
54 lines
1.6 KiB

use std::{fs, sync::Arc};
use libloading::{Library, Symbol};
use log::{debug, trace};
use crate::{commands, plugins::Registrar};
use super::{PluginManager, PluginManagerType};
/// Plugins and Commands loader
pub fn loader() -> anyhow::Result<PluginManagerType> {
// get path to .so lib from command argument
let config_dir = "./plugins";
let paths = fs::read_dir(config_dir)?;
// create a plugin manager
let mut plugin_manager = PluginManager::new();
// register default commands
for command in commands::register_commands() {
// for all plugin in directory
for path in paths {
// get library file path
let path = path?.path();
let plugin_path = path.to_str().unwrap_or("unknown");
// log debug info
debug!("Loading plugin `{}`", plugin_path);
// loading library with .so is unsafe
unsafe {
// load library
// Box::new and Box::leak must be there because if it isn't there it throws a segmentation fault
let lib = Box::leak(Box::new(Library::new(&path)?));
// get `plugin_entry` from library
trace!("Finding symbol `plugin_entry` in `{}`", plugin_path);
let func: Symbol<unsafe extern "C" fn(&mut dyn Registrar) -> ()> =
// execute initial plugin function
trace!("Running `plugin_entry(...)` in plugin `{}`", plugin_path);
func(&mut plugin_manager);
// return a `PluginManager`