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2023-01-10 13:15:29 +00:00
# Lunatech COVID Assessment Instructions
Wed like to invite you to do a code assessment as discussed during your
interview. Please read these instructions carefully to ensure that you implement
everything as expected. *Be sure to do your work on a separate branch and when
you are ready for your code to be reviewed, open a pull request to the main
branch*. This is important as it will signify that you've completed the
assessment. After completing the assessment, developers from Lunatech will
review your code and you'll be given the chance to "hand off" the application to
them. You'll give a demo of your app, explain your technical choices, and
discuss the application with them.
The code assessment is not a puzzle; it's not meant to be tricky or confusing.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us, we'll be glad to answer
## Guidelines
- Approach this assessment if as you were developing a real world project. We
want to see how you conduct your engineering practice (project structure,
code quality, readability, documentation and so on). GitHub Actions are
enabled for this repo, so feel free to use them.
- The one week limit is to be able to give rapid feedback, you can have more
time, just send us an email. Its OK if you havent completed all the
requirements, the exercise is meant to start a discussion. Remember:
Quality over Quantity.
- When you're complete, make sure all of your code is pushed up to this repo
and let us know.
- You're free to use whatever tech stack you're comfortable with, just make
sure the stack makes sense given the assignment
## The Details
The goal of this assessment is to produce a web application written in Java or
Scala, using data available in this repository. This application covers the
following requirements:
### Query:
For this endpoint, given a country name, and date (eg. 14-06-2020), get the daily
infections and deaths up until, and including, the specified date. For bonus points,
make the test partial/fuzzy (e.g. entering 'Zimb' will result in 'Zimbabwe').
### Reports:
This endpoint will return to the user the following reports:
- 10 countries with the highest vaccinations (with count), and countries
with lowest number of vaccinations.
- 10 countries with the highest infections per 100k inhabitants (with count)
- Bonus: If we consider all populations wants to become fully vaccinated (there is
no such thing as an Anti-Vaxxer), print countries that haven't vaccinated their
whole population with at least one shot or jab.
## Setup
To speed up the assessment development, we have provided a `docker-compose` file that
will run a [PostgreSQL]( instance with all the data loaded,
which you can start with the following command: `docker-compose up`. You can connect to
this instance from your application with the following values:
JDBC URL = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/lunatech_covid
Username = postgres
Password = postgres
The schema is defined within the file `schema.sql` in the `database-init`
folder. For whatever reason if you want to change anything in the
`docker-compose` or re-use it in your own `docker-compose`, feel free. It's
provided for your convenience.