namespace Configuration { public sealed class DemoApplicationConfiguration { private FileInfo[] jsonFiles; public FileInfo[] JsonFilesInfo { get { return jsonFiles; } private set { jsonFiles = value.Reverse().ToArray(); } } private FileInfo outputFile; public FileInfo OutputFile{ get {return outputFile;} private set { if (!canCreateFile(value.FullName)) throw new DemoApplicationConfigurationException($"Given output name '{value.FullName}' cannot be used"); outputFile = value; } } public static DemoApplicationConfiguration InitializeFrom(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 3) throw new DemoApplicationConfigurationException("Must have atleast: 1 flag, 1 path, 1 output filename"); var outputFileName = new FileInfo(args.Last()); // Remove last file-name arg, to get a more consistent array var strippedArgs = args.SkipLast(1).ToArray(); string[] givenFlags = strippedArgs.Where((value, index) => index % 2 == 0).ToArray(); string[] givenFilePaths = strippedArgs.Where((value, index) => index % 2 != 0).ToArray(); try { // Assert only a single 'd' was passed if ( givenFlags.Length == 1 && givenFlags[0].Equals("-d") ) { string[] filesInDirectory = Directory.GetFiles(givenFilePaths[0]); return new DemoApplicationConfiguration { OutputFile = outputFileName, JsonFilesInfo = filesInDirectory.Select(name => new FileInfo(name)).ToArray(), }; } // Assert only '-f' were passed else if (givenFlags.All((string flag) => flag.Equals("-f"))) { return new DemoApplicationConfiguration { OutputFile = outputFileName, JsonFilesInfo = givenFilePaths.Select(name => new FileInfo(name)).ToArray(), }; } else { throw new DemoApplicationConfigurationException("Must have either 1 flag that is '-d', or all flags must be '-f"); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong"); throw; } } private static bool canCreateFile(string filename) { try { using (File.Create(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); return true; } } catch { return false; } } [Serializable] internal sealed class DemoApplicationConfigurationException : Exception { public DemoApplicationConfigurationException() { } public DemoApplicationConfigurationException(string? message) : base(message) { } } } }