# mvvm_template [![Powered by Mason](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fmason-badge)](https://github.com/felangel/mason) A new brick created with the Mason CLI. _Generated by [mason][1] 🧱_ ## Getting Started 🚀 This is a starting point for a new brick. A few resources to get you started if this is your first brick template: - [Official Mason Documentation][2] - [Code generation with Mason Blog][3] - [Very Good Livestream: Felix Angelov Demos Mason][4] - [Flutter Package of the Week: Mason][5] - [Observable Flutter: Building a Mason brick][6] - [Meet Mason: Flutter Vikings 2022][7] [1]: https://github.com/felangel/mason [2]: https://docs.brickhub.dev [3]: https://verygood.ventures/blog/code-generation-with-mason [4]: https://youtu.be/G4PTjA6tpTU [5]: https://youtu.be/qjA0JFiPMnQ [6]: https://youtu.be/o8B1EfcUisw [7]: https://youtu.be/LXhgiF5HiQg