders().isNotEmpty())
// }
// @Test
// fun providerCorrectData() {
// val isoNames = { it.ISO_639_1 }
// Assert.assertFalse("ISO does not contain any languages", isoNames.isNullOrEmpty())
// for (api in getAllProviders()) {
// Assert.assertTrue("Api does not contain a mainUrl", api.mainUrl != "NONE")
// Assert.assertTrue("Api does not contain a name", != "NONE")
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Api ${} does not contain a valid language code",
// isoNames.contains(api.lang)
// )
// Assert.assertTrue(
// "Api ${} does not contain any supported types",
// api.supportedTypes.isNotEmpty()
// )
// }
// }
// @Test
// fun providerCorrectHomepage() {
// runBlocking {
// getAllProviders().apmap { api ->
// if (api.hasMainPage) {
// try {
// val homepage = api.getMainPage()
// when {
// homepage == null -> {
//"Homepage provider ${} did not correctly load homepage!")
// }
// homepage.items.isEmpty() -> {
//"Homepage provider ${} does not contain any items!")
// }
// homepage.items.any { it.list.isEmpty() } -> {
//"Homepage provider ${} does not have any items on result!")
// }
// }
// } catch (e: Exception) {
// if (e.cause is NotImplementedError) {
//"Provider marked as hasMainPage, while in reality is has not been implemented")
// }
// logError(e)
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // @Test
// // fun testSingleProvider() {
// // testSingleProviderApi(ThenosProvider())
// // }
// @Test
// suspend fun providerCorrect() {
// val invalidProvider = ArrayList<Pair<MainAPI, Exception?>>()
// val providers = getAllProviders()
// providers.apmap { api ->
// try {
// println("Trying $api")
// if (testSingleProviderApi(api)) {
// println("Success $api")
// } else {
// System.err.println("Error $api")
// invalidProvider.add(Pair(api, null))
// }
// } catch (e: Exception) {
// logError(e)
// invalidProvider.add(Pair(api, e))
// }
// }
// println("Invalid providers are: ")
// for (provider in invalidProvider) {
// println("${provider.first}")
// }
// }
2021-10-02 23:37:12 +00:00